Le repo des sources pour le site web des JM2L
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  1. <%namespace name="Modals" file="jm2l:templates/modals.mako"/>
  2. <%namespace name="helpers" file="jm2l:templates/helpers.mako"/>
  3. <%def name="profil_wrapper(uprofil, profil_form)">
  4. ##<form id="ProfilForm" action="javascript:DoPost('/2015/modal/Place/${form.place_id.data}');">
  5. % if uprofil!=request.user and request.user.uid==1:
  6. <form id="ProfilForm" action="#" method="POST">
  7. % else:
  8. <form id="ProfilForm" action="/MesJM2L" method="POST">
  9. % endif
  10. <div class="row-fluid">
  11. <div class="span8">
  12. % if uprofil!=request.user and request.user.Staff==1:
  13. <a href="/sign/jm2l/${uprofil.my_hash}">Se connecter "en tant que" ${uprofil.nom} ${uprofil.prenom}</a> -
  14. <a href="/user/${uprofil.slug}">Son profil public</a><br>
  15. % else:
  16. <a href="/sign/jm2l/${uprofil.my_hash}">Mon lien de connection</a> -
  17. <a href="/user/${request.user.slug}">Mon profil public</a><br>
  18. % endif
  19. <h3>${profil_form.prenom.data} ${profil_form.nom.data}</h3>
  20. <%
  21. DicFormA = {
  22. 'nom': {'PlaceHolder':u"Mon Nom", 'ContainerClass':"span6", 'next':False},
  23. 'prenom': {'PlaceHolder':u"Mon Prénom", 'ContainerClass':"span6", 'next':True},
  24. 'pseudo': {'PlaceHolder':u"Mon Pseudo", 'ContainerClass':"span6", 'next':False},
  25. 'mail': {'PlaceHolder':u"mon.mail@fqdn.tld", 'ContainerClass':"span6", 'next':True},
  26. 'phone': {'PlaceHolder':u"0612345678", 'ContainerClass':"span6", 'next':False},
  27. 'website': {'PlaceHolder':u"http://ma-page-web.moi",'ContainerClass':"span6", 'next':True},
  28. 'gpg_key': {'PlaceHolder':u"Ma clé gpg", 'ContainerClass':"span6", 'next':False},
  29. 'soc_link':{'PlaceHolder':u"#jm2l sur irc.freenode.org",'ContainerClass':"span6", 'next':True},
  30. 'bio': {'Ignore':True},
  31. 'tiersship': {'Ignore':True},
  32. 'id': {'Ignore':True},
  33. 'user_id': {'Ignore':True},
  34. }
  35. DicFormB = {
  36. 'nom': {'Ignore':True },
  37. 'prenom': {'Ignore':True },
  38. 'pseudo': {'Ignore':True },
  39. 'mail': {'Ignore':True },
  40. 'phone': {'Ignore':True },
  41. 'website': {'Ignore':True },
  42. 'gpg_key': {'Ignore':True},
  43. 'soc_link': {'Ignore':True},
  44. 'bio': {'PlaceHolder':u"Ma Bilibiographie", "ckeditor":1, 'ContainerClass':"span11", 'next':False },
  45. 'tiersship': {'Ignore':True}
  46. }
  47. DicForm2 = {
  48. 'nom': {'PlaceHolder':u"Mon Nom", "FieldStyle":"width:16em;", 'ContainerStyle':"float:left;"},
  49. 'prenom': {'PlaceHolder':u"Mon Prénom", "FieldStyle":"width:16em;"},
  50. 'pseudo': {'PlaceHolder':u"Mon Pseudo", "FieldStyle":"width:16em;", 'ContainerStyle':"float:left;"},
  51. 'mail': {'PlaceHolder':u"mon.mail@fqdn.tld", "FieldStyle":"width:16em;"},
  52. 'phone': {'PlaceHolder':u"0612345678", "FieldStyle":"width:16em;", 'ContainerStyle':"float:left;"},
  53. 'website': {'PlaceHolder':u"http://ma-page-web.moi","FieldStyle":"width:16em;"},
  54. 'gpg_key': {'PlaceHolder':u"Ma clé gpg", "FieldStyle":"width:90%;"},
  55. 'soc_link':{'PlaceHolder':u"#jm2l sur irc.freenode.org","FieldStyle":"width:90%;"},
  56. 'bio': {'PlaceHolder':u"Ma Bilibiographie", "FieldStyle":"width:95%;min-height:150px;", "fieldset":True, "ckeditor":1 },
  57. 'tiersship': {'Ignore':True}
  58. }
  59. %>
  60. ${helpers.DisplayRespForm(profil_form, DicFormA)}
  61. </div>
  62. <div class="span4">
  63. ${helpers.show_my_pictures(uprofil)}
  64. <div class="borderbox" style="background: rgb(240, 250, 250) url(/img/wifi.png) no-repeat scroll 0px 0px;width: 220px;text-align:center;margin: auto;">
  65. <u>Vos identifiants wifi:</u>
  66. <dl>
  67. <dt>SSID</dt>
  68. <dd>Unice-HotSpot</dd>
  69. <!--
  70. <dt>Votre utilisateur:</dt>
  71. <dd>${uprofil.wifi_user}</dd>
  72. <dt>Le mot de passe:</dt>
  73. <dd>${uprofil.wifi_pass}</dd>
  74. -->
  75. <dt>Vos identifiants:</dt>
  76. <dd>Nous n'avons pas encore l'information</dd>
  77. </dl>
  78. <a href="https://wifi.unice.fr/">Plus de d&eacute;tails ...</a>
  79. </div>
  80. </div>
  81. </div>
  82. ${helpers.DisplayRespForm(profil_form, DicFormB)}
  83. <fieldset>
  84. <legend>Activit&eacute;</legend>
  85. <div class="pull-right">
  86. <a href="/entities" class="add btn btn-block btn-mini btn-info"><i class="icon-list-alt icon-white"> </i> La Liste des entit&eacute;s </a>
  87. <a href="/entity" class="add btn btn-block btn-mini btn-primary"><i class="icon-plus-sign icon-white"> </i> Ajouter une entit&eacute; </a>
  88. </div>
  89. Saisissez ci-dessous les entit&eacute;s que vous souhaiter repr&eacute;senter pendant l'&eacute;v&eacute;nement.
  90. (Association, GULL, Entreprise, Logiciel, ...).<br>
  91. Si elle n'existe pas dans la liste propos&eacute;e, vous pouvez <a href="/entity"> en ajouter une. </a>
  92. <div class="repeat">
  93. <table class="wrapper table" width="100%">
  94. <thead>
  95. <tr class="row">
  96. <th style="width:4em;text-align:center;">Ann&eacute;e</th>
  97. <th style="width:19em;text-align:center;">Entit&eacute;</th>
  98. <th style="text-align:center";>Rôle</th>
  99. <th style="width:6em;text-align:center;">Action</th>
  100. </tr>
  101. </thead>
  102. <tbody class="container">
  103. <tr class="row template" style="line-height:2.2em;">
  104. <td style="text-align:center;">
  105. <input type="hidden" style="width:20em;" class="form-control" name="tiersship-{{row-count-placeholder}}-year_uid"
  106. value="${CurrentYear}" /> ${CurrentYear}
  107. </td>
  108. <td style="text-align: center;">
  109. <input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="tiersship-{{row-count-placeholder}}-user_uid"
  110. value="${uprofil.uid}" style="width:4em;" />
  111. <input type="hidden" class="form-control" style="width:20em;" name="tiersship-{{row-count-placeholder}}-tiers_uid"
  112. id="tiersship-{{row-count-placeholder}}-tiers_uid" />
  113. </td>
  114. <td style="text-align:center;">
  115. <input style="width:100%;margin:-7px;" type="text" class="form-control" name="tiersship-{{row-count-placeholder}}-role"
  116. value="" />
  117. </td>
  118. <td>
  119. <a class="remove btn btn-mini btn-danger">
  120. <i class="icon-remove-sign icon-white"> </i> Suppr.
  121. </a>
  122. </td>
  123. </tr>
  124. % for num, dicdata in enumerate(profil_form._fields.get("tiersship").data):
  125. <tr class="row" style="padding:5px;line-height:2.2em;">
  126. <td style="text-align:center;">
  127. <input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="tiersship-${num}-year_uid"
  128. value="${dicdata.get('year_uid')}" style="width:4em;" />
  129. ${dicdata.get('year_uid')}
  130. </td>
  131. <td style="text-align:center;">
  132. <input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="tiersship-${num}-user_uid"
  133. value="${dicdata.get('user_uid')}" style="width:4em;" />
  134. <input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="tiersship-${num}-tiers_uid"
  135. value="${dicdata.get('tiers_uid')}" style="width:4em;" />
  136. <%
  137. entity = DBTiers.by_id(dicdata.get('tiers_uid'))
  138. %>
  139. % if entity:
  140. <small>${entity.get_entity_type.entity_subtype}</small>
  141. <a href="/entity/${entity.get_entity_type.entity_type}/${entity.slug}">${entity.name}</a>
  142. % endif
  143. </td>
  144. <td style="text-align:center;">
  145. <input style="width:100%;margin:-7px;" type="text" class="form-control" name="tiersship-${num}-role"
  146. value="${dicdata.get('role')}" />
  147. </td>
  148. <td>
  149. <a class="remove btn btn-mini btn-danger">
  150. <i class="icon-remove-sign icon-white"></i> Suppr.
  151. </a>
  152. </td>
  153. </tr>
  154. % endfor
  155. </tbody>
  156. <tfoot>
  157. <tr>
  158. <td colspan="5" style="text-align:center;line-height: 3em;">
  159. % if uprofil==request.user:
  160. <span class="add btn btn-mini btn-primary"><i class="icon-plus-sign icon-white"></i> Je fais partie de ...</span>
  161. % endif
  162. </td>
  163. </tr>
  164. </tfoot>
  165. </table>
  166. </div>
  167. </fieldset>
  168. <div class="span2 offset5">
  169. % if uprofil!=request.user and request.user.Staff==1:
  170. En tant que Staff des JM2L, <br />
  171. Je me connecte "en tant que" <br />
  172. <a href="/sign/jm2l/${uprofil.my_hash}"> ${uprofil.nom} ${uprofil.prenom}</a><br />
  173. pour modifier sa fiche ...
  174. % else:
  175. <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="Enregistrer !" />
  176. % endif
  177. </div>
  178. </form>
  179. </%def>