# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound, HTTPNotFound, HTTPForbidden
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPBadRequest, HTTPUnauthorized
from pyramid.renderers import render_to_response
from pyramid.response import Response
from pyramid.view import notfound_view_config, forbidden_view_config
from pyramid.view import view_config
from pyramid_mailer import get_mailer
from mako.template import Template
# Import Web Forms
from .forms import *
# Database access imports
from .models import *
from sqlalchemy.exc import DBAPIError
from sqlalchemy import func, or_
# Usefull tools
from slugify import slugify
from icalendar import Calendar
from pytz import timezone
from icalendar import Event as Evt
from pyramid_mailer import get_mailer
from pyramid_mailer.message import Attachment, Message
# Then, standard libs
import webhelpers.paginate as paginate
import unicodedata
import time
import datetime
import re
CurrentYear = 2015
## =-=- Here, We keep some usefull function -=-=
def remove_accents(input_str):
""" This function is intended to remove all accent from input unicode string """
nkfd_form = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', input_str)
only_ascii = nkfd_form.encode('ASCII', 'ignore')
return only_ascii
## =-=- Here, We handle ICal requests -=-=
@view_config(route_name='progr_iCal', renderer="string")
def ICal_Progamme_Request(request):
year = int(request.matchdict.get('year', CurrentYear))
# Initialization
DicResult = dict()
# Query database
# Compute days used by all events matching the specified input year
Events = DBSession.query(Event)\
.filter(Event.for_year == year)\
.filter(Event.event_type != 'Stand')\
cal = Calendar()
cal.add('prodid', '-//Programme %d//jm2l.linux-azur.org//' % year)
cal.add('version', '2.0')
tz = timezone('Europe/Paris')
for ev in Events:
if ev.event_type:
event = Evt()
event['uid'] = "%d/%d" % ( year, ev.uid )
event.add('summary', ev.name )
event.add('dtstart', ev.start_time.replace(tzinfo=tz) )
event.add('dtend', ev.end_time.replace(tzinfo=tz) )
event.add('created', ev.last_change.replace(tzinfo=tz) )
event.add('description', "http://www.linux-azur.org/event/%s/%s" % (ev.for_year, ev.slug) )
event.add('url', "http://www.linux-azur.org/event/%s/%s" % (ev.for_year, ev.slug) )
event.add('priority', 5)
return cal.to_ical()
## =-=- Here, We handle Json requests -=-=
@view_config(route_name='users_json', renderer="json")
def JSON_User_Request(request):
""" Build a JSON answer with active users and pagination handling """
# Check arguments consitency
pageSize = request.params.get('pageSize',"8")
current_page = request.params.get('pageNum',"1")
UserQuery = request.params.get('searchTerm', u"")
# Don't answer to users that aren't logged
if not request.user:
return HTTPUnauthorized('You have to be logged to hope an answer.')
# Check consistancy of parameters
if pageSize.isdigit() and current_page.isdigit():
current_page = int(current_page)
pageSize = int(pageSize)
return HTTPBadRequest('pageSize and pageNum accept only digits.')
# Query database
Users = DBSession.query(User.uid, User.nom, User.prenom)\
.filter(User.slug.contains( remove_accents(UserQuery) ))
page_url = paginate.PageURL_WebOb(request)
records = paginate.Page(Users, current_page, url=page_url, items_per_page=pageSize)
ListMatchUser = map( lambda u:{"id": u.uid, "text":"%s %s" % ( u.prenom, u.nom )}, records )
return { "Results": ListMatchUser, "Total":records.item_count,
"logged_in":request.authenticated_userid }
@view_config(route_name='tiers_json', renderer="json")
def JSON_Tiers_Request(request):
""" Build a JSON answer with active users and pagination handling """
# Check arguments consitency
pageSize = request.params.get('pageSize',"8")
current_page = request.params.get('pageNum',"1")
TiersQuery = request.params.get('searchTerm', u"")
# Don't answer to users that aren't logged
if not request.user:
return HTTPUnauthorized('You have to be logged to hope an answer.')
# Check consistancy of parameters
if pageSize.isdigit() and current_page.isdigit():
current_page = int(current_page)
pageSize = int(pageSize)
return HTTPBadRequest('pageSize and pageNum accept only digits.')
# Query database
JTiers = DBSession.query(Tiers.uid, Tiers.name)\
.filter(Tiers.slug.contains( remove_accents(TiersQuery) ))
page_url = paginate.PageURL_WebOb(request)
records = paginate.Page(JTiers, current_page, url=page_url, items_per_page=pageSize)
ListMatchTiers = map( lambda t:{"id": t.uid, "text": t.name }, records )
return { "Results": ListMatchTiers, "Total":records.item_count,
"logged_in":request.authenticated_userid }
@view_config(route_name='progr_json', renderer="json")
def JSON_Progamme_Request(request):
year = int(request.matchdict.get('year', CurrentYear))
# Initialization
DicResult = dict()
# Query database
# Compute days used by all events matching the specified input year
Days = DBSession.query( func.strftime('%d', Event.start_time).label('day') )\
.filter(Event.for_year == year)\
.filter(Event.event_type != None)\
.group_by(func.strftime('%d', Event.start_time)).all()
for Day in Days:
Events = DBSession.query(Event)\
.filter(Event.for_year == year)\
.filter(Event.event_type != 'Stand')\
.filter("strftime('%d', start_time) = :dow").params(dow=Day.day)\
ListEv = []
for ev in Events:
if ev.event_type:
ListEv.append( {
"uid":"%d/%d" % ( year, ev.uid ),
"placeName":ev.Salle and (ev.Salle.name or "unk") ,
} )
DicResult[Day.day] = ListEv
return { 'all':DicResult }
@view_config(route_name='timeline_json', renderer="json")
def JSON_TimeLine_Request(request):
year = int(request.matchdict.get('year', CurrentYear))
# Initialization
DicResult = dict()
# Query database
# Compute days used by all events matching the specified input year
Days = DBSession.query( func.strftime('%d', Event.start_time).label('day') )\
.filter(Event.for_year == year)\
.filter(Event.event_type != None)\
.group_by(func.strftime('%d', Event.start_time)).all()
ListEv = []
for Day in Days:
Events = DBSession.query(Event)\
.filter(Event.for_year == year)\
.filter(Event.event_type != 'Stand')\
.filter("strftime('%d', start_time) = :dow").params(dow=Day.day)\
ListEv = []
for ev in Events:
if ev.event_type:
ListEv.append( {
#"uid":"%d/%d" % ( year, ev.uid ),
"text":ev.Salle and (ev.Salle.name or "unk"),
"tags":ev.Salle and (ev.Salle.name or "unk") ,
"asset": {
"media":"", #http://jm2l.linux-azur.org/sites/jm2l.linux-azur.org/files/videos/2012/2012_Introduction_aux_logiciels_libres__Frederic_Couchet.ogv",
"caption":"" }
} )
DicResult = {
"headline":"JM2L 2015",
"text":"9ème Édition",
DicResult["date"] = ListEv
return { 'timeline':DicResult }
## =-=- Here, We handle HTTP requests - Public Part -=-=
@view_config(route_name='home', renderer="jm2l:templates/NewIndex.mako")
def index_page(request):
MainTab = {'programme':'','presse':'', 'plan':'', 'participer':'',
"logged_in":request.authenticated_userid }
return MainTab
@view_config(route_name='programme', renderer="jm2l:templates/Public/Programme.mako")
def programme(request):
year = int(request.matchdict.get('year'))
if 2006 > year:
return HTTPBadRequest('The first JM2L event was in 2006.')
# Query database about selected Year.
Events = DBSession.query(Event)\
.filter(Event.for_year == year)\
Days = DBSession.query(func.strftime('%d-%m-%Y', Event.start_time))\
.filter(Event.for_year == year)\
.filter(Event.event_type != None)\
.group_by(func.strftime('%d', Event.start_time)).all()
ListDay = []
for day in Days:
RefDay = datetime.datetime.strptime(day[0],'%d-%m-%Y')
ListDay.append( ( RefDay.strftime('%A %d %b %Y'),
RefDay.strftime('%d') ) )
MainTab = {'programme':'active','presse':'', 'plan':'', 'participer':'', 'DisplayYear':year, \
'Events':Events, 'Event':Event, 'Days':ListDay, "logged_in":request.authenticated_userid }
return MainTab
@view_config(route_name='presse', renderer="jm2l:templates/Public/Presse.mako")
def static_presse(request):
year = int(request.matchdict.get('year', None))
content = DBSession.query(JM2L_Year).filter(JM2L_Year.year_uid==year).first()
MainTab = {'programme':'','presse':'active', 'plan':'', 'participer':'',
"logged_in":request.authenticated_userid, 'content':content, 'DisplayYear':year}
return MainTab
@view_config(route_name='edit_presse', renderer="jm2l:templates/Staff/EditPresse.mako")
def edit_presse(request):
year = int(request.matchdict.get('year', None))
content = DBSession.query(JM2L_Year).filter(JM2L_Year.year_uid==year).first()
form = DossPresse(request.POST, content, meta={'csrf_context': request.session})
if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
MainTab = {'programme':'','presse':'active', 'plan':'', 'participer':'',
"logged_in":request.authenticated_userid, 'form':form, 'DisplayYear':year}
return MainTab
@view_config(route_name='plan', renderer="jm2l:templates/Public/Plan.mako")
def static_plan(request):
MainTab = {'programme':'','presse':'', 'plan':'active', 'participer':'',
"logged_in":request.authenticated_userid }
return MainTab
## =-=- Here, We handle HTTP requests - Staff Logged Part -=-=
@view_config(route_name='list_task', renderer='jm2l:templates/Staff/list.mako')
def list_view(request):
DicTask = {}
taskgroup = DBSession.query( TasksArea ).all()
for grp in taskgroup:
tasks = DBSession.query( Tasks )\
.filter( Tasks.area_uid==grp.uid )\
.order_by(Tasks.closed, Tasks.due_date).all()
DicTask[grp] = tasks
return {'tasks': DicTask }
@view_config(route_name='handle_task', renderer='jm2l:templates/Staff/tasks.mako')
def tasks(request):
task_id = request.matchdict.get('task_id')
if task_id:
Task = Tasks.by_id(int(task_id))
if not Task:
raise HTTPNotFound()
form = EditStaffTasks(request.POST, Task, meta={'csrf_context': request.session})
Task = Tasks()
form = StaffTasks(request.POST, Task, meta={'csrf_context': request.session})
# Put some areas on form
Areas = DBSession.query(TasksArea.uid, TasksArea.name)\
form.area_uid.choices = Areas
# Put some users on form
Users = DBSession.query(User)\
form.closed_by.choices = [(u.uid, "%s %s" % (u.nom, u.prenom))
for u in Users]
if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
Task.closed = False
if 'uid' in form._fields.keys():
return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('list_task'))
return {'form':form }
@view_config(route_name='handle_pole', renderer='jm2l:templates/Staff/pole.mako')
def tasks_area(request):
pole_id = request.matchdict.get('pole_id')
if pole_id:
Pole = TasksArea.by_id(int(pole_id))
if not Pole:
raise HTTPNotFound()
form = EditStaffArea(request.POST, Pole, meta={'csrf_context': request.session})
Pole = TasksArea()
form = StaffArea(request.POST, Pole, meta={'csrf_context': request.session})
if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
if 'uid' in form._fields.keys():
return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('list_task'))
return {'form':form }
def action_task(request):
action = request.matchdict.get('action')
task_id = request.matchdict.get('task_id')
Task = Tasks.by_id(int(task_id))
if action=='close':
Task.closed = True
if action=='open':
Task.closed = False
request.session.flash('Task was successfully closed!')
return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('list_task'))
## =-=- Here, We handle HTTP requests - User Logged Part -=-=
@view_config(route_name='exchange', renderer="jm2l:templates/Logistique/Logistique.mako")
def exchange(request):
modtype = request.matchdict.get('modtype', None)
action = request.matchdict.get('action', None)
uid = int(request.matchdict.get('id', -1))
Exch = Exchange.by_id(uid)
if not Exch:
MainTab = {
return MainTab
if action in ['delete', 'accept', 'refuse', 'deal']:
if action=='delete': # delete exchange
elif action=='accept': # accept exchange
elif action=='refuse': # refuse exchange
if Exch.exch_state=="Ask":
Exch.provider_id = None
elif Exch.exch_state=="Proposal":
Exch.asker_id = None
elif action=='deal':
# ask to deal the exchange
if Exch.exch_state=="Ask":
Exch.provider_id = request.user.uid
elif Exch.exch_state=="Proposal":
Exch.asker_id = request.user.uid
# Return javascript to parent page
response = render_to_response('jm2l:templates/modals_js.mako',
{'modtype':modtype, 'action':action},
response.content_type = 'text/javascript'
return response
MainTab = {
return MainTab
@view_config(route_name='jm2l', renderer="jm2l:templates/jm2l.mako")
def jm2l_page(request):
if request.user is None:
# Don't answer to users that aren't logged
return HTTPUnauthorized('You have to be logged to hope an answer.')
page = int(request.params.get('page', 1))
UserNum = request.params.get('user')
if UserNum:
profil = User.by_id(int(UserNum))
if not profil:
raise HTTPNotFound()
profil = request.user
# Build Form
profil_form = ProfilForm(request.POST, profil, meta={'csrf_context': request.session})
if request.method == 'POST' and profil_form.validate():
ToDelete = list()
# First, we remove entries no more present
for obj in profil_form.tiersship.object_data:
MatchEntry = filter( lambda x: x.object_data and x.object_data._sa_instance_state == obj._sa_instance_state,
profil_form.tiersship.entries )
if not MatchEntry:
# Then, it's time to consider new entries
for entry in profil_form.tiersship.entries:
if entry.object_data is None:
TmpUser = User_Tiers()
entry.object_data = TmpUser
profil_form.tiersship.object_data = profil.tiersship
# We should remove it as it's not in original data
for obj in ToDelete:
profil.last_change = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
profil.slug = slugify(remove_accents('%s %s' % (profil.prenom, profil.nom)).lower().strip())
MainTab = {'participer':'active',
return MainTab
@view_config(route_name='modal', renderer="jm2l:templates/modals.mako")
def Modal(request):
year = int(request.matchdict.get('year', None))
modtype = request.matchdict.get('modtype', None)
uid = int(request.matchdict.get('id', -1))
session = request.session
if modtype=='Password':
form = UserPasswordForm(request.POST, request.user, meta={'csrf_context': request.session})
if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
response = render_to_response('jm2l:templates/modals_js.mako',
response.content_type = 'text/javascript'
return response
if modtype=='UserPicture':
form = None
if request.method == 'POST':
response = render_to_response('jm2l:templates/modals_js.mako',
response.content_type = 'text/javascript'
return response
if modtype=='Place':
if uid>0:
place = Place.by_id(uid)
if not place:
raise HTTPNotFound()
form = PlaceUpdateForm(request.POST, place, meta={'csrf_context': request.session})
place = Place()
form = PlaceCreateForm(request.POST, meta={'csrf_context': request.session})
if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
if uid>0:
response = render_to_response('jm2l:templates/modals_js.mako',
response.content_type = 'text/javascript'
return response
if modtype in ['AskC', 'AskH', 'AskM', 'PropC', 'PropH', 'PropM']:
if uid>0:
Exch = Exchange.by_id(uid)
if not Exch:
raise HTTPNotFound()
if modtype in ['AskC','PropC']:
form = globals()["Update%sForm" % modtype](request.POST, Exch,
start_place = Exch.Itin.start_place,
arrival_place = Exch.Itin.arrival_place,
Hour_start = Exch.start_time.strftime("%H:%M"),
Day_start = Exch.start_time.strftime("%w"),
exch_id = uid, meta={'csrf_context': request.session}
elif modtype in ['AskM','PropM']:
form = globals()["Update%sForm" % modtype](request.POST, Exch,
description = Exch.description,
exch_categ = Exch.exch_categ,
Hour_start = Exch.start_time.strftime("%H:%M"),
Day_start = Exch.start_time.strftime("%w"),
Hour_end = Exch.end_time.strftime("%H:%M"),
Day_end = Exch.end_time.strftime("%w"),
exch_id = uid, meta={'csrf_context': request.session}
elif modtype in ['AskH','PropH']:
form = globals()["Update%sForm" % modtype](request.POST, Exch,
description = Exch.description,
exch_categ = Exch.exch_categ,
Day_start = Exch.start_time.strftime("%w"),
exch_id = uid, meta={'csrf_context': request.session}
# Itinerary, first get itinerary
if 0:
form.itin.form.start_place.data = Exch.Itin.start_place
form.itin.form.arrival_place.data = Exch.Itin.arrival_place
form.dateform.form.Hour.data = Exch.start_time.strftime("%H:%M")
form.dateform.form.Day.data = Exch.start_time.strftime("%w")
form.exch_id.data = uid
Exch = Exchange()
form = globals()["%sForm" % modtype](request.POST, meta={'csrf_context': request.session})
if modtype in ['AskC', 'PropC']:
# Put some place on form
Places = DBSession.query(Place.place_id, Place.display_name)\
form.start_place.choices = Places
form.arrival_place.choices = Places
if modtype in ['PropH']:
form.exch_categ.choices = DBSession.query( Exchange_Cat.cat_id, Exchange_Cat.exch_subtype)\
.filter( Exchange_Cat.exch_type=='H' ).all()
form.place_id.choices = DBSession.query( Place.place_id, Place.display_name)\
.filter( Place.created_by==request.user.uid ).all()
if modtype in ['AskM', 'PropM']:
form.exch_categ.choices = DBSession.query( Exchange_Cat.cat_id, Exchange_Cat.exch_subtype)\
.filter( Exchange_Cat.exch_type=='M' ).all()
if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
# Form has been validated, it's time to create our Exchange
Exch.for_year = year
Exch.exch_state = {'Ask':'Ask', 'Prop':'Proposal'}[modtype[:-1]]
Exch.exch_type = modtype[-1:]
if modtype in ['AskC', 'PropC']:
# Itinerary, first Let's see if itinerary exist
Itinerary = DBSession.query(Itineraire)\
.filter(Itineraire.start_place==form.start_place.data) \
.filter(Itineraire.arrival_place==form.arrival_place.data) \
.filter(Itineraire.tr_voiture==True) \
if not Itinerary: # Not exist yet !
Itinerary = Itineraire(start_place=form.start_place.data, \
arrival_place=form.arrival_place.data, \
tr_voiture=True, \
Exch.itin_id = Itinerary.itin_id
# Start Time
StartEvent = DBSession.query(JM2L_Year.start_time).filter(JM2L_Year.year_uid==year).first()
Week = StartEvent[0].strftime("%W")
# populate
if modtype in ['AskC', 'PropC']:
Exch.itin_id = Itinerary.itin_id
if form._fields.has_key("Hour_start"):
TargetTime = datetime.datetime.strptime('%d %d %d %s' % (year, int(Week), \
int(form.Day_start.data), form.Hour_start.data), "%Y %W %w %H:%M")
Exch.start_time = TargetTime
elif form._fields.has_key("Day_start"):
TargetTime = datetime.datetime.strptime('%d %d %d' % (year, int(Week), \
int(form.Day_start.data)), "%Y %W %w")
Exch.start_time = TargetTime
if form._fields.has_key("Hour_end"):
TargetTime = datetime.datetime.strptime('%d %d %d %s' % (year, int(Week), \
int(form.Day_end.data), form.Hour_end.data), "%Y %W %w %H:%M")
Exch.end_time = TargetTime
elif form._fields.has_key("Day_end"):
TargetTime = datetime.datetime.strptime('%d %d %d' % (year, int(Week), \
int(form.Day_end.data)), "%Y %W %w")
Exch.end_time = TargetTime
Exch.last_change = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
if Exch.exch_state=='Ask':
Exch.asker_id = request.user.uid
elif Exch.exch_state=='Proposal':
Exch.provider_id = request.user.uid
#print vars(form.itin.form)
if uid>0:
response = render_to_response('jm2l:templates/modals_js.mako',
response.content_type = 'text/javascript'
return response
# Fallback to HTML Display with errors
return {'modtype':modtype, 'form':form, 'update':uid>0,
'logged_in':request.authenticated_userid }
if modtype in ['ShowC', 'ShowH', 'ShowM']:
if uid>0:
Exch = Exchange.by_id(uid)
if not Exch:
raise HTTPNotFound()
raise HTTPNotFound()
# Show Details around the Current Exchange
return {'modtype':modtype, 'Exch':Exch, 'logged_in':request.authenticated_userid }
MainTab = {'modtype':modtype, 'form':form, 'update':uid>0, 'uid':uid,
'DisplayYear':year, 'session':session,
'logged_in':request.authenticated_userid }
return MainTab
@view_config(route_name='participer', renderer="jm2l:templates/Participer.mako")
def participer(request):
session = request.session
session['year'] = 2015
TmpUsr = User()
form = UserRegisterForm(request.POST, TmpUsr, meta={'csrf_context': request.session})
if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
# Prepare mailer
TmpUsr.nom = TmpUsr.nom.capitalize()
TmpUsr.prenom = TmpUsr.prenom.capitalize()
TmpUsr.slug = slugify(remove_accents('%s %s' % (form.prenom.data, form.nom.data)).lower().strip())
TmpUsr.password = TmpUsr.my_hash
if len(TmpUsr.slug):
CheckExist = DBSession.query(User)\
if CheckExist:
MyLink = CheckExist.my_hash
MyLink = TmpUsr.my_hash
mailer = request.registry['mailer']
# Send the Welcome Mail
NewUser = TmpUsr
# Prepare Plain Text Message :
Mail_template = Template(filename='jm2l/templates/mail_plain.mako')
mail_plain = Mail_template.render(User=NewUser, action="Welcome")
body = Attachment(data=mail_plain, transfer_encoding="quoted-printable")
# Prepare HTML Message :
Mail_template = Template(filename='jm2l/templates/mail_html.mako')
mail_html = Mail_template.render(User=NewUser, action="Welcome")
html = Attachment(data=mail_html, transfer_encoding="quoted-printable")
# Prepare Message
message = Message(subject="[JM2L] Mon inscription au site web JM2L",
body=body, html=html)
MainTab = {'programme':'','presse':'', 'plan':'',
'participer':'active', 'form':form, "link": MyLink,
'logged_in':request.authenticated_userid }
return MainTab
def change_year(request):
year = int(request.matchdict.get('year', -1))
session = request.session
if year>-1:
session['year'] = year
return HTTPFound(location='/%s/le-programme' % year)
return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('home'))
@view_config(route_name='pict_user', renderer="jm2l:templates/Profil/pict_user.mako")
def pict_user(request):
return {"uprofil":request.user}
@view_config(route_name='event', renderer="jm2l:templates/view_event.mako")
def show_event(request):
year = int(request.matchdict.get('year', -1))
event_id = request.matchdict.get('event_id')
if event_id.isdigit():
TheEvent = Event.by_id(event_id)
if TheEvent is None:
raise HTTPNotFound()
TheEvent = Event.by_slug(event_id, year)
if TheEvent is None:
raise HTTPNotFound()
MainTab = {'programme':'','presse':'', 'plan':'', 'participer':'',
'event':TheEvent, 'logged_in':request.authenticated_userid }
return MainTab
def link_event(request):
""" Create user if not exist, add it to current event """
year = int(request.matchdict.get('year', -1))
form = AddIntervenant(request.POST, meta={'csrf_context': request.session})
intervention = request.matchdict.get('intervention', None)
TargetEvent = Event.by_id(form.event_uid.data)
Exist = DBSession.query(User)\
if Exist:
TargetUser = Exist
# Add it to user base
TargetUser = User(nom=form.nom.data,
prenom=form.prenom.data, password=form.nom.data)
uev = User_Event(year_uid=year, role="Animateur", user_uid=TargetUser.uid)
TargetEvent.interventions.append( uev )
return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('edit_event', sep='/',
year=str(year), intervention=intervention, uid=str(TargetEvent.uid)))
@view_config(route_name='edit_event', renderer="jm2l:templates/edit_event.mako")
def edit_event(request):
year = int(request.matchdict.get('year', -1))
event_id = request.matchdict.get('event_id')
intervention = request.matchdict.get('intervention', None)
IntervLabel = intervention.replace('_',' ').lower()
if intervention=='Conference':
IntervLabel = u'conférence'
# Check intervention
if not intervention in ['Stand', 'Table ronde', 'Atelier', 'Conference']:
raise HTTPNotFound(u"Ce type d'évenement n'est pas reconnu")
TheYear = DBSession.query(JM2L_Year)\
# Check year avaibility
if not TheYear:
raise HTTPNotFound(u"Cette année n'est pas pris en charge")
# Generate Timeslots for current year
TimeSlots = list(enumerate( [ x.strftime('%a %d %b %H:%M') for x in
TheYear[0].AvailableTimeSlots ] ))
if event_id:
# We try to update an existing record
if event_id.isdigit():
TheEvent = Event.by_id(event_id)
if TheEvent is None:
raise HTTPNotFound(u"Cette réference n'existe pas")
TheEvent = Event.by_slug(event_id, year)
if TheEvent is None:
raise HTTPNotFound(u"Cette réference n'existe pas")
if not (request.user.uid==1 or request.user in TheEvent.intervenants):
return HTTPForbidden(u"Vous n'êtes pas identifié comme étant un participant à cette intervention.")
# Compute some field value from selected event
if TheEvent.start_time in TheYear[0].AvailableTimeSlots:
start_sel = TheYear[0].AvailableTimeSlots.index(TheEvent.start_time)
start_sel = len(TimeSlots)
TimeSlots.append( (len(TimeSlots), TheEvent.start_time.strftime('%a %d %b %H:%M')))
duration = (TheEvent.end_time - TheEvent.start_time).total_seconds()/60
end = TheEvent.start_time + datetime.timedelta(minutes=duration)
# prepare the form with update
form = ConfUpdateForm(request.POST, TheEvent, start_sel=start_sel, duration=duration, end_time=end,
meta={'csrf_context': request.session} )
# Customize labels
form.name.label.text += IntervLabel
form.description.label.text += IntervLabel
# Each event can get severals members
formAdd = AddIntervenant(event_uid=TheEvent.uid)
TheEvent = Event()
# prepare the form for creation
form = ConfCreateForm(request.POST,
for_year=str(year), meta={'csrf_context': request.session}
# Customize labels
form.name.label.text += IntervLabel
form.description.label.text += IntervLabel
# No intervenant
formAdd = None
if intervention=="Conference":
form.duration.choices =[
(15,u'Lighting talk ( 5 min)'),
(30,u'Conférence (20 min)'),
(60,u'Conférence (50 min)'),
(90,u'Conférence (75 min)'),
if not duration in [15, 30, 60, 90]:
form.duration.choices.append( (duration,u'Conférence (%d min)' % duration) )
if not form._fields.has_key("uid"):
elif intervention=="Stand":
form.duration.choices =[
(8*60, u'Toute la journée'),
(4*60, u'une demi-journée')
elif intervention=="Atelier":
form.duration.choices = map( lambda d:(d, u'Atelier (%dh%.2d)' % (d/60, d%60) ), \
[60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240] )
if not duration in map(lambda (d,y): d, form.duration.choices):
form.duration.choices.append( (duration,u'Atelier (%dh%.2d)' % (duration/60, duration%60) ) )
elif intervention=="Table_Ronde":
form.duration.choices = map( lambda d:(d, u'Table ronde (%dh%.2d)' % (d/60, d%60) ), \
[60, 90, 120, 150] )
if not duration in map(lambda (d,y): d, form.duration.choices):
form.duration.choices.append( (duration,u'Table ronde (%dh%.2d)' % (duration/60, duration%60) ) )
return HTTPForbidden(u"Pas encore disponible.")
SalleDispo = DBSession.query(Salles)\
form.salle_uid.choices = [(s.salle_id, s.name) for s in SalleDispo]
form.start_sel.choices = TimeSlots
if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
TheEvent.start_time = TheYear[0].AvailableTimeSlots[form.start_sel.data]
TheEvent.end_time = TheEvent.start_time + datetime.timedelta(minutes=form.duration.data)
# Ok, time to put in database
if not form._fields.has_key("uid"):
TheEvent.slug = slugify(TheEvent.name)
# Append creator by default
if request.user.uid!=1:
uev = User_Event(year_uid=TheYear.year_uid, role="Animateur")
uev.user_uid = request.user.uid
TheEvent.interventions.append( uev )
return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('edit_event', sep='/',
year=str(year), intervention=intervention, event_id=str(TheEvent.slug)))
MainTab = {'programme':'','presse':'', 'plan':'', 'participer':'',
'event':TheEvent, 'form':form, 'formAdd':formAdd,
'logged_in':request.authenticated_userid }
return MainTab
@view_config(route_name='entities', renderer="jm2l:templates/list_tiers.mako")
def list_tiers(request):
Entities = dict()
EntityType = DBSession.query(TiersOpt.entity_type)\
for EType in EntityType:
Entities[EType.entity_type] = DBSession.query(Tiers).join(TiersOpt)\
.order_by(TiersOpt.entity_subtype, Tiers.name)
MainTab = {'programme':'','presse':'', 'plan':'', 'participer':'',
'entities':Entities, 'logged_in':request.authenticated_userid }
return MainTab
@view_config(route_name='show_entity', renderer="jm2l:templates/view_tiers.mako")
def show_tiers(request):
tiers_type = request.matchdict.get('tiers_type')
entity_id = request.matchdict.get('entity_id')
if entity_id.isdigit():
TheTiers = Tiers.by_id(entity_id)
if TheTiers is None:
raise HTTPNotFound()
TheTiers = Tiers.by_slug(entity_id)
if TheTiers is None:
raise HTTPNotFound()
MainTab = {'programme':'','presse':'', 'plan':'', 'participer':'',
'entity':TheTiers, 'logged_in':request.authenticated_userid }
return MainTab
@view_config(route_name='add_entity', renderer="jm2l:templates/edit_tiers.mako")
@view_config(route_name='edit_entity', renderer="jm2l:templates/edit_tiers.mako",
def edit_tiers(request):
entity_id = request.matchdict.get('entity_id', None)
TargetList = list()
entity_types = DBSession.query(TiersOpt.entity_type).group_by(TiersOpt.entity_type).all()
for entity_type in entity_types:
entity_subtypes = DBSession.query(TiersOpt)\
ListType = [(i.uid, i.entity_subtype) for i in entity_subtypes]
TargetList.append( (entity_type.entity_type, ListType) )
if entity_id:
if entity_id.isdigit():
TheTiers = Tiers.by_id(entity_id)
if TheTiers is None:
raise HTTPNotFound()
TheTiers = Tiers.by_slug(entity_id)
if TheTiers is None:
raise HTTPNotFound()
form = UpdateTiersForm(request.POST, TheTiers, meta={'csrf_context': request.session})
UserOptions = DBSession.query(TiersOpt)\
form.tiers_type.choices = TargetList
TheTiers = Tiers()
# prepare the form for creation
form = TiersForm(request.POST, TheTiers, meta={'csrf_context': request.session})
form.tiers_type.choices = TargetList
UserOptions = list()
#test_form = TiersForm(request.POST, TheTiers, meta={'csrf_context': request.session})
if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
ToDelete = list()
# First, we remove entries no more present
for obj in form.membership.object_data:
MatchEntry = filter( lambda x: x.object_data and x.object_data._sa_instance_state == obj._sa_instance_state,
form.membership.entries )
if not MatchEntry:
# We should remove it as it's not in original data
for obj in ToDelete:
# Then, it's time to consider new entries
for entry in form.membership.entries:
if entry.object_data is None:
TmpUser = User_Tiers()
entry.object_data = TmpUser
form.membership.object_data = TheTiers.membership
# Handle Remove of accents
TheTiers.slug = slugify(form.name.data)
if not form._fields.has_key('uid'):
TheTiers.creator_id = request.user.uid
return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('edit_entity', sep='/',
entity_id=str(TheTiers.slug), tiers_type=TheTiers.get_entity_type.entity_type))
return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('entities'))
MainTab = {'programme':'','presse':'', 'plan':'', 'participer':'',
'form':form, 'DBUser':User, 'UserOptions':UserOptions,
'logged_in':request.authenticated_userid }
return MainTab
@view_config(route_name='edit_entity_cat', renderer="jm2l:templates/edit_tiers_categ.mako")
def edit_tiers_category(request):
DicResult = dict()
ListChanges = list()
if request.method == 'POST':
# Reformat data
RegExist = re.compile('collection\[(?P[\w-]+)\]\[(?P\d+)\]\[(?P\d+)\]')
RegTitle = re.compile('collection\[(?P[\w-]+)\]\[title]')
RegNew = re.compile('collection\[(?P[\w-]+)\]\[(?P\d+)\]\[id\]')
for key, value in request.POST.iteritems():
regN= RegNew.match(key)
regT= RegTitle.match(key)
reg = RegExist.match(key)
if reg:
if not DicResult.has_key(reg.group('slug')):
DicResult[reg.group('slug')] = dict()
if DicResult[reg.group('slug')].has_key('items'):
DicResult[reg.group('slug')]['items'].append( ( int(reg.group('id')), value ) )
DicResult[reg.group('slug')]['items'] = [ ( int(reg.group('id')), value ) ]
elif regN:
if not DicResult.has_key(regN.group('slug')):
DicResult[regN.group('slug')] = dict()
if DicResult[regN.group('slug')].has_key('items'):
DicResult[regN.group('slug')]['items'].append( ( 'id', value ) )
DicResult[regN.group('slug')]['items'] = [ ( 'id', value ) ]
ListChanges.append(('add', 0, DicResult[regN.group('slug')]['title'], value))
elif regT:
if not DicResult.has_key(regT.group('slug')):
DicResult[regT.group('slug')] = dict()
DicResult[regT.group('slug')]['title'] = value
for opt in DBSession.query(TiersOpt).all():
if DicResult.has_key(opt.slug_entity_type):
found = filter( lambda (x,y): opt.uid==x,
DicResult[opt.slug_entity_type].get('items', []))
if not found:
ListChanges.append(('remove', opt.uid, opt.entity_type, opt.entity_subtype))
for tst in found:
# Check changes on Cat Name
if DicResult[opt.slug_entity_type]['title']!=opt.entity_type or \
ListChanges.append(('changed', opt.uid,
ListChanges.append(('remove', opt.uid, opt.entity_type, opt.entity_subtype))
# Do The change
for action, uid, entity, subentity in ListChanges:
if action=="changed":
opt = TiersOpt.by_id(uid)
opt.entity_type = entity
opt.entity_subtype = subentity
elif action=="remove":
opt = TiersOpt.by_id(uid)
elif action=="add":
opt = TiersOpt()
opt.entity_type = entity
opt.entity_subtype = subentity
MainTab = {'programme':'','presse':'', 'plan':'', 'participer':'',
'logged_in':request.authenticated_userid, 'TiersOpt':TiersOpt }
return MainTab
@view_config(route_name='show_user', renderer="jm2l:templates/view_user.mako")
def show_user(request):
user_slug = request.matchdict.get('user_slug', None)
# Query database
DispUser = User.by_slug(user_slug)
MainTab = {'programme':'','presse':'', 'plan':'', 'participer':'',
'DispUser':DispUser, 'logged_in':request.authenticated_userid }
return MainTab
def link_user_entity(request):
uid = int(request.matchdict.get('uid', -1))
year = int(request.matchdict.get('year', -1))
user_id = int(request.matchdict.get('uid', -1))
TheTiers = Tiers.by_id(uid)
if TheTiers is None:
raise HTTPNotFound()
return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('edit_entity', uid=uid) )
def link_role_entity(request):
uid = int(request.matchdict.get('uid', -1))
year = int(request.matchdict.get('year', -1))
role_id = int(request.matchdict.get('role_id', -1))
TheTiers = Tiers.by_id(uid)
if TheTiers is None:
raise HTTPNotFound()
return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('edit_entity', uid=uid) )
def notfound(reason, request):
request.response.status = 404
return render_to_response('jm2l:templates/Errors/404.mak', { "reason":reason },
def forbidden(reason, request):
return Response('forbidden')
request.response.status = 404
return render_to_response('jm2l:templates/Errors/404.mak', { "reason":reason },