- <%inherit file="jm2l:templates/layout.mako"/>
- <%namespace name="helpers" file="jm2l:templates/helpers.mako"/>
- <% The_entity_type = entity.get_entity_type %>
- <div class="row-fluid">
- <div class="span10 offset1">
- <strong>${The_entity_type.entity_type}</strong>
- % if The_entity_type.entity_subtype!=The_entity_type.entity_type:
- ${The_entity_type.entity_subtype}
- % endif
- <div class="borderboxtime">
- ${The_entity_type.entity_subtype}
- </div>
- ##%if entity.tiers_id:
- ## <a href="http://jm2l.linux-azur.org/node/${entity.tiers_id}">Link</a> -
- ##%endif
- % if request.user and (request.user.Staff or request.user in entity.members):
- <a href="/entity/${entity.get_entity_type.slug_entity_type}/${entity.slug}/edit">Editer</a>
- % endif
- % if request.user and (request.user.Staff or request.user in entity.members):
- <a class="btn btn-danger btn-mini pull-right" onclick="return confirm_click();" href="${request.route_path('delete_entity', action='delete_entity', entity_id=entity.uid)}">
- <i class="icon-remove icon-white"></i> Supprimer cette entitée
- </a>
- % endif
- <div clear='both'></div>
- <div>
- <a style="float:right;" href="/entities">Liste des entités</a>
- <h3 style="line-height:30px;">${entity.name}</h3>
- </div>
- <div class="borderbox">
- % if entity.PhotosLinks:
- <div style="float:right;padding:5px;border: 1px solid #eee;background-color:white;">
- % for img_path in entity.PhotosLinks:
- <img src="${img_path}" style="max-height:205px;max-width:335px;" alt="logo" />
- % endfor
- </div>
- % endif
- % if entity.description :
- ${entity.description | n}
- % else:
- <p>Cette entité n'a pas de description.</p>
- % endif
- % if entity.DocLinks:
- ${helpers.medias(entity)}
- % endif
- </div>
- <div class="footborderbox">
- % if entity.website:
- <div style="float:right;">
- <a href="${entity.website}">${entity.website}</a>
- </div>
- % endif
- </div>
- % if 0:
- % for media in entity.PhotosLinks:
- <strong>Présentation</strong>:${media.filename} (${media.mime_type})
- % endfor
- <hr/>
- % for media in entity.video:
- <div style="width:480px;margin:auto;">
- <video width="480" poster="" controls="controls" preload="metadata">
- <source type="${media.mime_type}"
- src="${media.filename}">
- </source>
- </video> <br />
- <strong>Vidéo</strong>:${media.filename} (${media.mime_type})
- </div>
- % endfor
- % endif
- % for iterv in entity.members[::-1]:
- <p>
- <div class="titleborderbox">
- Intervenant <strong><a href="/user/${iterv.slug}">${iterv.prenom} ${iterv.nom}</a></strong>.
- % if iterv.pseudo:
- (${iterv.pseudo})
- %endif
- </div>
- <div class="media borderbox">
- ${helpers.show_pictures(iterv)}
- <div class="media-body">
- <ul>
- % for i in filter(lambda x:x.user_uid==iterv.uid and x.tiers_uid==entity.uid, entity.membership):
- <li>${i.year_uid} ${i.role}</li>
- % endfor
- </ul>
- % if iterv.bio:
- ${iterv.bio | n}
- % else:
- <i>Ce profil n'a pas été complété.</i>
- % endif
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="footborderbox">
- % if iterv.website:
- <div style="float:right;">
- <a href="${iterv.website}">${iterv.website}</a>
- </div>
- % endif
- </div>
- </p>
- % endfor
- <br/><br/>
- <p style="float:right;">Créé le ${entity.created.strftime('%d %b %Y')}</p>
- <br/>
- <hr/>
- </div>
- </div>