Le repo des sources pour le site web des JM2L
Você não pode selecionar mais de 25 tópicos Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres.

249 linhas
9.4 KiB

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. <%inherit file="jm2l:templates/layout.mako"/>
  3. <%def name="cssAddOn()">
  4. <style>
  5. .data {
  6. display:none;
  7. }
  8. .table thead th {
  9. background-color: lightblue;
  10. vertical-align:middle;
  11. text-align:center;
  12. }
  13. th.SortUp {
  14. background: url("/static/img/up.gif") right center no-repeat;
  15. }
  16. th.SortDown {
  17. background: url("/static/img/down.gif") right center no-repeat;
  18. }
  19. </style>
  20. </%def>
  21. <script src="/vendor/jquery.min.js"></script>
  22. <script>
  23. $(function () {
  24. $('th').click(function(){
  25. var table = $(this).parents('table').eq(0)
  26. var rows = table.find("tr:not(:has('th'))").toArray().sort(comparer($(this).index(),this.asc))
  27. this.asc = !this.asc
  28. table.find('th').removeClass( "SortDown SortUp" );
  29. if (!this.asc){
  30. rows = rows.reverse();
  31. table.find('th:eq('+$(this).index()+')').toggleClass('SortDown');
  32. } else {
  33. table.find('th:eq('+$(this).index()+')').toggleClass('SortUp');
  34. }
  35. for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++){table.append(rows[i])}
  36. })
  37. function comparer(index, order) {
  38. if (index==3 || index==7)
  39. return function(a, b) {
  40. var dateA = new Date(getCellValue(a, index)).getTime();
  41. var dateB = new Date(getCellValue(b, index)).getTime();
  42. if (isNaN(dateA) && isNaN(dateB)) return 0
  43. if (isNaN(dateA)) return order ? -1 : 1
  44. if (isNaN(dateB)) return order ? 1 : -1
  45. return dateA > dateB ? 1 : -1;
  46. }
  47. else
  48. return function(a, b) {
  49. var valA = getCellValue(a, index), valB = getCellValue(b, index)
  50. if (valA==="" && valB==="") return 0
  51. if (valA==="") return order ? -1 : 1
  52. if (valB==="") return order ? 1 : -1
  53. return $.isNumeric(valA) && $.isNumeric(valB) ? valA - valB : valA.localeCompare(valB)
  54. }
  55. }
  56. function no_accent(my_string) {
  57. var new_string = "";
  58. var pattern_accent = new Array("é", "è", "ê", "ë", "ç", "à", "â", "ä", "î", "ï", "ù", "ô", "ó", "ö");
  59. var pattern_replace_accent = new Array("e", "e", "e", "e", "c", "a", "a", "a", "i", "i", "u", "o", "o", "o");
  60. if (my_string && my_string!= "") {
  61. for(var i = 0; i < pattern_accent.length; i++){
  62. my_string = my_string.replace(pattern_accent[i], pattern_replace_accent[i]);
  63. }
  64. }
  65. return my_string;
  66. }
  67. function getCellValue(row, index){
  68. switch (index) {
  69. case 0: // Name
  70. return no_accent( $(row).children('td').eq(index).children('a').text().toLowerCase() );
  71. break;
  72. default:
  73. return no_accent( $(row).children('td').eq(index).children('span').text() );
  74. //return $(row).children('td').eq(index).html();
  75. }
  76. }
  77. // additional code to apply a filter
  78. $('table').each(function(){
  79. var table = $(this)
  80. var headers = table.find('th').length;
  81. var filterrow = table.find('th:first()').prepend($('<div>').attr('class','input-append').click(function(){return false;}));
  82. filterrow.find('div').append($('<input>').attr('type','text').keyup(function(){
  83. table.find('tr').show()
  84. filterrow.find('input[type=text]').each(function(){
  85. var index = $(this).parent().index() + 1;
  86. var filter = $(this).val() != '';
  87. $(this).toggleClass('filtered', filter);
  88. if (filter){
  89. var el = 'td:nth-child('+index+') > span.data';
  90. var criteria = ":contains('"+$(this).val().toLowerCase()+"')";
  91. table.find(el+':not('+no_accent(criteria)+')').parent().parent().hide();
  92. }
  93. });
  94. }));
  95. filterrow.find('div').append($('<span>').attr('class','btn').attr('type','button').text('C').click(function(){
  96. $(this).parent().parent().find('input[type=text]').val('').toggleClass('filtered', false)
  97. table.find('tr').show()
  98. }))
  99. })
  100. });
  101. </script>
  102. <%
  103. import datetime
  104. import itertools
  105. now = datetime.datetime.now()
  106. %>
  107. <form class="filterform" action="#">
  108. <table class="table table-bordered table-hover">
  109. <thead>
  110. <tr>
  111. <th style="width:7em;text-align:center;"></th>
  112. <th style="width:5em;text-align:center;">Visite</th>
  113. <th style="width:7em;text-align:center;">Activité</th>
  114. <th style="text-align:center;">Arrivée prévue</th>
  115. <th style="width:5em;text-align:center;">${DicRepas['Ven']} Repas Vendredi</th>
  116. <th style="width:5em;text-align:center;">${DicRepas['Midi']} Repas Midi </th>
  117. <th style="width:5em;text-align:center;">${DicRepas['Soir']} Repas Soir</th>
  118. <th style="text-align:center;">Départ prévu</th>
  119. <th style="text-align:center;">Notes</th>
  120. </tr>
  121. </thead>
  122. <tbody id="list">
  123. % for u, s in Users:
  124. <tr>
  125. <td style="text-align:center;">
  126. <span class="data">${u.slug}</span>
  127. <a href="/MesJM2L?user=${u.uid}">${u.nom} ${u.prenom}</a><br />
  128. <span style="align:center">
  129. ${u.vote_logo}
  130. <a href="mailto:${u.mail}">
  131. <i class="icon-envelope"></i>
  132. </a>
  133. % if u.Staff==1:
  134. <a href="javascript:alert('${u.nom}, ${u.prenom}\nStaff JM2L');">
  135. <i class="icon-star"></i>
  136. </a>
  137. % endif
  138. % if u.Staff==0:
  139. <a href="javascript:alert('${u.nom}, ${u.prenom}\nIntervenant');">
  140. <i class="icon-user"></i>
  141. </a>
  142. % endif
  143. % if u.active==0:
  144. <a href="javascript:alert('${u.nom}, ${u.prenom}\nInactive');">
  145. <i class="icon-ban-circle"></i>
  146. </a>
  147. % endif
  148. % if u.phone:
  149. <a href="javascript:alert('${u.nom}, ${u.prenom}\n${u.phone}');">
  150. <i class="icon-headphones"></i>
  151. </a>
  152. % endif
  153. <a href="/user/${u.slug}/badge">
  154. <i class="icon-qrcode"></i>
  155. </a>
  156. </span>
  157. </td>
  158. <td style="text-align:center;">
  159. <span class="data">${(now - u.last_logged).days}</span>${(now - u.last_logged).days} j
  160. </td>
  161. <td style="text-align:center;">
  162. % if u.events:
  163. <span class="data">${len(u.events)}</span>
  164. <select style="width:7em;">
  165. <option><strong>${len(u.events)} Intérv.</strong></option>
  166. % for y, g in itertools.groupby(sorted(u.events, key=lambda k:k.for_year, reverse=True), key=lambda k:k.for_year):
  167. <OPTGROUP LABEL="${y}">
  168. % for event in g:
  169. ${event.for_year}
  170. <OPTION onclick="location='/event/${event.for_year}/${event.slug}';">${event.event_type} - ${event.name}</OPTION>
  171. % endfor
  172. </OPTGROUP>
  173. % endfor
  174. </select>
  175. %else:
  176. <span class="data"></span>
  177. <i> - </i>
  178. % endif
  179. </td>
  180. <td style="text-align:center;">
  181. % if s and s.arrival_time:
  182. <span class="data">${s.arrival_time.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')}</span>
  183. ${s.arrival_time.strftime('%a %d <strong>%H:%M</strong>') | n}<br/>
  184. ${s.arrival_place}
  185. % if s.arrival_text:
  186. - NB: <strong>${s.arrival_text}</strong>
  187. % endif
  188. %else:
  189. <span class="data"></span>
  190. <i>Pas d'informations</i>
  191. % endif
  192. </td>
  193. % if s and s.repas:
  194. % for i, d in enumerate(['Ven Soir', 'Sam midi', 'Sam soir']):
  195. <td style="text-align:center">
  196. % if (s.repas & 2**i):
  197. <span class="data">Oui</span>Oui
  198. % else:
  199. <span class="data">Non</span>Non
  200. % endif
  201. </td>
  202. % endfor
  203. %else:
  204. <td style="text-align:center;" colspan="3">
  205. <i>Pas d'informations</i>
  206. </td>
  207. % endif
  208. </td>
  209. <td style="text-align:center;">
  210. % if s and s.depart_time:
  211. <span class="data">${s.depart_time.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')}</span>
  212. ${s.depart_time.strftime('%a %d <strong>%H:%M</strong>') | n}<br/>
  213. ${s.depart_place}
  214. % if s.depart_text:
  215. - NB: <strong>${s.arrival_text}</strong>
  216. % endif
  217. %else:
  218. <span class="data"></span>
  219. <i>Pas d'informations</i>
  220. % endif
  221. </td>
  222. <td>
  223. % if s:
  224. % if s.repas_allerg:
  225. <u>Allergies</u> : ${s.repas_allerg}<br/>
  226. % endif
  227. % if s.repas_contr:
  228. <u>Contraintes</u> : ${s.repas_contr}<br/>
  229. % endif
  230. % endif
  231. </td>
  232. </tr>
  233. % endfor
  234. </tbody>
  235. </table>
  236. </form>