# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- <%inherit file="jm2l:templates/Participant/list.mako"/> <% import unicodedata %> <%def name="cssAddOn()"> ${parent.cssAddOn()}
% for u, s in Users: % if s and s.orga_part and s.orga_part > 0: % endif % endfor % for i, title in enumerate(myorga.Orga_tasks): % for u, s in Users: % if s and s.orga_part and s.orga_part > 0: % endif % endfor % endfor
${u.nom} ${u.prenom} ${s.orga_part}
${unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', title).encode('ASCII', 'ignore').lower()}${title} % if s and s.orga_part: % if (s.orga_part & 2**i): Oui % endif % endif