Le repo des sources pour le site web des JM2L
Não pode escolher mais do que 25 tópicos Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres.

5300 linhas
174 KiB

  1. (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  2. function corslite(url, callback, cors) {
  3. var sent = false;
  4. if (typeof window.XMLHttpRequest === 'undefined') {
  5. return callback(Error('Browser not supported'));
  6. }
  7. if (typeof cors === 'undefined') {
  8. var m = url.match(/^\s*https?:\/\/[^\/]*/);
  9. cors = m && (m[0] !== location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname +
  10. (location.port ? ':' + location.port : ''));
  11. }
  12. var x = new window.XMLHttpRequest();
  13. function isSuccessful(status) {
  14. return status >= 200 && status < 300 || status === 304;
  15. }
  16. if (cors && !('withCredentials' in x)) {
  17. // IE8-9
  18. x = new window.XDomainRequest();
  19. // Ensure callback is never called synchronously, i.e., before
  20. // x.send() returns (this has been observed in the wild).
  21. // See https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox.js/issues/472
  22. var original = callback;
  23. callback = function() {
  24. if (sent) {
  25. original.apply(this, arguments);
  26. } else {
  27. var that = this, args = arguments;
  28. setTimeout(function() {
  29. original.apply(that, args);
  30. }, 0);
  31. }
  32. }
  33. }
  34. function loaded() {
  35. if (
  36. // XDomainRequest
  37. x.status === undefined ||
  38. // modern browsers
  39. isSuccessful(x.status)) callback.call(x, null, x);
  40. else callback.call(x, x, null);
  41. }
  42. // Both `onreadystatechange` and `onload` can fire. `onreadystatechange`
  43. // has [been supported for longer](http://stackoverflow.com/a/9181508/229001).
  44. if ('onload' in x) {
  45. x.onload = loaded;
  46. } else {
  47. x.onreadystatechange = function readystate() {
  48. if (x.readyState === 4) {
  49. loaded();
  50. }
  51. };
  52. }
  53. // Call the callback with the XMLHttpRequest object as an error and prevent
  54. // it from ever being called again by reassigning it to `noop`
  55. x.onerror = function error(evt) {
  56. // XDomainRequest provides no evt parameter
  57. callback.call(this, evt || true, null);
  58. callback = function() { };
  59. };
  60. // IE9 must have onprogress be set to a unique function.
  61. x.onprogress = function() { };
  62. x.ontimeout = function(evt) {
  63. callback.call(this, evt, null);
  64. callback = function() { };
  65. };
  66. x.onabort = function(evt) {
  67. callback.call(this, evt, null);
  68. callback = function() { };
  69. };
  70. // GET is the only supported HTTP Verb by XDomainRequest and is the
  71. // only one supported here.
  72. x.open('GET', url, true);
  73. // Send the request. Sending data is not supported.
  74. x.send(null);
  75. sent = true;
  76. return x;
  77. }
  78. if (typeof module !== 'undefined') module.exports = corslite;
  79. },{}],2:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  80. module.exports = function(version, language, options) {
  81. // load instructions
  82. var instructions = _dereq_('./instructions').get(language);
  83. if (Object !== instructions.constructor) throw 'instructions must be object';
  84. if (!instructions[version]) { throw 'invalid version ' + version; }
  85. return {
  86. capitalizeFirstLetter: function(string) {
  87. return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
  88. },
  89. ordinalize: function(number) {
  90. // Transform numbers to their translated ordinalized value
  91. return instructions[version].constants.ordinalize[number.toString()] || '';
  92. },
  93. directionFromDegree: function(degree) {
  94. // Transform degrees to their translated compass direction
  95. if (!degree && degree !== 0) {
  96. // step had no bearing_after degree, ignoring
  97. return '';
  98. } else if (degree >= 0 && degree <= 20) {
  99. return instructions[version].constants.direction.north;
  100. } else if (degree > 20 && degree < 70) {
  101. return instructions[version].constants.direction.northeast;
  102. } else if (degree >= 70 && degree < 110) {
  103. return instructions[version].constants.direction.east;
  104. } else if (degree >= 110 && degree <= 160) {
  105. return instructions[version].constants.direction.southeast;
  106. } else if (degree > 160 && degree <= 200) {
  107. return instructions[version].constants.direction.south;
  108. } else if (degree > 200 && degree < 250) {
  109. return instructions[version].constants.direction.southwest;
  110. } else if (degree >= 250 && degree <= 290) {
  111. return instructions[version].constants.direction.west;
  112. } else if (degree > 290 && degree < 340) {
  113. return instructions[version].constants.direction.northwest;
  114. } else if (degree >= 340 && degree <= 360) {
  115. return instructions[version].constants.direction.north;
  116. } else {
  117. throw new Error('Degree ' + degree + ' invalid');
  118. }
  119. },
  120. laneConfig: function(step) {
  121. // Reduce any lane combination down to a contracted lane diagram
  122. if (!step.intersections || !step.intersections[0].lanes) throw new Error('No lanes object');
  123. var config = [];
  124. var currentLaneValidity = null;
  125. step.intersections[0].lanes.forEach(function (lane) {
  126. if (currentLaneValidity === null || currentLaneValidity !== lane.valid) {
  127. if (lane.valid) {
  128. config.push('o');
  129. } else {
  130. config.push('x');
  131. }
  132. currentLaneValidity = lane.valid;
  133. }
  134. });
  135. return config.join('');
  136. },
  137. compile: function(step) {
  138. if (!step.maneuver) throw new Error('No step maneuver provided');
  139. var type = step.maneuver.type;
  140. var modifier = step.maneuver.modifier;
  141. var mode = step.mode;
  142. if (!type) { throw new Error('Missing step maneuver type'); }
  143. if (type !== 'depart' && type !== 'arrive' && !modifier) { throw new Error('Missing step maneuver modifier'); }
  144. if (!instructions[version][type]) {
  145. // Log for debugging
  146. console.log('Encountered unknown instruction type: ' + type); // eslint-disable-line no-console
  147. // OSRM specification assumes turn types can be added without
  148. // major version changes. Unknown types are to be treated as
  149. // type `turn` by clients
  150. type = 'turn';
  151. }
  152. // Use special instructions if available, otherwise `defaultinstruction`
  153. var instructionObject;
  154. if (instructions[version].modes[mode]) {
  155. instructionObject = instructions[version].modes[mode];
  156. } else if (instructions[version][type][modifier]) {
  157. instructionObject = instructions[version][type][modifier];
  158. } else {
  159. instructionObject = instructions[version][type].default;
  160. }
  161. // Special case handling
  162. var laneInstruction;
  163. switch (type) {
  164. case 'use lane':
  165. laneInstruction = instructions[version].constants.lanes[this.laneConfig(step)];
  166. if (!laneInstruction) {
  167. // If the lane combination is not found, default to continue straight
  168. instructionObject = instructions[version]['use lane'].no_lanes;
  169. }
  170. break;
  171. case 'rotary':
  172. case 'roundabout':
  173. if (step.rotary_name && step.maneuver.exit && instructionObject.name_exit) {
  174. instructionObject = instructionObject.name_exit;
  175. } else if (step.rotary_name && instructionObject.name) {
  176. instructionObject = instructionObject.name;
  177. } else if (step.maneuver.exit && instructionObject.exit) {
  178. instructionObject = instructionObject.exit;
  179. } else {
  180. instructionObject = instructionObject.default;
  181. }
  182. break;
  183. default:
  184. // NOOP, since no special logic for that type
  185. }
  186. // Decide way_name with special handling for name and ref
  187. var wayName;
  188. var name = step.name || '';
  189. var ref = (step.ref || '').split(';')[0];
  190. // Remove hacks from Mapbox Directions mixing ref into name
  191. if (name === step.ref) {
  192. // if both are the same we assume that there used to be an empty name, with the ref being filled in for it
  193. // we only need to retain the ref then
  194. name = '';
  195. }
  196. name = name.replace(' (' + step.ref + ')', '');
  197. if (name && ref && name !== ref) {
  198. wayName = name + ' (' + ref + ')';
  199. } else if (!name && ref) {
  200. wayName = ref;
  201. } else {
  202. wayName = name;
  203. }
  204. // Decide which instruction string to use
  205. // Destination takes precedence over name
  206. var instruction;
  207. if (step.destinations && instructionObject.destination) {
  208. instruction = instructionObject.destination;
  209. } else if (wayName && instructionObject.name) {
  210. instruction = instructionObject.name;
  211. } else {
  212. instruction = instructionObject.default;
  213. }
  214. var tokenizedInstructionHook = ((options || {}).hooks || {}).tokenizedInstruction;
  215. if (tokenizedInstructionHook) {
  216. instruction = tokenizedInstructionHook(instruction);
  217. }
  218. // Replace tokens
  219. // NOOP if they don't exist
  220. var nthWaypoint = ''; // TODO, add correct waypoint counting
  221. instruction = instruction
  222. .replace('{way_name}', wayName)
  223. .replace('{destination}', (step.destinations || '').split(',')[0])
  224. .replace('{exit_number}', this.ordinalize(step.maneuver.exit || 1))
  225. .replace('{rotary_name}', step.rotary_name)
  226. .replace('{lane_instruction}', laneInstruction)
  227. .replace('{modifier}', instructions[version].constants.modifier[modifier])
  228. .replace('{direction}', this.directionFromDegree(step.maneuver.bearing_after))
  229. .replace('{nth}', nthWaypoint)
  230. .replace(/ {2}/g, ' '); // remove excess spaces
  231. if (instructions.meta.capitalizeFirstLetter) {
  232. instruction = this.capitalizeFirstLetter(instruction);
  233. }
  234. return instruction;
  235. }
  236. };
  237. };
  238. },{"./instructions":3}],3:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  239. var instructionsDe = _dereq_('./instructions/de.json');
  240. var instructionsEn = _dereq_('./instructions/en.json');
  241. var instructionsFr = _dereq_('./instructions/fr.json');
  242. var instructionsNl = _dereq_('./instructions/nl.json');
  243. var instructionsZhHans = _dereq_('./instructions/zh-Hans.json');
  244. module.exports = {
  245. get: function(language) {
  246. switch (language) {
  247. case 'en':
  248. return instructionsEn;
  249. case 'de':
  250. return instructionsDe;
  251. case 'fr':
  252. return instructionsFr;
  253. case 'nl':
  254. return instructionsNl;
  255. case 'zh':
  256. case 'zh-Hans':
  257. return instructionsZhHans;
  258. default:
  259. throw 'invalid language ' + language;
  260. }
  261. }
  262. };
  263. },{"./instructions/de.json":4,"./instructions/en.json":5,"./instructions/fr.json":6,"./instructions/nl.json":7,"./instructions/zh-Hans.json":8}],4:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  264. module.exports={
  265. "meta": {
  266. "capitalizeFirstLetter": true
  267. },
  268. "v5": {
  269. "constants": {
  270. "ordinalize": {
  271. "1": "erste",
  272. "2": "zweite",
  273. "3": "dritte",
  274. "4": "vierte",
  275. "5": "fünfte",
  276. "6": "sechste",
  277. "7": "siebente",
  278. "8": "achte",
  279. "9": "neunte",
  280. "10": "zehnte"
  281. },
  282. "direction": {
  283. "north": "Norden",
  284. "northeast": "Nordosten",
  285. "east": "Osten",
  286. "southeast": "Südosten",
  287. "south": "Süden",
  288. "southwest": "Südwesten",
  289. "west": "Westen",
  290. "northwest": "Nordwesten"
  291. },
  292. "modifier": {
  293. "left": "links",
  294. "right": "rechts",
  295. "sharp left": "scharf links",
  296. "sharp right": "scharf rechts",
  297. "slight left": "leicht links",
  298. "slight right": "leicht rechts",
  299. "straight": "geradeaus",
  300. "uturn": "180°-Wendung"
  301. },
  302. "lanes": {
  303. "xo": "Rechts halten",
  304. "ox": "Links halten",
  305. "xox": "Mittlere Spur nutzen",
  306. "oxo": "Rechts oder links halten"
  307. }
  308. },
  309. "modes": {
  310. "ferry": {
  311. "default": "Fähre nehmen",
  312. "name": "Fähre nehmen {way_name}",
  313. "destination": "Fähre nehmen Richtung {destination}"
  314. }
  315. },
  316. "arrive": {
  317. "default": {
  318. "default": "Sie haben Ihr {nth} Ziel erreicht"
  319. },
  320. "left": {
  321. "default": "Sie haben Ihr {nth} Ziel erreicht, es befindet sich links von Ihnen"
  322. },
  323. "right": {
  324. "default": "Sie haben Ihr {nth} Ziel erreicht, es befindet sich rechts von Ihnen"
  325. },
  326. "sharp left": {
  327. "default": "Sie haben Ihr {nth} Ziel erreicht, es befindet sich links von Ihnen"
  328. },
  329. "sharp right": {
  330. "default": "Sie haben Ihr {nth} Ziel erreicht, es befindet sich rechts von Ihnen"
  331. },
  332. "slight right": {
  333. "default": "Sie haben Ihr {nth} Ziel erreicht, es befindet sich rechts von Ihnen"
  334. },
  335. "slight left": {
  336. "default": "Sie haben Ihr {nth} Ziel erreicht, es befindet sich links von Ihnen"
  337. },
  338. "straight": {
  339. "default": "Sie haben Ihr {nth} Ziel erreicht, es befindet sich direkt vor Ihnen"
  340. }
  341. },
  342. "continue": {
  343. "default": {
  344. "default": "{modifier} weiterfahren",
  345. "name": "{modifier} weiterfahren auf {way_name}",
  346. "destination": "{modifier} weiterfahren Richtung {destination}"
  347. },
  348. "slight left": {
  349. "default": "Leicht links weiter",
  350. "name": "Leicht links weiter auf {way_name}",
  351. "destination": "Leicht links weiter Richtung {destination}"
  352. },
  353. "slight right": {
  354. "default": "Leicht rechts weiter",
  355. "name": "Leicht rechts weiter auf {way_name}",
  356. "destination": "Leicht rechts weiter Richtung {destination}"
  357. },
  358. "uturn": {
  359. "default": "180°-Wendung",
  360. "name": "180°-Wendung auf {way_name}",
  361. "destination": "180°-Wendung Richtung {destination}"
  362. }
  363. },
  364. "depart": {
  365. "default": {
  366. "default": "Fahren Sie Richtung {direction}",
  367. "name": "Fahren Sie Richtung {direction} auf {way_name}"
  368. }
  369. },
  370. "end of road": {
  371. "default": {
  372. "default": "{modifier} abbiegen",
  373. "name": "{modifier} abbiegen auf {way_name}",
  374. "destination": "{modifier} abbiegen Richtung {destination}"
  375. },
  376. "straight": {
  377. "default": "Geradeaus weiterfahren",
  378. "name": "Geradeaus weiterfahren auf {way_name}",
  379. "destination": "Geradeaus weiterfahren Richtung {destination}"
  380. },
  381. "uturn": {
  382. "default": "180°-Wendung am Ende der Straße",
  383. "name": "180°-Wendung auf {way_name} am Ende der Straße",
  384. "destination": "180°-Wendung Richtung {destination} am Ende der Straße"
  385. }
  386. },
  387. "fork": {
  388. "default": {
  389. "default": "{modifier} halten an der Gabelung",
  390. "name": "{modifier} halten an der Gabelung auf {way_name}",
  391. "destination": "{modifier} halten an der Gabelung Richtung {destination}"
  392. },
  393. "slight left": {
  394. "default": "Links halten an der Gabelung",
  395. "name": "Links halten an der Gabelung auf {way_name}",
  396. "destination": "Links halten an der Gabelung Richtung {destination}"
  397. },
  398. "slight right": {
  399. "default": "Rechts halten an der Gabelung",
  400. "name": "Rechts halten an der Gabelung auf {way_name}",
  401. "destination": "Rechts halten an der Gabelung Richtung {destination}"
  402. },
  403. "sharp left": {
  404. "default": "Scharf links abbiegen an der Gabelung",
  405. "name": "Scharf links abbiegen an der Gabelung auf {way_name}",
  406. "destination": "Scharf links abbiegen an der Gabelung Richtung {destination}"
  407. },
  408. "sharp right": {
  409. "default": "Scharf rechts abbiegen an der Gabelung",
  410. "name": "Scharf rechts abbiegen an der Gabelung auf {way_name}",
  411. "destination": "Scharf rechts abbiegen an der Gabelung Richtung {destination}"
  412. },
  413. "uturn": {
  414. "default": "180°-Wendung",
  415. "name": "180°-Wendung auf {way_name}",
  416. "destination": "180°-Wendung Richtung {destination}"
  417. }
  418. },
  419. "merge": {
  420. "default": {
  421. "default": "{modifier} auffahren",
  422. "name": "{modifier} auffahren auf {way_name}",
  423. "destination": "{modifier} auffahren Richtung {destination}"
  424. },
  425. "slight left": {
  426. "default": "Leicht links auffahren",
  427. "name": "Leicht links auffahren auf {way_name}",
  428. "destination": "Leicht links auffahren Richtung {destination}"
  429. },
  430. "slight right": {
  431. "default": "Leicht rechts auffahren",
  432. "name": "Leicht rechts auffahren auf {way_name}",
  433. "destination": "Leicht rechts auffahren Richtung {destination}"
  434. },
  435. "sharp left": {
  436. "default": "Scharf links auffahren",
  437. "name": "Scharf links auffahren auf {way_name}",
  438. "destination": "Scharf links auffahren Richtung {destination}"
  439. },
  440. "sharp right": {
  441. "default": "Scharf rechts auffahren",
  442. "name": "Scharf rechts auffahren auf {way_name}",
  443. "destination": "Scharf rechts auffahren Richtung {destination}"
  444. },
  445. "uturn": {
  446. "default": "180°-Wendung",
  447. "name": "180°-Wendung auf {way_name}",
  448. "destination": "180°-Wendung Richtung {destination}"
  449. }
  450. },
  451. "new name": {
  452. "default": {
  453. "default": "{modifier} weiterfahren",
  454. "name": "{modifier} weiterfahren auf {way_name}",
  455. "destination": "{modifier} weiterfahren Richtung {destination}"
  456. },
  457. "sharp left": {
  458. "default": "Scharf links",
  459. "name": "Scharf links auf {way_name}",
  460. "destination": "Scharf links Richtung {destination}"
  461. },
  462. "sharp right": {
  463. "default": "Scharf rechts",
  464. "name": "Scharf rechts auf {way_name}",
  465. "destination": "Scharf rechts Richtung {destination}"
  466. },
  467. "slight left": {
  468. "default": "Leicht links weiter",
  469. "name": "Leicht links weiter auf {way_name}",
  470. "destination": "Leicht links weiter Richtung {destination}"
  471. },
  472. "slight right": {
  473. "default": "Leicht rechts weiter",
  474. "name": "Leicht rechts weiter auf {way_name}",
  475. "destination": "Leicht rechts weiter Richtung {destination}"
  476. },
  477. "uturn": {
  478. "default": "180°-Wendung",
  479. "name": "180°-Wendung auf {way_name}",
  480. "destination": "180°-Wendung Richtung {destination}"
  481. }
  482. },
  483. "notification": {
  484. "default": {
  485. "default": "{modifier} weiterfahren",
  486. "name": "{modifier} weiterfahren auf {way_name}",
  487. "destination" : "{modifier} weiterfahren Richtung {destination}"
  488. },
  489. "uturn": {
  490. "default": "180°-Wendung",
  491. "name": "180°-Wendung auf {way_name}",
  492. "destination": "180°-Wendung Richtung {destination}"
  493. }
  494. },
  495. "off ramp": {
  496. "default": {
  497. "default": "Rampe nehmen",
  498. "name": "Rampe nehmen auf {way_name}",
  499. "destination": "Rampe nehmen Richtung {destination}"
  500. },
  501. "left": {
  502. "default": "Rampe auf der linken Seite nehmen",
  503. "name": "Rampe auf der linken Seite nehmen auf {way_name}",
  504. "destination": "Rampe auf der linken Seite nehmen Richtung {destination}"
  505. },
  506. "right": {
  507. "default": "Rampe auf der rechten Seite nehmen",
  508. "name": "Rampe auf der rechten Seite nehmen auf {way_name}",
  509. "destination": "Rampe auf der rechten Seite nehmen Richtung {destination}"
  510. },
  511. "sharp left": {
  512. "default": "Rampe auf der linken Seite nehmen",
  513. "name": "Rampe auf der linken Seite nehmen auf {way_name}",
  514. "destination": "Rampe auf der linken Seite nehmen Richtung {destination}"
  515. },
  516. "sharp right": {
  517. "default": "Rampe auf der rechten Seite nehmen",
  518. "name": "Rampe auf der rechten Seite nehmen auf {way_name}",
  519. "destination": "Rampe auf der rechten Seite nehmen Richtung {destination}"
  520. },
  521. "slight left": {
  522. "default": "Rampe auf der linken Seite nehmen",
  523. "name": "Rampe auf der linken Seite nehmen auf {way_name}",
  524. "destination": "Rampe auf der linken Seite nehmen Richtung {destination}"
  525. },
  526. "slight right": {
  527. "default": "Rampe auf der rechten Seite nehmen",
  528. "name": "Rampe auf der rechten Seite nehmen auf {way_name}",
  529. "destination": "Rampe auf der rechten Seite nehmen Richtung {destination}"
  530. }
  531. },
  532. "on ramp": {
  533. "default": {
  534. "default": "Rampe nehmen",
  535. "name": "Rampe nehmen auf {way_name}",
  536. "destination": "Rampe nehmen Richtung {destination}"
  537. },
  538. "left": {
  539. "default": "Rampe auf der linken Seite nehmen",
  540. "name": "Rampe auf der linken Seite nehmen auf {way_name}",
  541. "destination": "Rampe auf der linken Seite nehmen Richtung {destination}"
  542. },
  543. "right": {
  544. "default": "Rampe auf der rechten Seite nehmen",
  545. "name": "Rampe auf der rechten Seite nehmen auf {way_name}",
  546. "destination": "Rampe auf der rechten Seite nehmen Richtung {destination}"
  547. },
  548. "sharp left": {
  549. "default": "Rampe auf der linken Seite nehmen",
  550. "name": "Rampe auf der linken Seite nehmen auf {way_name}",
  551. "destination": "Rampe auf der linken Seite nehmen Richtung {destination}"
  552. },
  553. "sharp right": {
  554. "default": "Rampe auf der rechten Seite nehmen",
  555. "name": "Rampe auf der rechten Seite nehmen auf {way_name}",
  556. "destination": "Rampe auf der rechten Seite nehmen Richtung {destination}"
  557. },
  558. "slight left": {
  559. "default": "Rampe auf der linken Seite nehmen",
  560. "name": "Rampe auf der linken Seite nehmen auf {way_name}",
  561. "destination": "Rampe auf der linken Seite nehmen Richtung {destination}"
  562. },
  563. "slight right": {
  564. "default": "Rampe auf der rechten Seite nehmen",
  565. "name": "Rampe auf der rechten Seite nehmen auf {way_name}",
  566. "destination": "Rampe auf der rechten Seite nehmen Richtung {destination}"
  567. }
  568. },
  569. "rotary": {
  570. "default": {
  571. "default": {
  572. "default": "In den Kreisverkehr fahren",
  573. "name": "In den Kreisverkehr fahren und auf {way_name} verlassen",
  574. "destination": "In den Kreisverkehr fahren und Richtung {destination} verlassen"
  575. },
  576. "name": {
  577. "default": "In {rotary_name} fahren",
  578. "name": "In {rotary_name} fahren und auf {way_name} verlassen",
  579. "destination": "In {rotary_name} fahren und Richtung {destination} verlassen"
  580. },
  581. "exit": {
  582. "default": "In den Kreisverkehr fahren und {exit_number} Ausfahrt nehmen",
  583. "name": "In den Kreisverkehr fahren und {exit_number} Ausfahrt nehmen auf {way_name}",
  584. "destination": "In den Kreisverkehr fahren und {exit_number} Ausfahrt nehmen Richtung {destination}"
  585. },
  586. "name_exit": {
  587. "default": "In den Kreisverkehr fahren und {exit_number} Ausfahrt nehmen",
  588. "name": "In den Kreisverkehr fahren und {exit_number} Ausfahrt nehmen auf {way_name}",
  589. "destination": "In den Kreisverkehr fahren und {exit_number} Ausfahrt nehmen Richtung {destination}"
  590. }
  591. }
  592. },
  593. "roundabout": {
  594. "default": {
  595. "exit": {
  596. "default": "In den Kreisverkehr fahren und {exit_number} Ausfahrt nehmen",
  597. "name": "In den Kreisverkehr fahren und {exit_number} Ausfahrt nehmen auf {way_name}",
  598. "destination": "In den Kreisverkehr fahren und {exit_number} Ausfahrt nehmen Richtung {destination}"
  599. },
  600. "default": {
  601. "default": "In den Kreisverkehr fahren",
  602. "name": "In den Kreisverkehr fahren und auf {way_name} verlassen",
  603. "destination": "In den Kreisverkehr fahren und Richtung {destination} verlassen"
  604. }
  605. }
  606. },
  607. "roundabout turn": {
  608. "default": {
  609. "default": "Am Kreisverkehr {modifier}",
  610. "name": "Am Kreisverkehr {modifier} auf {way_name}",
  611. "destination": "Am Kreisverkehr {modifier} Richtung {destination}"
  612. },
  613. "left": {
  614. "default": "Am Kreisverkehr links",
  615. "name": "Am Kreisverkehr links auf {way_name}",
  616. "destination": "Am Kreisverkehr links Richtung {destination}"
  617. },
  618. "right": {
  619. "default": "Am Kreisverkehr rechts",
  620. "name": "Am Kreisverkehr rechts auf {way_name}",
  621. "destination": "Am Kreisverkehr rechts Richtung {destination}"
  622. },
  623. "straight": {
  624. "default": "Am Kreisverkehr geradeaus weiterfahren",
  625. "name": "Am Kreisverkehr geradeaus weiterfahren auf {way_name}",
  626. "destination": "Am Kreisverkehr geradeaus weiterfahren Richtung {destination}"
  627. }
  628. },
  629. "turn": {
  630. "default": {
  631. "default": "{modifier} abbiegen",
  632. "name": "{modifier} abbiegen auf {way_name}",
  633. "destination": "{modifier} abbiegen Richtung {destination}"
  634. },
  635. "left": {
  636. "default": "Links abbiegen",
  637. "name": "Links abbiegen auf {way_name}",
  638. "destination": "Links abbiegen Richtung {destination}"
  639. },
  640. "right": {
  641. "default": "Rechts abbiegen",
  642. "name": "Rechts abbiegen auf {way_name}",
  643. "destination": "Rechts abbiegen Richtung {destination}"
  644. },
  645. "straight": {
  646. "default": "Geradeaus weiterfahren",
  647. "name": "Geradeaus weiterfahren auf {way_name}",
  648. "destination": "Geradeaus weiterfahren Richtung {destination}"
  649. }
  650. },
  651. "use lane": {
  652. "no_lanes": {
  653. "default": "Geradeaus weiterfahren"
  654. },
  655. "default": {
  656. "default": "{lane_instruction}"
  657. }
  658. }
  659. }
  660. }
  661. },{}],5:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  662. module.exports={
  663. "meta": {
  664. "capitalizeFirstLetter": true
  665. },
  666. "v5": {
  667. "constants": {
  668. "ordinalize": {
  669. "1": "1st",
  670. "2": "2nd",
  671. "3": "3rd",
  672. "4": "4th",
  673. "5": "5th",
  674. "6": "6th",
  675. "7": "7th",
  676. "8": "8th",
  677. "9": "9th",
  678. "10": "10th"
  679. },
  680. "direction": {
  681. "north": "north",
  682. "northeast": "northeast",
  683. "east": "east",
  684. "southeast": "southeast",
  685. "south": "south",
  686. "southwest": "southwest",
  687. "west": "west",
  688. "northwest": "northwest"
  689. },
  690. "modifier": {
  691. "left": "left",
  692. "right": "right",
  693. "sharp left": "sharp left",
  694. "sharp right": "sharp right",
  695. "slight left": "slight left",
  696. "slight right": "slight right",
  697. "straight": "straight",
  698. "uturn": "U-turn"
  699. },
  700. "lanes": {
  701. "xo": "Keep right",
  702. "ox": "Keep left",
  703. "xox": "Keep in the middle",
  704. "oxo": "Keep left or right"
  705. }
  706. },
  707. "modes": {
  708. "ferry": {
  709. "default": "Take the ferry",
  710. "name": "Take the ferry {way_name}",
  711. "destination": "Take the ferry towards {destination}"
  712. }
  713. },
  714. "arrive": {
  715. "default": {
  716. "default": "You have arrived at your {nth} destination"
  717. },
  718. "left": {
  719. "default": "You have arrived at your {nth} destination, on the left"
  720. },
  721. "right": {
  722. "default": "You have arrived at your {nth} destination, on the right"
  723. },
  724. "sharp left": {
  725. "default": "You have arrived at your {nth} destination, on the left"
  726. },
  727. "sharp right": {
  728. "default": "You have arrived at your {nth} destination, on the right"
  729. },
  730. "slight right": {
  731. "default": "You have arrived at your {nth} destination, on the right"
  732. },
  733. "slight left": {
  734. "default": "You have arrived at your {nth} destination, on the left"
  735. },
  736. "straight": {
  737. "default": "You have arrived at your {nth} destination, straight ahead"
  738. }
  739. },
  740. "continue": {
  741. "default": {
  742. "default": "Continue {modifier}",
  743. "name": "Continue {modifier} onto {way_name}",
  744. "destination": "Continue {modifier} towards {destination}"
  745. },
  746. "slight left": {
  747. "default": "Continue slightly left",
  748. "name": "Continue slightly left onto {way_name}",
  749. "destination": "Continue slightly left towards {destination}"
  750. },
  751. "slight right": {
  752. "default": "Continue slightly right",
  753. "name": "Continue slightly right onto {way_name}",
  754. "destination": "Continue slightly right towards {destination}"
  755. },
  756. "uturn": {
  757. "default": "Make a U-turn",
  758. "name": "Make a U-turn onto {way_name}",
  759. "destination": "Make a U-turn towards {destination}"
  760. }
  761. },
  762. "depart": {
  763. "default": {
  764. "default": "Head {direction}",
  765. "name": "Head {direction} on {way_name}"
  766. }
  767. },
  768. "end of road": {
  769. "default": {
  770. "default": "Turn {modifier}",
  771. "name": "Turn {modifier} onto {way_name}",
  772. "destination": "Turn {modifier} towards {destination}"
  773. },
  774. "straight": {
  775. "default": "Continue straight",
  776. "name": "Continue straight onto {way_name}",
  777. "destination": "Continue straight towards {destination}"
  778. },
  779. "uturn": {
  780. "default": "Make a U-turn at the end of the road",
  781. "name": "Make a U-turn onto {way_name} at the end of the road",
  782. "destination": "Make a U-turn towards {destination} at the end of the road"
  783. }
  784. },
  785. "fork": {
  786. "default": {
  787. "default": "Keep {modifier} at the fork",
  788. "name": "Keep {modifier} at the fork onto {way_name}",
  789. "destination": "Keep {modifier} at the fork towards {destination}"
  790. },
  791. "slight left": {
  792. "default": "Keep left at the fork",
  793. "name": "Keep left at the fork onto {way_name}",
  794. "destination": "Keep left at the fork towards {destination}"
  795. },
  796. "slight right": {
  797. "default": "Keep right at the fork",
  798. "name": "Keep right at the fork onto {way_name}",
  799. "destination": "Keep right at the fork towards {destination}"
  800. },
  801. "sharp left": {
  802. "default": "Take a sharp left at the fork",
  803. "name": "Take a sharp left at the fork onto {way_name}",
  804. "destination": "Take a sharp left at the fork towards {destination}"
  805. },
  806. "sharp right": {
  807. "default": "Take a sharp right at the fork",
  808. "name": "Take a sharp right at the fork onto {way_name}",
  809. "destination": "Take a sharp right at the fork towards {destination}"
  810. },
  811. "uturn": {
  812. "default": "Make a U-turn",
  813. "name": "Make a U-turn onto {way_name}",
  814. "destination": "Make a U-turn towards {destination}"
  815. }
  816. },
  817. "merge": {
  818. "default": {
  819. "default": "Merge {modifier}",
  820. "name": "Merge {modifier} onto {way_name}",
  821. "destination": "Merge {modifier} towards {destination}"
  822. },
  823. "slight left": {
  824. "default": "Merge left",
  825. "name": "Merge left onto {way_name}",
  826. "destination": "Merge left towards {destination}"
  827. },
  828. "slight right": {
  829. "default": "Merge right",
  830. "name": "Merge right onto {way_name}",
  831. "destination": "Merge right towards {destination}"
  832. },
  833. "sharp left": {
  834. "default": "Merge left",
  835. "name": "Merge left onto {way_name}",
  836. "destination": "Merge left towards {destination}"
  837. },
  838. "sharp right": {
  839. "default": "Merge right",
  840. "name": "Merge right onto {way_name}",
  841. "destination": "Merge right towards {destination}"
  842. },
  843. "uturn": {
  844. "default": "Make a U-turn",
  845. "name": "Make a U-turn onto {way_name}",
  846. "destination": "Make a U-turn towards {destination}"
  847. }
  848. },
  849. "new name": {
  850. "default": {
  851. "default": "Continue {modifier}",
  852. "name": "Continue {modifier} onto {way_name}",
  853. "destination": "Continue {modifier} towards {destination}"
  854. },
  855. "sharp left": {
  856. "default": "Take a sharp left",
  857. "name": "Take a sharp left onto {way_name}",
  858. "destination": "Take a sharp left towards {destination}"
  859. },
  860. "sharp right": {
  861. "default": "Take a sharp right",
  862. "name": "Take a sharp right onto {way_name}",
  863. "destination": "Take a sharp right towards {destination}"
  864. },
  865. "slight left": {
  866. "default": "Continue slightly left",
  867. "name": "Continue slightly left onto {way_name}",
  868. "destination": "Continue slightly left towards {destination}"
  869. },
  870. "slight right": {
  871. "default": "Continue slightly right",
  872. "name": "Continue slightly right onto {way_name}",
  873. "destination": "Continue slightly right towards {destination}"
  874. },
  875. "uturn": {
  876. "default": "Make a U-turn",
  877. "name": "Make a U-turn onto {way_name}",
  878. "destination": "Make a U-turn towards {destination}"
  879. }
  880. },
  881. "notification": {
  882. "default": {
  883. "default": "Continue {modifier}",
  884. "name": "Continue {modifier} onto {way_name}",
  885. "destination" : "Continue {modifier} towards {destination}"
  886. },
  887. "uturn": {
  888. "default": "Make a U-turn",
  889. "name": "Make a U-turn onto {way_name}",
  890. "destination": "Make a U-turn towards {destination}"
  891. }
  892. },
  893. "off ramp": {
  894. "default": {
  895. "default": "Take the ramp",
  896. "name": "Take the ramp onto {way_name}",
  897. "destination": "Take the ramp towards {destination}"
  898. },
  899. "left": {
  900. "default": "Take the ramp on the left",
  901. "name": "Take the ramp on the left onto {way_name}",
  902. "destination": "Take the ramp on the left towards {destination}"
  903. },
  904. "right": {
  905. "default": "Take the ramp on the right",
  906. "name": "Take the ramp on the right onto {way_name}",
  907. "destination": "Take the ramp on the right towards {destination}"
  908. },
  909. "sharp left": {
  910. "default": "Take the ramp on the left",
  911. "name": "Take the ramp on the left onto {way_name}",
  912. "destination": "Take the ramp on the left towards {destination}"
  913. },
  914. "sharp right": {
  915. "default": "Take the ramp on the right",
  916. "name": "Take the ramp on the right onto {way_name}",
  917. "destination": "Take the ramp on the right towards {destination}"
  918. },
  919. "slight left": {
  920. "default": "Take the ramp on the left",
  921. "name": "Take the ramp on the left onto {way_name}",
  922. "destination": "Take the ramp on the left towards {destination}"
  923. },
  924. "slight right": {
  925. "default": "Take the ramp on the right",
  926. "name": "Take the ramp on the right onto {way_name}",
  927. "destination": "Take the ramp on the right towards {destination}"
  928. }
  929. },
  930. "on ramp": {
  931. "default": {
  932. "default": "Take the ramp",
  933. "name": "Take the ramp onto {way_name}",
  934. "destination": "Take the ramp towards {destination}"
  935. },
  936. "left": {
  937. "default": "Take the ramp on the left",
  938. "name": "Take the ramp on the left onto {way_name}",
  939. "destination": "Take the ramp on the left towards {destination}"
  940. },
  941. "right": {
  942. "default": "Take the ramp on the right",
  943. "name": "Take the ramp on the right onto {way_name}",
  944. "destination": "Take the ramp on the right towards {destination}"
  945. },
  946. "sharp left": {
  947. "default": "Take the ramp on the left",
  948. "name": "Take the ramp on the left onto {way_name}",
  949. "destination": "Take the ramp on the left towards {destination}"
  950. },
  951. "sharp right": {
  952. "default": "Take the ramp on the right",
  953. "name": "Take the ramp on the right onto {way_name}",
  954. "destination": "Take the ramp on the right towards {destination}"
  955. },
  956. "slight left": {
  957. "default": "Take the ramp on the left",
  958. "name": "Take the ramp on the left onto {way_name}",
  959. "destination": "Take the ramp on the left towards {destination}"
  960. },
  961. "slight right": {
  962. "default": "Take the ramp on the right",
  963. "name": "Take the ramp on the right onto {way_name}",
  964. "destination": "Take the ramp on the right towards {destination}"
  965. }
  966. },
  967. "rotary": {
  968. "default": {
  969. "default": {
  970. "default": "Enter the rotary",
  971. "name": "Enter the rotary and exit onto {way_name}",
  972. "destination": "Enter the rotary and exit towards {destination}"
  973. },
  974. "name": {
  975. "default": "Enter {rotary_name}",
  976. "name": "Enter {rotary_name} and exit onto {way_name}",
  977. "destination": "Enter {rotary_name} and exit towards {destination}"
  978. },
  979. "exit": {
  980. "default": "Enter the rotary and take the {exit_number} exit",
  981. "name": "Enter the rotary and take the {exit_number} exit onto {way_name}",
  982. "destination": "Enter the rotary and take the {exit_number} exit towards {destination}"
  983. },
  984. "name_exit": {
  985. "default": "Enter {rotary_name} and take the {exit_number} exit",
  986. "name": "Enter {rotary_name} and take the {exit_number} exit onto {way_name}",
  987. "destination": "Enter {rotary_name} and take the {exit_number} exit towards {destination}"
  988. }
  989. }
  990. },
  991. "roundabout": {
  992. "default": {
  993. "exit": {
  994. "default": "Enter the roundabout and take the {exit_number} exit",
  995. "name": "Enter the roundabout and take the {exit_number} exit onto {way_name}",
  996. "destination": "Enter the roundabout and take the {exit_number} exit towards {destination}"
  997. },
  998. "default": {
  999. "default": "Enter the roundabout",
  1000. "name": "Enter the roundabout and exit onto {way_name}",
  1001. "destination": "Enter the roundabout and exit towards {destination}"
  1002. }
  1003. }
  1004. },
  1005. "roundabout turn": {
  1006. "default": {
  1007. "default": "At the roundabout make a {modifier}",
  1008. "name": "At the roundabout make a {modifier} onto {way_name}",
  1009. "destination": "At the roundabout make a {modifier} towards {destination}"
  1010. },
  1011. "left": {
  1012. "default": "At the roundabout turn left",
  1013. "name": "At the roundabout turn left onto {way_name}",
  1014. "destination": "At the roundabout turn left towards {destination}"
  1015. },
  1016. "right": {
  1017. "default": "At the roundabout turn right",
  1018. "name": "At the roundabout turn right onto {way_name}",
  1019. "destination": "At the roundabout turn right towards {destination}"
  1020. },
  1021. "straight": {
  1022. "default": "At the roundabout continue straight",
  1023. "name": "At the roundabout continue straight onto {way_name}",
  1024. "destination": "At the roundabout continue straight towards {destination}"
  1025. }
  1026. },
  1027. "turn": {
  1028. "default": {
  1029. "default": "Make a {modifier}",
  1030. "name": "Make a {modifier} onto {way_name}",
  1031. "destination": "Make a {modifier} towards {destination}"
  1032. },
  1033. "left": {
  1034. "default": "Turn left",
  1035. "name": "Turn left onto {way_name}",
  1036. "destination": "Turn left towards {destination}"
  1037. },
  1038. "right": {
  1039. "default": "Turn right",
  1040. "name": "Turn right onto {way_name}",
  1041. "destination": "Turn right towards {destination}"
  1042. },
  1043. "straight": {
  1044. "default": "Go straight",
  1045. "name": "Go straight onto {way_name}",
  1046. "destination": "Go straight towards {destination}"
  1047. }
  1048. },
  1049. "use lane": {
  1050. "no_lanes": {
  1051. "default": "Continue straight"
  1052. },
  1053. "default": {
  1054. "default": "{lane_instruction}"
  1055. }
  1056. }
  1057. }
  1058. }
  1059. },{}],6:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  1060. module.exports={
  1061. "meta": {
  1062. "capitalizeFirstLetter": true
  1063. },
  1064. "v5": {
  1065. "constants": {
  1066. "ordinalize": {
  1067. "1": "première",
  1068. "2": "seconde",
  1069. "3": "troisième",
  1070. "4": "quatrième",
  1071. "5": "cinquième",
  1072. "6": "sixième",
  1073. "7": "setpième",
  1074. "8": "huitième",
  1075. "9": "neuvième",
  1076. "10": "dixième"
  1077. },
  1078. "direction": {
  1079. "north": "le nord",
  1080. "northeast": "le nord-est",
  1081. "east": "l'est",
  1082. "southeast": "le sud-est",
  1083. "south": "le sud",
  1084. "southwest": "le sud-ouest",
  1085. "west": "l'ouest",
  1086. "northwest": "le nord-ouest"
  1087. },
  1088. "modifier": {
  1089. "left": "à gauche",
  1090. "right": "à droite",
  1091. "sharp left": "franchement à gauche",
  1092. "sharp right": "franchement à droite",
  1093. "slight left": "légèrement à gauche",
  1094. "slight right": "légèrement à droite",
  1095. "straight": "tout droit",
  1096. "uturn": "demi-tour"
  1097. },
  1098. "lanes": {
  1099. "xo": "Serrer à droite",
  1100. "ox": "Serrer à gauche",
  1101. "xox": "Rester au milieu",
  1102. "oxo": "Rester à gauche ou à droite"
  1103. }
  1104. },
  1105. "modes": {
  1106. "ferry": {
  1107. "default": "Prendre le ferry",
  1108. "name": "Prendre le ferry {way_name}",
  1109. "destination": "Prendre le ferry en direction de {destination}"
  1110. }
  1111. },
  1112. "arrive": {
  1113. "default": {
  1114. "default": "Vous êtes arrivés à votre {nth} destination"
  1115. },
  1116. "left": {
  1117. "default": "Vous êtes arrivés à votre {nth} destination, sur la gauche"
  1118. },
  1119. "right": {
  1120. "default": "Vous êtes arrivés à votre {nth} destination, sur la droite"
  1121. },
  1122. "sharp left": {
  1123. "default": "Vous êtes arrivés à votre {nth} destination, sur la gauche"
  1124. },
  1125. "sharp right": {
  1126. "default": "Vous êtes arrivés à votre {nth} destination, sur la droite"
  1127. },
  1128. "slight right": {
  1129. "default": "Vous êtes arrivés à votre {nth} destination, sur la droite"
  1130. },
  1131. "slight left": {
  1132. "default": "Vous êtes arrivés à votre {nth} destination, sur la gauche"
  1133. },
  1134. "straight": {
  1135. "default": "Vous êtes arrivés à votre {nth} destination, droit devant"
  1136. }
  1137. },
  1138. "continue": {
  1139. "default": {
  1140. "default": "Continuer {modifier}",
  1141. "name": "Continuer {modifier} sur {way_name}",
  1142. "destination": "Continuer {modifier} en direction de {destination}"
  1143. },
  1144. "slight left": {
  1145. "default": "Continuer légèrement à gauche",
  1146. "name": "Continuer légèrement à gauche sur {way_name}",
  1147. "destination": "Continuer légèrement à gauche en direction de {destination}"
  1148. },
  1149. "slight right": {
  1150. "default": "Continuer légèrement à droite",
  1151. "name": "Continuer légèrement à droite sur {way_name}",
  1152. "destination": "Continuer légèrement à droite en direction de {destination}"
  1153. },
  1154. "uturn": {
  1155. "default": "Faire demi-tour",
  1156. "name": "Faire demi-tour sur {way_name}",
  1157. "destination": "Faire demi-tour en direction de {destination}"
  1158. }
  1159. },
  1160. "depart": {
  1161. "default": {
  1162. "default": "Rouler vers {direction}",
  1163. "name": "Rouler vers {direction} sur {way_name}"
  1164. }
  1165. },
  1166. "end of road": {
  1167. "default": {
  1168. "default": "Tourner {modifier}",
  1169. "name": "Tourner {modifier} sur {way_name}",
  1170. "destination": "Tourner {modifier} en direction de {destination}"
  1171. },
  1172. "straight": {
  1173. "default": "Continuer tout droit",
  1174. "name": "Continuer tout droit sur {way_name}",
  1175. "destination": "Continuer tout droit en direction de {destination}"
  1176. },
  1177. "uturn": {
  1178. "default": "Faire demi-tour à la fin de la route",
  1179. "name": "Faire demi-tour à la fin de la route {way_name}",
  1180. "destination": "Faire demi-tour à la fin de la route en direction de {destination}"
  1181. }
  1182. },
  1183. "fork": {
  1184. "default": {
  1185. "default": "Rester {modifier} à l'embranchement",
  1186. "name": "Rester {modifier} à l'embranchement sur {way_name}",
  1187. "destination": "Rester {modifier} à l'embranchement en direction de {destination}"
  1188. },
  1189. "slight left": {
  1190. "default": "Rester à gauche à l'embranchement",
  1191. "name": "Rester à gauche à l'embranchement sur {way_name}",
  1192. "destination": "Rester à gauche à l'embranchement en direction de {destination}"
  1193. },
  1194. "slight right": {
  1195. "default": "Rester à droite à l'embranchement",
  1196. "name": "Rester à droite à l'embranchement sur {way_name}",
  1197. "destination": "Rester à droite à l'embranchement en direction de {destination}"
  1198. },
  1199. "sharp left": {
  1200. "default": "Prendre à gauche à l'embranchement",
  1201. "name": "Prendre à gauche à l'embranchement sur {way_name}",
  1202. "destination": "Prendre à gauche à l'embranchement en direction de {destination}"
  1203. },
  1204. "sharp right": {
  1205. "default": "Prendre à droite à l'embranchement",
  1206. "name": "Prendre à droite à l'embranchement sur {way_name}",
  1207. "destination": "Prendre à droite à l'embranchement en direction de {destination}"
  1208. },
  1209. "uturn": {
  1210. "default": "Faire demi-tour",
  1211. "name": "Faire demi-tour sur {way_name}",
  1212. "destination": "Faire demi-tour en direction de {destination}"
  1213. }
  1214. },
  1215. "merge": {
  1216. "default": {
  1217. "default": "Rejoindre {modifier}",
  1218. "name": "Rejoindre {modifier} sur {way_name}",
  1219. "destination": "Rejoindre {modifier} en direction de {destination}"
  1220. },
  1221. "slight left": {
  1222. "default": "Rejoindre légèrement par la gauche",
  1223. "name": "Rejoindre {way_name} légèrement par la gauche",
  1224. "destination": "Rejoindre légèrement par la gauche la route en direction de {destination}"
  1225. },
  1226. "slight right": {
  1227. "default": "Rejoindre légèrement par la droite",
  1228. "name": "Rejoindre {way_name} légèrement par la droite",
  1229. "destination": "Rejoindre légèrement par la droite la route en direction de {destination}"
  1230. },
  1231. "sharp left": {
  1232. "default": "Rejoindre par la gauche",
  1233. "name": "Rejoindre {way_name} par la gauche",
  1234. "destination": "Rejoindre par la gauche la route en direction de {destination}"
  1235. },
  1236. "sharp right": {
  1237. "default": "Rejoindre par la droite",
  1238. "name": "Rejoindre {way_name} par la droite",
  1239. "destination": "Rejoindre par la droite la route en direction de {destination}"
  1240. },
  1241. "uturn": {
  1242. "default": "Fair demi-tour",
  1243. "name": "Fair demi-tour sur {way_name}",
  1244. "destination": "Fair demi-tour en direction de {destination}"
  1245. }
  1246. },
  1247. "new name": {
  1248. "default": {
  1249. "default": "Continuer {modifier}",
  1250. "name": "Continuer {modifier} sur {way_name}",
  1251. "destination": "Continuer {modifier} en direction de {destination}"
  1252. },
  1253. "sharp left": {
  1254. "default": "Prendre à gauche",
  1255. "name": "Prendre à gauche sur {way_name}",
  1256. "destination": "Prendre à gauche en direction de {destination}"
  1257. },
  1258. "sharp right": {
  1259. "default": "Prendre à droite",
  1260. "name": "Prendre à droite sur {way_name}",
  1261. "destination": "Prendre à droite en direction de {destination}"
  1262. },
  1263. "slight left": {
  1264. "default": "Continuer légèrement à gauche",
  1265. "name": "Continuer légèrement à gauche sur {way_name}",
  1266. "destination": "Continuer légèrement à gauche en direction de {destination}"
  1267. },
  1268. "slight right": {
  1269. "default": "Continuer légèrement à droite",
  1270. "name": "Continuer légèrement à droite sur {way_name}",
  1271. "destination": "Continuer légèrement à droite en direction de {destination}"
  1272. },
  1273. "uturn": {
  1274. "default": "Fair demi-tour",
  1275. "name": "Fair demi-tour sur {way_name}",
  1276. "destination": "Fair demi-tour en direction de {destination}"
  1277. }
  1278. },
  1279. "notification": {
  1280. "default": {
  1281. "default": "Continuer {modifier}",
  1282. "name": "Continuer {modifier} sur {way_name}",
  1283. "destination" : "Continuer {modifier} en direction de {destination}"
  1284. },
  1285. "uturn": {
  1286. "default": "Fair demi-tour",
  1287. "name": "Fair demi-tour sur {way_name}",
  1288. "destination": "Fair demi-tour en direction de {destination}"
  1289. }
  1290. },
  1291. "off ramp": {
  1292. "default": {
  1293. "default": "Prendre la sortie",
  1294. "name": "Prendre la sortie sur {way_name}",
  1295. "destination": "Prendre la sortie en direction de {destination}"
  1296. },
  1297. "left": {
  1298. "default": "Prendre la sortie à gauche",
  1299. "name": "Prendre la sortie à gauche sur {way_name}",
  1300. "destination": "Prendre la sortie à gauche en direction de {destination}"
  1301. },
  1302. "right": {
  1303. "default": "Prendre la sortie à droite",
  1304. "name": "Prendre la sortie à droite sur {way_name}",
  1305. "destination": "Prendre la sortie à droite en direction de {destination}"
  1306. },
  1307. "sharp left": {
  1308. "default": "Prendre la sortie à gauche",
  1309. "name": "Prendre la sortie à gauche sur {way_name}",
  1310. "destination": "Prendre la sortie à gauche en direction de {destination}"
  1311. },
  1312. "sharp right": {
  1313. "default": "Prendre la sortie à droite",
  1314. "name": "Prendre la sortie à droite sur {way_name}",
  1315. "destination": "Prendre la sortie à droite en direction de {destination}"
  1316. },
  1317. "slight left": {
  1318. "default": "Prendre la sortie à gauche",
  1319. "name": "Prendre la sortie à gauche sur {way_name}",
  1320. "destination": "Prendre la sortie à gauche en direction de {destination}"
  1321. },
  1322. "slight right": {
  1323. "default": "Prendre la sortie à droite",
  1324. "name": "Prendre la sortie à droite sur {way_name}",
  1325. "destination": "Prendre la sortie à droite en direction de {destination}"
  1326. }
  1327. },
  1328. "on ramp": {
  1329. "default": {
  1330. "default": "Prendre la sortie",
  1331. "name": "Prendre la sortie sur {way_name}",
  1332. "destination": "Prendre la sortie en direction de {destination}"
  1333. },
  1334. "left": {
  1335. "default": "Prendre la sortie à gauche",
  1336. "name": "Prendre la sortie à gauche sur {way_name}",
  1337. "destination": "Prendre la sortie à gauche en direction de {destination}"
  1338. },
  1339. "right": {
  1340. "default": "Prendre la sortie à droite",
  1341. "name": "Prendre la sortie à droite sur {way_name}",
  1342. "destination": "Prendre la sortie à droite en direction de {destination}"
  1343. },
  1344. "sharp left": {
  1345. "default": "Prendre la sortie à gauche",
  1346. "name": "Prendre la sortie à gauche sur {way_name}",
  1347. "destination": "Prendre la sortie à gauche en direction de {destination}"
  1348. },
  1349. "sharp right": {
  1350. "default": "Prendre la sortie à droite",
  1351. "name": "Prendre la sortie à droite sur {way_name}",
  1352. "destination": "Prendre la sortie à droite en direction de {destination}"
  1353. },
  1354. "slight left": {
  1355. "default": "Prendre la sortie à gauche",
  1356. "name": "Prendre la sortie à gauche sur {way_name}",
  1357. "destination": "Prendre la sortie à gauche en direction de {destination}"
  1358. },
  1359. "slight right": {
  1360. "default": "Prendre la sortie à droite",
  1361. "name": "Prendre la sortie à droite sur {way_name}",
  1362. "destination": "Prendre la sortie à droite en direction de {destination}"
  1363. }
  1364. },
  1365. "rotary": {
  1366. "default": {
  1367. "default": {
  1368. "default": "Entrer dans le rond-point",
  1369. "name": "Entrer dans le rond-point et sortir par {way_name}",
  1370. "destination": "Entrer dans le rond-point et sortir en direction de {destination}"
  1371. },
  1372. "name": {
  1373. "default": "Entrer dans le rond-point {rotary_name}",
  1374. "name": "Entrer dans le rond-point {rotary_name} et sortir par {way_name}",
  1375. "destination": "Entrer dans le rond-point {rotary_name} et sortir en direction de {destination}"
  1376. },
  1377. "exit": {
  1378. "default": "Entrer dans le rond-point et prendre la {exit_number} sortie",
  1379. "name": "Entrer dans le rond-point et prendre la {exit_number} sortie sur {way_name}",
  1380. "destination": "Entrer dans le rond-point et prendre la {exit_number} sortie en direction de {destination}"
  1381. },
  1382. "name_exit": {
  1383. "default": "Entrer dans le rond-point {rotary_name} et prendre la {exit_number} sortie",
  1384. "name": "Entrer dans le rond-point {rotary_name} et prendre la {exit_number} sortie sur {way_name}",
  1385. "destination": "Entrer dans le rond-point {rotary_name} et prendre la {exit_number} sortie en direction de {destination}"
  1386. }
  1387. }
  1388. },
  1389. "roundabout": {
  1390. "default": {
  1391. "exit": {
  1392. "default": "Entrer dans le rond-point et prendre la {exit_number} sortie",
  1393. "name": "Entrer dans le rond-point et prendre la {exit_number} sortie sur {way_name}",
  1394. "destination": "Entrer dans le rond-point et prendre la {exit_number} sortie en direction de {destination}"
  1395. },
  1396. "default": {
  1397. "default": "Entrer dans le rond-point",
  1398. "name": "Entrer dans le rond-point et sortir par {way_name}",
  1399. "destination": "Entrer dans le rond-point et sortir en direction de {destination}"
  1400. }
  1401. }
  1402. },
  1403. "roundabout turn": {
  1404. "default": {
  1405. "default": "Au rond-point, tourner {modifier}",
  1406. "name": "Au rond-point, tourner {modifier} sur {way_name}",
  1407. "destination": "Au rond-point, tourner {modifier} en direction de {destination}"
  1408. },
  1409. "left": {
  1410. "default": "Au rond-point, tourner à gauche",
  1411. "name": "Au rond-point, tourner à gauche sur {way_name}",
  1412. "destination": "Au rond-point, tourner à gauche en direction de {destination}"
  1413. },
  1414. "right": {
  1415. "default": "Au rond-point, tourner à droite",
  1416. "name": "Au rond-point, tourner à droite sur {way_name}",
  1417. "destination": "Au rond-point, tourner à droite en direction de {destination}"
  1418. },
  1419. "straight": {
  1420. "default": "Au rond-point, continuer tout droit",
  1421. "name": "Au rond-point, continuer tout droit sur {way_name}",
  1422. "destination": "Au rond-point, continuer tout droit en direction de {destination}"
  1423. }
  1424. },
  1425. "turn": {
  1426. "default": {
  1427. "default": "Tourner {modifier}",
  1428. "name": "Tourner {modifier} sur {way_name}",
  1429. "destination": "Tourner {modifier} en direction de {destination}"
  1430. },
  1431. "left": {
  1432. "default": "Tourner à gauche",
  1433. "name": "Tourner à gauche sur {way_name}",
  1434. "destination": "Tourner à gauche en direction de {destination}"
  1435. },
  1436. "right": {
  1437. "default": "Tourner à droite",
  1438. "name": "Tourner à droite sur {way_name}",
  1439. "destination": "Tourner à droite en direction de {destination}"
  1440. },
  1441. "straight": {
  1442. "default": "Aller tout droit",
  1443. "name": "Aller tout droit sur {way_name}",
  1444. "destination": "Aller tout droit en direction de {destination}"
  1445. }
  1446. },
  1447. "use lane": {
  1448. "no_lanes": {
  1449. "default": "Continuer tout droit"
  1450. },
  1451. "default": {
  1452. "default": "{lane_instruction} pour continuer {modifier}"
  1453. },
  1454. "straight": {
  1455. "default": "{lane_instruction}"
  1456. },
  1457. "left": {
  1458. "default": "{lane_instruction} pour tourner à gauche"
  1459. },
  1460. "right": {
  1461. "default": "{lane_instruction} pour tourner à droite"
  1462. }
  1463. }
  1464. }
  1465. }
  1466. },{}],7:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  1467. module.exports={
  1468. "meta": {
  1469. "capitalizeFirstLetter": true
  1470. },
  1471. "v5": {
  1472. "constants": {
  1473. "ordinalize": {
  1474. "1": "eerste",
  1475. "2": "tweede",
  1476. "3": "derde",
  1477. "4": "vierde",
  1478. "5": "vijfde",
  1479. "6": "zesde",
  1480. "7": "zevende",
  1481. "8": "achtste",
  1482. "9": "negende",
  1483. "10": "tiende"
  1484. },
  1485. "direction": {
  1486. "north": "noord",
  1487. "northeast": "noordoost",
  1488. "east": "oost",
  1489. "southeast": "zuidoost",
  1490. "south": "zuid",
  1491. "southwest": "zuidwest",
  1492. "west": "west",
  1493. "northwest": "noordwest"
  1494. },
  1495. "modifier": {
  1496. "left": "links",
  1497. "right": "rechts",
  1498. "sharp left": "linksaf",
  1499. "sharp right": "rechtsaf",
  1500. "slight left": "links",
  1501. "slight right": "rechts",
  1502. "straight": "rechtdoor",
  1503. "uturn": "omkeren"
  1504. },
  1505. "lanes": {
  1506. "xo": "Rechts aanhouden",
  1507. "ox": "Links aanhouden",
  1508. "xox": "In het midden blijven",
  1509. "oxo": "Links of rechts blijven"
  1510. }
  1511. },
  1512. "modes": {
  1513. "ferry": {
  1514. "default": "Neem het veer",
  1515. "name": "Neem het veer {way_name}",
  1516. "destination": "Neem het veer naar {destination}"
  1517. }
  1518. },
  1519. "arrive": {
  1520. "default": {
  1521. "default": "Je bent gearriveerd op de {nth} bestemming."
  1522. },
  1523. "left": {
  1524. "default": "Je bent gearriveerd. De {nth} bestemming bevindt zich links."
  1525. },
  1526. "right": {
  1527. "default": "Je bent gearriveerd. De {nth} bestemming bevindt zich rechts."
  1528. },
  1529. "sharp left": {
  1530. "default": "Je bent gearriveerd. De {nth} bestemming bevindt zich links."
  1531. },
  1532. "sharp right": {
  1533. "default": "Je bent gearriveerd. De {nth} bestemming bevindt zich rechts."
  1534. },
  1535. "slight right": {
  1536. "default": "Je bent gearriveerd. De {nth} bestemming bevindt zich rechts."
  1537. },
  1538. "slight left": {
  1539. "default": "Je bent gearriveerd. De {nth} bestemming bevindt zich links."
  1540. },
  1541. "straight": {
  1542. "default": "Je bent gearriveerd. De {nth} bestemming bevindt zich voor je."
  1543. }
  1544. },
  1545. "continue": {
  1546. "default": {
  1547. "default": "Ga {modifier}",
  1548. "name": "Ga {modifier} naar {way_name}",
  1549. "destination": "Ga {modifier} richting {destination}"
  1550. },
  1551. "slight left": {
  1552. "default": "Links aanhouden",
  1553. "name": "Links aanhouden naar {way_name}",
  1554. "destination": "Links aanhouden richting {destination}"
  1555. },
  1556. "slight right": {
  1557. "default": "Rechts aanhouden",
  1558. "name": "Rechts aanhouden naar {way_name}",
  1559. "destination": "Rechts aanhouden richting {destination}"
  1560. },
  1561. "uturn": {
  1562. "default": "Keer om",
  1563. "name": "Keer om naar {way_name}",
  1564. "destination": "Keer om richting {destination}"
  1565. }
  1566. },
  1567. "depart": {
  1568. "default": {
  1569. "default": "Vertrek in {direction}elijke richting",
  1570. "name": "Neem {way_name} in {direction}elijke richting"
  1571. }
  1572. },
  1573. "end of road": {
  1574. "default": {
  1575. "default": "Ga {modifier}",
  1576. "name": "Ga {modifier} naar {way_name}",
  1577. "destination": "Ga {modifier} richting {destination}"
  1578. },
  1579. "straight": {
  1580. "default": "Ga in de aangegeven richting",
  1581. "name": "Ga naar {way_name}",
  1582. "destination": "Ga richting {destination}"
  1583. },
  1584. "uturn": {
  1585. "default": "Keer om",
  1586. "name": "Keer om naar {way_name}",
  1587. "destination": "Keer om richting {destination}"
  1588. }
  1589. },
  1590. "fork": {
  1591. "default": {
  1592. "default": "Ga {modifier} op de splitsing",
  1593. "name": "Ga {modifier} op de splitsing naar {way_name}",
  1594. "destination": "Ga {modifier} op de splitsing richting {destination}"
  1595. },
  1596. "slight left": {
  1597. "default": "Links aanhouden op de splitsing",
  1598. "name": "Links aanhouden op de splitsing naar {way_name}",
  1599. "destination": "Links aanhouden op de splitsing richting {destination}"
  1600. },
  1601. "slight right": {
  1602. "default": "Rechts aanhouden op de splitsing",
  1603. "name": "Rechts aanhouden op de splitsing naar {way_name}",
  1604. "destination": "Rechts aanhouden op de splitsing richting {destination}"
  1605. },
  1606. "sharp left": {
  1607. "default": "Linksaf op de splitsing",
  1608. "name": "Linksaf op de splitsing naar {way_name}",
  1609. "destination": "Linksaf op de splitsing richting {destination}"
  1610. },
  1611. "sharp right": {
  1612. "default": "Rechtsaf op de splitsing",
  1613. "name": "Rechtsaf op de splitsing naar {way_name}",
  1614. "destination": "Rechtsaf op de splitsing richting {destination}"
  1615. },
  1616. "uturn": {
  1617. "default": "Keer om",
  1618. "name": "Keer om naar {way_name}",
  1619. "destination": "Keer om richting {destination}"
  1620. }
  1621. },
  1622. "merge": {
  1623. "default": {
  1624. "default": "Bij de splitsing {modifier}",
  1625. "name": "Bij de splitsing {modifier} naar {way_name}",
  1626. "destination": "Bij de splitsing {modifier} richting {destination}"
  1627. },
  1628. "slight left": {
  1629. "default": "Bij de splitsing links aanhouden",
  1630. "name": "Bij de splitsing links aanhouden naar {way_name}",
  1631. "destination": "Bij de splitsing links aanhouden richting {destination}"
  1632. },
  1633. "slight right": {
  1634. "default": "Bij de splitsing rechts aanhouden",
  1635. "name": "Bij de splitsing rechts aanhouden naar {way_name}",
  1636. "destination": "Bij de splitsing rechts aanhouden richting {destination}"
  1637. },
  1638. "sharp left": {
  1639. "default": "Bij de splitsing linksaf",
  1640. "name": "Bij de splitsing linksaf naar {way_name}",
  1641. "destination": "Bij de splitsing linksaf richting {destination}"
  1642. },
  1643. "sharp right": {
  1644. "default": "Bij de splitsing rechtsaf",
  1645. "name": "Bij de splitsing rechtsaf naar {way_name}",
  1646. "destination": "Bij de splitsing rechtsaf richting {destination}"
  1647. },
  1648. "uturn": {
  1649. "default": "Keer om",
  1650. "name": "Keer om naar {way_name}",
  1651. "destination": "Keer om richting {destination}"
  1652. }
  1653. },
  1654. "new name": {
  1655. "default": {
  1656. "default": "Ga {modifier}",
  1657. "name": "Ga {modifier} naar {way_name}",
  1658. "destination": "Ga {modifier} richting {destination}"
  1659. },
  1660. "sharp left": {
  1661. "default": "Linksaf",
  1662. "name": "Linksaf naar {way_name}",
  1663. "destination": "Linksaf richting {destination}"
  1664. },
  1665. "sharp right": {
  1666. "default": "Rechtsaf",
  1667. "name": "Rechtsaf naar {way_name}",
  1668. "destination": "Rechtsaf richting {destination}"
  1669. },
  1670. "slight left": {
  1671. "default": "Links aanhouden",
  1672. "name": "Links aanhouden naar {way_name}",
  1673. "destination": "Links aanhouden richting {destination}"
  1674. },
  1675. "slight right": {
  1676. "default": "Rechts aanhouden",
  1677. "name": "Rechts aanhouden naar {way_name}",
  1678. "destination": "Rechts aanhouden richting {destination}"
  1679. },
  1680. "uturn": {
  1681. "default": "Keer om",
  1682. "name": "Keer om naar {way_name}",
  1683. "destination": "Keer om richting {destination}"
  1684. }
  1685. },
  1686. "notification": {
  1687. "default": {
  1688. "default": "Ga {modifier}",
  1689. "name": "Ga {modifier} naar {way_name}",
  1690. "destination" : "Ga {modifier} richting {destination}"
  1691. },
  1692. "uturn": {
  1693. "default": "Keer om",
  1694. "name": "Keer om naar {way_name}",
  1695. "destination": "Keer om richting {destination}"
  1696. }
  1697. },
  1698. "off ramp": {
  1699. "default": {
  1700. "default": "Neem de afrit",
  1701. "name": "Neem de afrit naar {way_name}",
  1702. "destination": "Neem de afrit richting {destination}"
  1703. },
  1704. "left": {
  1705. "default": "Neem de afrit links",
  1706. "name": "Neem de afrit links naar {way_name}",
  1707. "destination": "Neem de afrit links richting {destination}"
  1708. },
  1709. "right": {
  1710. "default": "Neem de afrit rechts",
  1711. "name": "Neem de afrit rechts naar {way_name}",
  1712. "destination": "Neem de afrit rechts richting {destination}"
  1713. },
  1714. "sharp left": {
  1715. "default": "Neem de afrit links",
  1716. "name": "Neem de afrit links naar {way_name}",
  1717. "destination": "Neem de afrit links richting {destination}"
  1718. },
  1719. "sharp right": {
  1720. "default": "Neem de afrit rechts",
  1721. "name": "Neem de afrit rechts naar {way_name}",
  1722. "destination": "Neem de afrit rechts richting {destination}"
  1723. },
  1724. "slight left": {
  1725. "default": "Neem de afrit links",
  1726. "name": "Neem de afrit links naar {way_name}",
  1727. "destination": "Neem de afrit links richting {destination}"
  1728. },
  1729. "slight right": {
  1730. "default": "Neem de afrit rechts",
  1731. "name": "Neem de afrit rechts naar {way_name}",
  1732. "destination": "Neem de afrit rechts richting {destination}"
  1733. }
  1734. },
  1735. "on ramp": {
  1736. "default": {
  1737. "default": "Neem de oprit",
  1738. "name": "Neem de oprit naar {way_name}",
  1739. "destination": "Neem de oprit richting {destination}"
  1740. },
  1741. "left": {
  1742. "default": "Neem de oprit links",
  1743. "name": "Neem de oprit links naar {way_name}",
  1744. "destination": "Neem de oprit links richting {destination}"
  1745. },
  1746. "right": {
  1747. "default": "Neem de oprit rechts",
  1748. "name": "Neem de oprit rechts naar {way_name}",
  1749. "destination": "Neem de oprit rechts richting {destination}"
  1750. },
  1751. "sharp left": {
  1752. "default": "Neem de oprit links",
  1753. "name": "Neem de oprit links naar {way_name}",
  1754. "destination": "Neem de oprit links richting {destination}"
  1755. },
  1756. "sharp right": {
  1757. "default": "Neem de oprit rechts",
  1758. "name": "Neem de oprit rechts naar {way_name}",
  1759. "destination": "Neem de oprit rechts richting {destination}"
  1760. },
  1761. "slight left": {
  1762. "default": "Neem de oprit links",
  1763. "name": "Neem de oprit links naar {way_name}",
  1764. "destination": "Neem de oprit links richting {destination}"
  1765. },
  1766. "slight right": {
  1767. "default": "Neem de oprit rechts",
  1768. "name": "Neem de oprit rechts naar {way_name}",
  1769. "destination": "Neem de oprit rechts richting {destination}"
  1770. }
  1771. },
  1772. "rotary": {
  1773. "default": {
  1774. "default": {
  1775. "default": "Ga het knooppunt op",
  1776. "name": "Verlaat het knooppunt naar {way_name}",
  1777. "destination": "Verlaat het knooppunt richting {destination}"
  1778. },
  1779. "name": {
  1780. "default": "Ga het knooppunt {rotary_name} op",
  1781. "name": "Verlaat het knooppunt {rotary_name} naar {way_name}",
  1782. "destination": "Verlaat het knooppunt {rotary_name} richting {destination}"
  1783. },
  1784. "exit": {
  1785. "default": "Ga het knooppunt op en neem afslag {exit_number}",
  1786. "name": "Ga het knooppunt op en neem afslag {exit_number} naar {way_name}",
  1787. "destination": "Ga het knooppunt op en neem afslag {exit_number} richting {destination}"
  1788. },
  1789. "name_exit": {
  1790. "default": "Ga het knooppunt {rotary_name} op en neem afslag {exit_number}",
  1791. "name": "Ga het knooppunt {rotary_name} op en neem afslag {exit_number} naar {way_name}",
  1792. "destination": "Ga het knooppunt {rotary_name} op en neem afslag {exit_number} richting {destination}"
  1793. }
  1794. }
  1795. },
  1796. "roundabout": {
  1797. "default": {
  1798. "exit": {
  1799. "default": "Ga de rotonde op en neem afslag {exit_number}",
  1800. "name": "Ga de rotonde op en neem afslag {exit_number} naar {way_name}",
  1801. "destination": "Ga de rotonde op en neem afslag {exit_number} richting {destination}"
  1802. },
  1803. "default": {
  1804. "default": "Ga de rotonde op",
  1805. "name": "Verlaat de rotonde naar {way_name}",
  1806. "destination": "Verlaat de rotonde richting {destination}"
  1807. }
  1808. }
  1809. },
  1810. "roundabout turn": {
  1811. "default": {
  1812. "default": "Ga {modifier} op de rotonde",
  1813. "name": "Ga {modifier} op de rotonde naar {way_name}",
  1814. "destination": "Ga {modifier} op de rotonde richting {destination}"
  1815. },
  1816. "left": {
  1817. "default": "Ga links op de rotonde",
  1818. "name": "Ga links op de rotonde naar {way_name}",
  1819. "destination": "Ga links op de rotonde richting {destination}"
  1820. },
  1821. "right": {
  1822. "default": "Ga rechts op de rotonde",
  1823. "name": "Ga rechts op de rotonde naar {way_name}",
  1824. "destination": "Ga rechts op de rotonde richting {destination}"
  1825. },
  1826. "straight": {
  1827. "default": "Rechtdoor op de rotonde",
  1828. "name": "Rechtdoor op de rotonde naar {way_name}",
  1829. "destination": "Rechtdoor op de rotonde richting {destination}"
  1830. }
  1831. },
  1832. "turn": {
  1833. "default": {
  1834. "default": "Ga {modifier}",
  1835. "name": "Ga {modifier} naar {way_name}",
  1836. "destination": "Ga {modifier} richting {destination}"
  1837. },
  1838. "left": {
  1839. "default": "Ga linksaf",
  1840. "name": "Ga linksaf naar {way_name}",
  1841. "destination": "Ga linksaf richting {destination}"
  1842. },
  1843. "right": {
  1844. "default": "Ga rechtsaf",
  1845. "name": "Ga rechtsaf naar {way_name}",
  1846. "destination": "Ga rechtsaf richting {destination}"
  1847. },
  1848. "straight": {
  1849. "default": "Ga rechtdoor",
  1850. "name": "Ga rechtdoor naar {way_name}",
  1851. "destination": "Ga rechtdoor richting {destination}"
  1852. }
  1853. },
  1854. "use lane": {
  1855. "no_lanes": {
  1856. "default": "Rechtdoor"
  1857. },
  1858. "default": {
  1859. "default": "{lane_instruction} ga {modifier}"
  1860. },
  1861. "straight": {
  1862. "default": "{lane_instruction}"
  1863. },
  1864. "left": {
  1865. "default": "{lane_instruction} om links te gaan"
  1866. },
  1867. "right": {
  1868. "default": "{lane_instruction} om rechts te gaan"
  1869. }
  1870. }
  1871. }
  1872. }
  1873. },{}],8:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  1874. module.exports={
  1875. "meta": {
  1876. "capitalizeFirstLetter": false
  1877. },
  1878. "v5": {
  1879. "constants": {
  1880. "ordinalize": {
  1881. "1": "第一",
  1882. "2": "第二",
  1883. "3": "第三",
  1884. "4": "第四",
  1885. "5": "第五",
  1886. "6": "第六",
  1887. "7": "第七",
  1888. "8": "第八",
  1889. "9": "第九",
  1890. "10": "第十"
  1891. },
  1892. "direction": {
  1893. "north": "北",
  1894. "northeast": "东北",
  1895. "east": "东",
  1896. "southeast": "东南",
  1897. "south": "南",
  1898. "southwest": "西南",
  1899. "west": "西",
  1900. "northwest": "西北"
  1901. },
  1902. "modifier": {
  1903. "left": "向左",
  1904. "right": "向右",
  1905. "sharp left": "向左",
  1906. "sharp right": "向右",
  1907. "slight left": "向左",
  1908. "slight right": "向右",
  1909. "straight": "直行",
  1910. "uturn": "调头"
  1911. },
  1912. "lanes": {
  1913. "xo": "靠右直行",
  1914. "ox": "靠左直行",
  1915. "xox": "保持在道路中间直行",
  1916. "oxo": "保持在道路两侧直行"
  1917. }
  1918. },
  1919. "modes": {
  1920. "ferry": {
  1921. "default": "乘坐轮渡",
  1922. "name": "乘坐{way_name}轮渡",
  1923. "destination": "乘坐开往{destination}的轮渡"
  1924. }
  1925. },
  1926. "arrive": {
  1927. "default": {
  1928. "default": "您已经到达您的{nth}个目的地"
  1929. },
  1930. "left": {
  1931. "default": "您已经到达您的{nth}个目的地,在道路左侧"
  1932. },
  1933. "right": {
  1934. "default": "您已经到达您的{nth}个目的地,在道路右侧"
  1935. },
  1936. "sharp left": {
  1937. "default": "您已经到达您的{nth}个目的地,在道路左侧"
  1938. },
  1939. "sharp right": {
  1940. "default": "您已经到达您的{nth}个目的地,在道路右侧"
  1941. },
  1942. "slight right": {
  1943. "default": "您已经到达您的{nth}个目的地,在道路右侧"
  1944. },
  1945. "slight left": {
  1946. "default": "您已经到达您的{nth}个目的地,在道路左侧"
  1947. },
  1948. "straight": {
  1949. "default": "您已经到达您的{nth}个目的地,在您正前方"
  1950. }
  1951. },
  1952. "continue": {
  1953. "default": {
  1954. "default": "继续{modifier}",
  1955. "name": "继续{modifier},上{way_name}",
  1956. "destination": "继续{modifier}行驶,前往{destination}"
  1957. },
  1958. "uturn": {
  1959. "default": "调头",
  1960. "name": "调头上{way_name}",
  1961. "destination": "调头后前往{destination}"
  1962. }
  1963. },
  1964. "depart": {
  1965. "default": {
  1966. "default": "出发向{direction}",
  1967. "name": "出发向{direction},上{way_name}"
  1968. }
  1969. },
  1970. "end of road": {
  1971. "default": {
  1972. "default": "{modifier}行驶",
  1973. "name": "{modifier}行驶,上{way_name}",
  1974. "destination": "{modifier}行驶,前往{destination}"
  1975. },
  1976. "straight": {
  1977. "default": "继续直行",
  1978. "name": "继续直行,上{way_name}",
  1979. "destination": "继续直行,前往{destination}"
  1980. },
  1981. "uturn": {
  1982. "default": "在道路尽头调头",
  1983. "name": "在道路尽头调头上{way_name}",
  1984. "destination": "在道路尽头调头,前往{destination}"
  1985. }
  1986. },
  1987. "fork": {
  1988. "default": {
  1989. "default": "在岔道保持{modifier}",
  1990. "name": "在岔道保持{modifier},上{way_name}",
  1991. "destination": "在岔道保持{modifier},前往{destination}"
  1992. },
  1993. "uturn": {
  1994. "default": "调头",
  1995. "name": "调头,上{way_name}",
  1996. "destination": "调头,前往{destination}"
  1997. }
  1998. },
  1999. "merge": {
  2000. "default": {
  2001. "default": "{modifier}并道",
  2002. "name": "{modifier}并道,上{way_name}",
  2003. "destination": "{modifier}并道,前往{destination}"
  2004. },
  2005. "uturn": {
  2006. "default": "调头",
  2007. "name": "调头,上{way_name}",
  2008. "destination": "调头,前往{destination}"
  2009. }
  2010. },
  2011. "new name": {
  2012. "default": {
  2013. "default": "继续{modifier}",
  2014. "name": "继续{modifier},上{way_name}",
  2015. "destination": "继续{modifier},前往{destination}"
  2016. },
  2017. "uturn": {
  2018. "default": "调头",
  2019. "name": "调头,上{way_name}",
  2020. "destination": "调头,前往{destination}"
  2021. }
  2022. },
  2023. "notification": {
  2024. "default": {
  2025. "default": "继续{modifier}",
  2026. "name": "继续{modifier},上{way_name}",
  2027. "destination" : "继续{modifier},前往{destination}"
  2028. },
  2029. "uturn": {
  2030. "default": "调头",
  2031. "name": "调头,上{way_name}",
  2032. "destination": "调头,前往{destination}"
  2033. }
  2034. },
  2035. "off ramp": {
  2036. "default": {
  2037. "default": "上匝道",
  2038. "name": "通过匝道驶入{way_name}",
  2039. "destination": "通过匝道前往{destination}"
  2040. },
  2041. "left": {
  2042. "default": "通过左边的匝道",
  2043. "name": "通过左边的匝道驶入{way_name}",
  2044. "destination": "通过左边的匝道前往{destination}"
  2045. },
  2046. "right": {
  2047. "default": "通过右边的匝道",
  2048. "name": "通过右边的匝道驶入{way_name}",
  2049. "destination": "通过右边的匝道前往{destination}"
  2050. }
  2051. },
  2052. "on ramp": {
  2053. "default": {
  2054. "default": "通过匝道",
  2055. "name": "通过匝道驶入{way_name}",
  2056. "destination": "通过匝道前往{destination}"
  2057. },
  2058. "left": {
  2059. "default": "通过左边的匝道",
  2060. "name": "通过左边的匝道驶入{way_name}",
  2061. "destination": "通过左边的匝道前往{destination}"
  2062. },
  2063. "right": {
  2064. "default": "通过右边的匝道",
  2065. "name": "通过右边的匝道驶入{way_name}",
  2066. "destination": "通过右边的匝道前往{destination}"
  2067. }
  2068. },
  2069. "rotary": {
  2070. "default": {
  2071. "default": {
  2072. "default": "进入环岛",
  2073. "name": "通过环岛后驶入{way_name}",
  2074. "destination": "通过环岛前往{destination}"
  2075. },
  2076. "name": {
  2077. "default": "进入{rotary_name}环岛",
  2078. "name": "通过{rotary_name}环岛后驶入{way_name}",
  2079. "destination": "通过{rotary_name}环岛后前往{destination}"
  2080. },
  2081. "exit": {
  2082. "default": "进入环岛并从{exit_number}出口驶出",
  2083. "name": "进入环岛后从{exit_number}出口驶出进入{way_name}",
  2084. "destination": "进入环岛后从{exit_number}出口驶出前往{destination}"
  2085. },
  2086. "name_exit": {
  2087. "default": "进入{rotary_name}环岛后从{exit_number}出口驶出",
  2088. "name": "进入{rotary_name}环岛后从{exit_number}出口驶出进入{way_name}",
  2089. "destination": "进入{rotary_name}环岛后从{exit_number}出口驶出前往{destination}"
  2090. }
  2091. }
  2092. },
  2093. "roundabout": {
  2094. "default": {
  2095. "exit": {
  2096. "default": "进入环岛后从{exit_number}出口驶出",
  2097. "name": "进入环岛后从{exit_number}出口驶出前往{way_name}",
  2098. "destination": "进入环岛后从{exit_number}出口驶出前往{destination}"
  2099. },
  2100. "default": {
  2101. "default": "进入环岛",
  2102. "name": "通过环岛后驶入{way_name}",
  2103. "destination": "通过环岛后前往{destination}"
  2104. }
  2105. }
  2106. },
  2107. "roundabout turn": {
  2108. "default": {
  2109. "default": "在环岛{modifier}行驶",
  2110. "name": "在环岛{modifier}行驶,上{way_name}",
  2111. "destination": "在环岛{modifier}行驶,前往{destination}"
  2112. },
  2113. "left": {
  2114. "default": "在环岛左转",
  2115. "name": "在环岛左转,上{way_name}",
  2116. "destination": "在环岛左转,前往{destination}"
  2117. },
  2118. "right": {
  2119. "default": "在环岛右转",
  2120. "name": "在环岛右转,上{way_name}",
  2121. "destination": "在环岛右转,前往{destination}"
  2122. },
  2123. "straight": {
  2124. "default": "在环岛继续直行",
  2125. "name": "在环岛继续直行,上{way_name}",
  2126. "destination": "在环岛继续直行,前往{destination}"
  2127. }
  2128. },
  2129. "turn": {
  2130. "default": {
  2131. "default": "{modifier}转弯",
  2132. "name": "{modifier}转弯,上{way_name}",
  2133. "destination": "{modifier}转弯,前往{destination}"
  2134. },
  2135. "left": {
  2136. "default": "左转",
  2137. "name": "左转,上{way_name}",
  2138. "destination": "左转,前往{destination}"
  2139. },
  2140. "right": {
  2141. "default": "右转",
  2142. "name": "右转,上{way_name}",
  2143. "destination": "右转,前往{destination}"
  2144. },
  2145. "straight": {
  2146. "default": "直行",
  2147. "name": "直行,上{way_name}",
  2148. "destination": "直行,前往{destination}"
  2149. }
  2150. },
  2151. "use lane": {
  2152. "no_lanes": {
  2153. "default": "继续直行"
  2154. },
  2155. "default": {
  2156. "default": "{lane_instruction}然后{modifier}"
  2157. },
  2158. "straight": {
  2159. "default": "{lane_instruction}"
  2160. },
  2161. "left": {
  2162. "default": "{lane_instruction}然后左转"
  2163. },
  2164. "right": {
  2165. "default": "{lane_instruction}然后右转"
  2166. }
  2167. }
  2168. }
  2169. }
  2170. },{}],9:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  2171. 'use strict';
  2172. /**
  2173. * Based off of [the offical Google document](https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/utilities/polylinealgorithm)
  2174. *
  2175. * Some parts from [this implementation](http://facstaff.unca.edu/mcmcclur/GoogleMaps/EncodePolyline/PolylineEncoder.js)
  2176. * by [Mark McClure](http://facstaff.unca.edu/mcmcclur/)
  2177. *
  2178. * @module polyline
  2179. */
  2180. var polyline = {};
  2181. function encode(coordinate, factor) {
  2182. coordinate = Math.round(coordinate * factor);
  2183. coordinate <<= 1;
  2184. if (coordinate < 0) {
  2185. coordinate = ~coordinate;
  2186. }
  2187. var output = '';
  2188. while (coordinate >= 0x20) {
  2189. output += String.fromCharCode((0x20 | (coordinate & 0x1f)) + 63);
  2190. coordinate >>= 5;
  2191. }
  2192. output += String.fromCharCode(coordinate + 63);
  2193. return output;
  2194. }
  2195. /**
  2196. * Decodes to a [latitude, longitude] coordinates array.
  2197. *
  2198. * This is adapted from the implementation in Project-OSRM.
  2199. *
  2200. * @param {String} str
  2201. * @param {Number} precision
  2202. * @returns {Array}
  2203. *
  2204. * @see https://github.com/Project-OSRM/osrm-frontend/blob/master/WebContent/routing/OSRM.RoutingGeometry.js
  2205. */
  2206. polyline.decode = function(str, precision) {
  2207. var index = 0,
  2208. lat = 0,
  2209. lng = 0,
  2210. coordinates = [],
  2211. shift = 0,
  2212. result = 0,
  2213. byte = null,
  2214. latitude_change,
  2215. longitude_change,
  2216. factor = Math.pow(10, precision || 5);
  2217. // Coordinates have variable length when encoded, so just keep
  2218. // track of whether we've hit the end of the string. In each
  2219. // loop iteration, a single coordinate is decoded.
  2220. while (index < str.length) {
  2221. // Reset shift, result, and byte
  2222. byte = null;
  2223. shift = 0;
  2224. result = 0;
  2225. do {
  2226. byte = str.charCodeAt(index++) - 63;
  2227. result |= (byte & 0x1f) << shift;
  2228. shift += 5;
  2229. } while (byte >= 0x20);
  2230. latitude_change = ((result & 1) ? ~(result >> 1) : (result >> 1));
  2231. shift = result = 0;
  2232. do {
  2233. byte = str.charCodeAt(index++) - 63;
  2234. result |= (byte & 0x1f) << shift;
  2235. shift += 5;
  2236. } while (byte >= 0x20);
  2237. longitude_change = ((result & 1) ? ~(result >> 1) : (result >> 1));
  2238. lat += latitude_change;
  2239. lng += longitude_change;
  2240. coordinates.push([lat / factor, lng / factor]);
  2241. }
  2242. return coordinates;
  2243. };
  2244. /**
  2245. * Encodes the given [latitude, longitude] coordinates array.
  2246. *
  2247. * @param {Array.<Array.<Number>>} coordinates
  2248. * @param {Number} precision
  2249. * @returns {String}
  2250. */
  2251. polyline.encode = function(coordinates, precision) {
  2252. if (!coordinates.length) { return ''; }
  2253. var factor = Math.pow(10, precision || 5),
  2254. output = encode(coordinates[0][0], factor) + encode(coordinates[0][1], factor);
  2255. for (var i = 1; i < coordinates.length; i++) {
  2256. var a = coordinates[i], b = coordinates[i - 1];
  2257. output += encode(a[0] - b[0], factor);
  2258. output += encode(a[1] - b[1], factor);
  2259. }
  2260. return output;
  2261. };
  2262. function flipped(coords) {
  2263. var flipped = [];
  2264. for (var i = 0; i < coords.length; i++) {
  2265. flipped.push(coords[i].slice().reverse());
  2266. }
  2267. return flipped;
  2268. }
  2269. /**
  2270. * Encodes a GeoJSON LineString feature/geometry.
  2271. *
  2272. * @param {Object} geojson
  2273. * @param {Number} precision
  2274. * @returns {String}
  2275. */
  2276. polyline.fromGeoJSON = function(geojson, precision) {
  2277. if (geojson && geojson.type === 'Feature') {
  2278. geojson = geojson.geometry;
  2279. }
  2280. if (!geojson || geojson.type !== 'LineString') {
  2281. throw new Error('Input must be a GeoJSON LineString');
  2282. }
  2283. return polyline.encode(flipped(geojson.coordinates), precision);
  2284. };
  2285. /**
  2286. * Decodes to a GeoJSON LineString geometry.
  2287. *
  2288. * @param {String} str
  2289. * @param {Number} precision
  2290. * @returns {Object}
  2291. */
  2292. polyline.toGeoJSON = function(str, precision) {
  2293. var coords = polyline.decode(str, precision);
  2294. return {
  2295. type: 'LineString',
  2296. coordinates: flipped(coords)
  2297. };
  2298. };
  2299. if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
  2300. module.exports = polyline;
  2301. }
  2302. },{}],10:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  2303. (function (global){
  2304. (function() {
  2305. 'use strict';
  2306. var L = (typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.L : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global.L : null);
  2307. module.exports = L.Class.extend({
  2308. options: {
  2309. timeout: 500,
  2310. blurTimeout: 100,
  2311. noResultsMessage: 'No results found.'
  2312. },
  2313. initialize: function(elem, callback, context, options) {
  2314. L.setOptions(this, options);
  2315. this._elem = elem;
  2316. this._resultFn = options.resultFn ? L.Util.bind(options.resultFn, options.resultContext) : null;
  2317. this._autocomplete = options.autocompleteFn ? L.Util.bind(options.autocompleteFn, options.autocompleteContext) : null;
  2318. this._selectFn = L.Util.bind(callback, context);
  2319. this._container = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-routing-geocoder-result');
  2320. this._resultTable = L.DomUtil.create('table', '', this._container);
  2321. // TODO: looks a bit like a kludge to register same for input and keypress -
  2322. // browsers supporting both will get duplicate events; just registering
  2323. // input will not catch enter, though.
  2324. L.DomEvent.addListener(this._elem, 'input', this._keyPressed, this);
  2325. L.DomEvent.addListener(this._elem, 'keypress', this._keyPressed, this);
  2326. L.DomEvent.addListener(this._elem, 'keydown', this._keyDown, this);
  2327. L.DomEvent.addListener(this._elem, 'blur', function() {
  2328. if (this._isOpen) {
  2329. this.close();
  2330. }
  2331. }, this);
  2332. },
  2333. close: function() {
  2334. L.DomUtil.removeClass(this._container, 'leaflet-routing-geocoder-result-open');
  2335. this._isOpen = false;
  2336. },
  2337. _open: function() {
  2338. var rect = this._elem.getBoundingClientRect();
  2339. if (!this._container.parentElement) {
  2340. // See notes section under https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/scrollX
  2341. // This abomination is required to support all flavors of IE
  2342. var scrollX = (window.pageXOffset !== undefined) ? window.pageXOffset
  2343. : (document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body).scrollLeft;
  2344. var scrollY = (window.pageYOffset !== undefined) ? window.pageYOffset
  2345. : (document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body).scrollTop;
  2346. this._container.style.left = (rect.left + scrollX) + 'px';
  2347. this._container.style.top = (rect.bottom + scrollY) + 'px';
  2348. this._container.style.width = (rect.right - rect.left) + 'px';
  2349. document.body.appendChild(this._container);
  2350. }
  2351. L.DomUtil.addClass(this._container, 'leaflet-routing-geocoder-result-open');
  2352. this._isOpen = true;
  2353. },
  2354. _setResults: function(results) {
  2355. var i,
  2356. tr,
  2357. td,
  2358. text;
  2359. delete this._selection;
  2360. this._results = results;
  2361. while (this._resultTable.firstChild) {
  2362. this._resultTable.removeChild(this._resultTable.firstChild);
  2363. }
  2364. for (i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
  2365. tr = L.DomUtil.create('tr', '', this._resultTable);
  2366. tr.setAttribute('data-result-index', i);
  2367. td = L.DomUtil.create('td', '', tr);
  2368. text = document.createTextNode(results[i].name);
  2369. td.appendChild(text);
  2370. // mousedown + click because:
  2371. // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10652852/jquery-fire-click-before-blur-event
  2372. L.DomEvent.addListener(td, 'mousedown', L.DomEvent.preventDefault);
  2373. L.DomEvent.addListener(td, 'click', this._createClickListener(results[i]));
  2374. }
  2375. if (!i) {
  2376. tr = L.DomUtil.create('tr', '', this._resultTable);
  2377. td = L.DomUtil.create('td', 'leaflet-routing-geocoder-no-results', tr);
  2378. td.innerHTML = this.options.noResultsMessage;
  2379. }
  2380. this._open();
  2381. if (results.length > 0) {
  2382. // Select the first entry
  2383. this._select(1);
  2384. }
  2385. },
  2386. _createClickListener: function(r) {
  2387. var resultSelected = this._resultSelected(r);
  2388. return L.bind(function() {
  2389. this._elem.blur();
  2390. resultSelected();
  2391. }, this);
  2392. },
  2393. _resultSelected: function(r) {
  2394. return L.bind(function() {
  2395. this.close();
  2396. this._elem.value = r.name;
  2397. this._lastCompletedText = r.name;
  2398. this._selectFn(r);
  2399. }, this);
  2400. },
  2401. _keyPressed: function(e) {
  2402. var index;
  2403. if (this._isOpen && e.keyCode === 13 && this._selection) {
  2404. index = parseInt(this._selection.getAttribute('data-result-index'), 10);
  2405. this._resultSelected(this._results[index])();
  2406. L.DomEvent.preventDefault(e);
  2407. return;
  2408. }
  2409. if (e.keyCode === 13) {
  2410. this._complete(this._resultFn, true);
  2411. return;
  2412. }
  2413. if (this._autocomplete && document.activeElement === this._elem) {
  2414. if (this._timer) {
  2415. clearTimeout(this._timer);
  2416. }
  2417. this._timer = setTimeout(L.Util.bind(function() { this._complete(this._autocomplete); }, this),
  2418. this.options.timeout);
  2419. return;
  2420. }
  2421. this._unselect();
  2422. },
  2423. _select: function(dir) {
  2424. var sel = this._selection;
  2425. if (sel) {
  2426. L.DomUtil.removeClass(sel.firstChild, 'leaflet-routing-geocoder-selected');
  2427. sel = sel[dir > 0 ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling'];
  2428. }
  2429. if (!sel) {
  2430. sel = this._resultTable[dir > 0 ? 'firstChild' : 'lastChild'];
  2431. }
  2432. if (sel) {
  2433. L.DomUtil.addClass(sel.firstChild, 'leaflet-routing-geocoder-selected');
  2434. this._selection = sel;
  2435. }
  2436. },
  2437. _unselect: function() {
  2438. if (this._selection) {
  2439. L.DomUtil.removeClass(this._selection.firstChild, 'leaflet-routing-geocoder-selected');
  2440. }
  2441. delete this._selection;
  2442. },
  2443. _keyDown: function(e) {
  2444. if (this._isOpen) {
  2445. switch (e.keyCode) {
  2446. // Escape
  2447. case 27:
  2448. this.close();
  2449. L.DomEvent.preventDefault(e);
  2450. return;
  2451. // Up
  2452. case 38:
  2453. this._select(-1);
  2454. L.DomEvent.preventDefault(e);
  2455. return;
  2456. // Down
  2457. case 40:
  2458. this._select(1);
  2459. L.DomEvent.preventDefault(e);
  2460. return;
  2461. }
  2462. }
  2463. },
  2464. _complete: function(completeFn, trySelect) {
  2465. var v = this._elem.value;
  2466. function completeResults(results) {
  2467. this._lastCompletedText = v;
  2468. if (trySelect && results.length === 1) {
  2469. this._resultSelected(results[0])();
  2470. } else {
  2471. this._setResults(results);
  2472. }
  2473. }
  2474. if (!v) {
  2475. return;
  2476. }
  2477. if (v !== this._lastCompletedText) {
  2478. completeFn(v, completeResults, this);
  2479. } else if (trySelect) {
  2480. completeResults.call(this, this._results);
  2481. }
  2482. }
  2483. });
  2484. })();
  2485. }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
  2486. },{}],11:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  2487. (function (global){
  2488. (function() {
  2489. 'use strict';
  2490. var L = (typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.L : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global.L : null);
  2491. var Itinerary = _dereq_('./itinerary');
  2492. var Line = _dereq_('./line');
  2493. var Plan = _dereq_('./plan');
  2494. var OSRMv1 = _dereq_('./osrm-v1');
  2495. module.exports = Itinerary.extend({
  2496. options: {
  2497. fitSelectedRoutes: 'smart',
  2498. routeLine: function(route, options) { return new Line(route, options); },
  2499. autoRoute: true,
  2500. routeWhileDragging: false,
  2501. routeDragInterval: 500,
  2502. waypointMode: 'connect',
  2503. showAlternatives: false,
  2504. defaultErrorHandler: function(e) {
  2505. console.error('Routing error:', e.error);
  2506. }
  2507. },
  2508. initialize: function(options) {
  2509. L.Util.setOptions(this, options);
  2510. this._router = this.options.router || new OSRMv1(options);
  2511. this._plan = this.options.plan || new Plan(this.options.waypoints, options);
  2512. this._requestCount = 0;
  2513. Itinerary.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
  2514. this.on('routeselected', this._routeSelected, this);
  2515. if (this.options.defaultErrorHandler) {
  2516. this.on('routingerror', this.options.defaultErrorHandler);
  2517. }
  2518. this._plan.on('waypointschanged', this._onWaypointsChanged, this);
  2519. if (options.routeWhileDragging) {
  2520. this._setupRouteDragging();
  2521. }
  2522. if (this.options.autoRoute) {
  2523. this.route();
  2524. }
  2525. },
  2526. _onZoomEnd: function() {
  2527. if (!this._selectedRoute ||
  2528. !this._router.requiresMoreDetail) {
  2529. return;
  2530. }
  2531. var map = this._map;
  2532. if (this._router.requiresMoreDetail(this._selectedRoute,
  2533. map.getZoom(), map.getBounds())) {
  2534. this.route({
  2535. callback: L.bind(function(err, routes) {
  2536. var i;
  2537. if (!err) {
  2538. for (i = 0; i < routes.length; i++) {
  2539. this._routes[i].properties = routes[i].properties;
  2540. }
  2541. this._updateLineCallback(err, routes);
  2542. }
  2543. }, this),
  2544. simplifyGeometry: false,
  2545. geometryOnly: true
  2546. });
  2547. }
  2548. },
  2549. onAdd: function(map) {
  2550. var container = Itinerary.prototype.onAdd.call(this, map);
  2551. this._map = map;
  2552. this._map.addLayer(this._plan);
  2553. this._map.on('zoomend', this._onZoomEnd, this);
  2554. if (this._plan.options.geocoder) {
  2555. container.insertBefore(this._plan.createGeocoders(), container.firstChild);
  2556. }
  2557. return container;
  2558. },
  2559. onRemove: function(map) {
  2560. map.off('zoomend', this._onZoomEnd, this);
  2561. if (this._line) {
  2562. map.removeLayer(this._line);
  2563. }
  2564. map.removeLayer(this._plan);
  2565. if (this._alternatives && this._alternatives.length > 0) {
  2566. for (var i = 0, len = this._alternatives.length; i < len; i++) {
  2567. map.removeLayer(this._alternatives[i]);
  2568. }
  2569. }
  2570. return Itinerary.prototype.onRemove.call(this, map);
  2571. },
  2572. getWaypoints: function() {
  2573. return this._plan.getWaypoints();
  2574. },
  2575. setWaypoints: function(waypoints) {
  2576. this._plan.setWaypoints(waypoints);
  2577. return this;
  2578. },
  2579. spliceWaypoints: function() {
  2580. var removed = this._plan.spliceWaypoints.apply(this._plan, arguments);
  2581. return removed;
  2582. },
  2583. getPlan: function() {
  2584. return this._plan;
  2585. },
  2586. getRouter: function() {
  2587. return this._router;
  2588. },
  2589. _routeSelected: function(e) {
  2590. var route = this._selectedRoute = e.route,
  2591. alternatives = this.options.showAlternatives && e.alternatives,
  2592. fitMode = this.options.fitSelectedRoutes,
  2593. fitBounds =
  2594. (fitMode === 'smart' && !this._waypointsVisible()) ||
  2595. (fitMode !== 'smart' && fitMode);
  2596. this._updateLines({route: route, alternatives: alternatives});
  2597. if (fitBounds) {
  2598. this._map.fitBounds(this._line.getBounds());
  2599. }
  2600. if (this.options.waypointMode === 'snap') {
  2601. this._plan.off('waypointschanged', this._onWaypointsChanged, this);
  2602. this.setWaypoints(route.waypoints);
  2603. this._plan.on('waypointschanged', this._onWaypointsChanged, this);
  2604. }
  2605. },
  2606. _waypointsVisible: function() {
  2607. var wps = this.getWaypoints(),
  2608. mapSize,
  2609. bounds,
  2610. boundsSize,
  2611. i,
  2612. p;
  2613. try {
  2614. mapSize = this._map.getSize();
  2615. for (i = 0; i < wps.length; i++) {
  2616. p = this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(wps[i].latLng);
  2617. if (bounds) {
  2618. bounds.extend(p);
  2619. } else {
  2620. bounds = L.bounds([p]);
  2621. }
  2622. }
  2623. boundsSize = bounds.getSize();
  2624. return (boundsSize.x > mapSize.x / 5 ||
  2625. boundsSize.y > mapSize.y / 5) && this._waypointsInViewport();
  2626. } catch (e) {
  2627. return false;
  2628. }
  2629. },
  2630. _waypointsInViewport: function() {
  2631. var wps = this.getWaypoints(),
  2632. mapBounds,
  2633. i;
  2634. try {
  2635. mapBounds = this._map.getBounds();
  2636. } catch (e) {
  2637. return false;
  2638. }
  2639. for (i = 0; i < wps.length; i++) {
  2640. if (mapBounds.contains(wps[i].latLng)) {
  2641. return true;
  2642. }
  2643. }
  2644. return false;
  2645. },
  2646. _updateLines: function(routes) {
  2647. var addWaypoints = this.options.addWaypoints !== undefined ?
  2648. this.options.addWaypoints : true;
  2649. this._clearLines();
  2650. // add alternatives first so they lie below the main route
  2651. this._alternatives = [];
  2652. if (routes.alternatives) routes.alternatives.forEach(function(alt, i) {
  2653. this._alternatives[i] = this.options.routeLine(alt,
  2654. L.extend({
  2655. isAlternative: true
  2656. }, this.options.altLineOptions || this.options.lineOptions));
  2657. this._alternatives[i].addTo(this._map);
  2658. this._hookAltEvents(this._alternatives[i]);
  2659. }, this);
  2660. this._line = this.options.routeLine(routes.route,
  2661. L.extend({
  2662. addWaypoints: addWaypoints,
  2663. extendToWaypoints: this.options.waypointMode === 'connect'
  2664. }, this.options.lineOptions));
  2665. this._line.addTo(this._map);
  2666. this._hookEvents(this._line);
  2667. },
  2668. _hookEvents: function(l) {
  2669. l.on('linetouched', function(e) {
  2670. this._plan.dragNewWaypoint(e);
  2671. }, this);
  2672. },
  2673. _hookAltEvents: function(l) {
  2674. l.on('linetouched', function(e) {
  2675. var alts = this._routes.slice();
  2676. var selected = alts.splice(e.target._route.routesIndex, 1)[0];
  2677. this.fire('routeselected', {route: selected, alternatives: alts});
  2678. }, this);
  2679. },
  2680. _onWaypointsChanged: function(e) {
  2681. if (this.options.autoRoute) {
  2682. this.route({});
  2683. }
  2684. if (!this._plan.isReady()) {
  2685. this._clearLines();
  2686. this._clearAlts();
  2687. }
  2688. this.fire('waypointschanged', {waypoints: e.waypoints});
  2689. },
  2690. _setupRouteDragging: function() {
  2691. var timer = 0,
  2692. waypoints;
  2693. this._plan.on('waypointdrag', L.bind(function(e) {
  2694. waypoints = e.waypoints;
  2695. if (!timer) {
  2696. timer = setTimeout(L.bind(function() {
  2697. this.route({
  2698. waypoints: waypoints,
  2699. geometryOnly: true,
  2700. callback: L.bind(this._updateLineCallback, this)
  2701. });
  2702. timer = undefined;
  2703. }, this), this.options.routeDragInterval);
  2704. }
  2705. }, this));
  2706. this._plan.on('waypointdragend', function() {
  2707. if (timer) {
  2708. clearTimeout(timer);
  2709. timer = undefined;
  2710. }
  2711. this.route();
  2712. }, this);
  2713. },
  2714. _updateLineCallback: function(err, routes) {
  2715. if (!err) {
  2716. routes = routes.slice();
  2717. var selected = routes.splice(this._selectedRoute.routesIndex, 1)[0];
  2718. this._updateLines({route: selected, alternatives: routes });
  2719. } else if (err.type !== 'abort') {
  2720. this._clearLines();
  2721. }
  2722. },
  2723. route: function(options) {
  2724. var ts = ++this._requestCount,
  2725. wps;
  2726. if (this._pendingRequest && this._pendingRequest.abort) {
  2727. this._pendingRequest.abort();
  2728. this._pendingRequest = null;
  2729. }
  2730. options = options || {};
  2731. if (this._plan.isReady()) {
  2732. if (this.options.useZoomParameter) {
  2733. options.z = this._map && this._map.getZoom();
  2734. }
  2735. wps = options && options.waypoints || this._plan.getWaypoints();
  2736. this.fire('routingstart', {waypoints: wps});
  2737. this._pendingRequest = this._router.route(wps, function(err, routes) {
  2738. this._pendingRequest = null;
  2739. if (options.callback) {
  2740. return options.callback.call(this, err, routes);
  2741. }
  2742. // Prevent race among multiple requests,
  2743. // by checking the current request's count
  2744. // against the last request's; ignore result if
  2745. // this isn't the last request.
  2746. if (ts === this._requestCount) {
  2747. this._clearLines();
  2748. this._clearAlts();
  2749. if (err && err.type !== 'abort') {
  2750. this.fire('routingerror', {error: err});
  2751. return;
  2752. }
  2753. routes.forEach(function(route, i) { route.routesIndex = i; });
  2754. if (!options.geometryOnly) {
  2755. this.fire('routesfound', {waypoints: wps, routes: routes});
  2756. this.setAlternatives(routes);
  2757. } else {
  2758. var selectedRoute = routes.splice(0,1)[0];
  2759. this._routeSelected({route: selectedRoute, alternatives: routes});
  2760. }
  2761. }
  2762. }, this, options);
  2763. }
  2764. },
  2765. _clearLines: function() {
  2766. if (this._line) {
  2767. this._map.removeLayer(this._line);
  2768. delete this._line;
  2769. }
  2770. if (this._alternatives && this._alternatives.length) {
  2771. for (var i in this._alternatives) {
  2772. this._map.removeLayer(this._alternatives[i]);
  2773. }
  2774. this._alternatives = [];
  2775. }
  2776. }
  2777. });
  2778. })();
  2779. }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
  2780. },{"./itinerary":17,"./line":18,"./osrm-v1":21,"./plan":22}],12:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  2781. (function (global){
  2782. (function() {
  2783. 'use strict';
  2784. var L = (typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.L : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global.L : null);
  2785. module.exports = L.Control.extend({
  2786. options: {
  2787. header: 'Routing error',
  2788. formatMessage: function(error) {
  2789. if (error.status < 0) {
  2790. return 'Calculating the route caused an error. Technical description follows: <code><pre>' +
  2791. error.message + '</pre></code';
  2792. } else {
  2793. return 'The route could not be calculated. ' +
  2794. error.message;
  2795. }
  2796. }
  2797. },
  2798. initialize: function(routingControl, options) {
  2799. L.Control.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
  2800. routingControl
  2801. .on('routingerror', L.bind(function(e) {
  2802. if (this._element) {
  2803. this._element.children[1].innerHTML = this.options.formatMessage(e.error);
  2804. this._element.style.visibility = 'visible';
  2805. }
  2806. }, this))
  2807. .on('routingstart', L.bind(function() {
  2808. if (this._element) {
  2809. this._element.style.visibility = 'hidden';
  2810. }
  2811. }, this));
  2812. },
  2813. onAdd: function() {
  2814. var header,
  2815. message;
  2816. this._element = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-bar leaflet-routing-error');
  2817. this._element.style.visibility = 'hidden';
  2818. header = L.DomUtil.create('h3', null, this._element);
  2819. message = L.DomUtil.create('span', null, this._element);
  2820. header.innerHTML = this.options.header;
  2821. return this._element;
  2822. },
  2823. onRemove: function() {
  2824. delete this._element;
  2825. }
  2826. });
  2827. })();
  2828. }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
  2829. },{}],13:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  2830. (function (global){
  2831. (function() {
  2832. 'use strict';
  2833. var L = (typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.L : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global.L : null);
  2834. var Localization = _dereq_('./localization');
  2835. module.exports = L.Class.extend({
  2836. options: {
  2837. units: 'metric',
  2838. unitNames: null,
  2839. language: 'en',
  2840. roundingSensitivity: 1,
  2841. distanceTemplate: '{value} {unit}'
  2842. },
  2843. initialize: function(options) {
  2844. L.setOptions(this, options);
  2845. var langs = L.Util.isArray(this.options.language) ?
  2846. this.options.language :
  2847. [this.options.language, 'en'];
  2848. this._localization = new Localization(langs);
  2849. },
  2850. formatDistance: function(d /* Number (meters) */, sensitivity) {
  2851. var un = this.options.unitNames || this._localization.localize('units'),
  2852. simpleRounding = sensitivity <= 0,
  2853. round = simpleRounding ? function(v) { return v; } : L.bind(this._round, this),
  2854. v,
  2855. yards,
  2856. data,
  2857. pow10;
  2858. if (this.options.units === 'imperial') {
  2859. yards = d / 0.9144;
  2860. if (yards >= 1000) {
  2861. data = {
  2862. value: round(d / 1609.344, sensitivity),
  2863. unit: un.miles
  2864. };
  2865. } else {
  2866. data = {
  2867. value: round(yards, sensitivity),
  2868. unit: un.yards
  2869. };
  2870. }
  2871. } else {
  2872. v = round(d, sensitivity);
  2873. data = {
  2874. value: v >= 1000 ? (v / 1000) : v,
  2875. unit: v >= 1000 ? un.kilometers : un.meters
  2876. };
  2877. }
  2878. if (simpleRounding) {
  2879. data.value = data.value.toFixed(-sensitivity);
  2880. }
  2881. return L.Util.template(this.options.distanceTemplate, data);
  2882. },
  2883. _round: function(d, sensitivity) {
  2884. var s = sensitivity || this.options.roundingSensitivity,
  2885. pow10 = Math.pow(10, (Math.floor(d / s) + '').length - 1),
  2886. r = Math.floor(d / pow10),
  2887. p = (r > 5) ? pow10 : pow10 / 2;
  2888. return Math.round(d / p) * p;
  2889. },
  2890. formatTime: function(t /* Number (seconds) */) {
  2891. var un = this.options.unitNames || this._localization.localize('units');
  2892. // More than 30 seconds precision looks ridiculous
  2893. t = Math.round(t / 30) * 30;
  2894. if (t > 86400) {
  2895. return Math.round(t / 3600) + ' ' + un.hours;
  2896. } else if (t > 3600) {
  2897. return Math.floor(t / 3600) + ' ' + un.hours + ' ' +
  2898. Math.round((t % 3600) / 60) + ' ' + un.minutes;
  2899. } else if (t > 300) {
  2900. return Math.round(t / 60) + ' ' + un.minutes;
  2901. } else if (t > 60) {
  2902. return Math.floor(t / 60) + ' ' + un.minutes +
  2903. (t % 60 !== 0 ? ' ' + (t % 60) + ' ' + un.seconds : '');
  2904. } else {
  2905. return t + ' ' + un.seconds;
  2906. }
  2907. },
  2908. formatInstruction: function(instr, i) {
  2909. if (instr.text === undefined) {
  2910. return this.capitalize(L.Util.template(this._getInstructionTemplate(instr, i),
  2911. L.extend({}, instr, {
  2912. exitStr: instr.exit ? this._localization.localize('formatOrder')(instr.exit) : '',
  2913. dir: this._localization.localize(['directions', instr.direction]),
  2914. modifier: this._localization.localize(['directions', instr.modifier])
  2915. })));
  2916. } else {
  2917. return instr.text;
  2918. }
  2919. },
  2920. getIconName: function(instr, i) {
  2921. switch (instr.type) {
  2922. case 'Head':
  2923. if (i === 0) {
  2924. return 'depart';
  2925. }
  2926. break;
  2927. case 'WaypointReached':
  2928. return 'via';
  2929. case 'Roundabout':
  2930. return 'enter-roundabout';
  2931. case 'DestinationReached':
  2932. return 'arrive';
  2933. }
  2934. switch (instr.modifier) {
  2935. case 'Straight':
  2936. return 'continue';
  2937. case 'SlightRight':
  2938. return 'bear-right';
  2939. case 'Right':
  2940. return 'turn-right';
  2941. case 'SharpRight':
  2942. return 'sharp-right';
  2943. case 'TurnAround':
  2944. case 'Uturn':
  2945. return 'u-turn';
  2946. case 'SharpLeft':
  2947. return 'sharp-left';
  2948. case 'Left':
  2949. return 'turn-left';
  2950. case 'SlightLeft':
  2951. return 'bear-left';
  2952. }
  2953. },
  2954. capitalize: function(s) {
  2955. return s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1);
  2956. },
  2957. _getInstructionTemplate: function(instr, i) {
  2958. var type = instr.type === 'Straight' ? (i === 0 ? 'Head' : 'Continue') : instr.type,
  2959. strings = this._localization.localize(['instructions', type]);
  2960. if (!strings) {
  2961. strings = [
  2962. this._localization.localize(['directions', type]),
  2963. ' ' + this._localization.localize(['instructions', 'Onto'])
  2964. ];
  2965. }
  2966. return strings[0] + (strings.length > 1 && instr.road ? strings[1] : '');
  2967. }
  2968. });
  2969. })();
  2970. }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
  2971. },{"./localization":19}],14:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  2972. (function (global){
  2973. (function() {
  2974. 'use strict';
  2975. var L = (typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.L : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global.L : null);
  2976. var Autocomplete = _dereq_('./autocomplete');
  2977. var Localization = _dereq_('./localization');
  2978. function selectInputText(input) {
  2979. if (input.setSelectionRange) {
  2980. // On iOS, select() doesn't work
  2981. input.setSelectionRange(0, 9999);
  2982. } else {
  2983. // On at least IE8, setSeleectionRange doesn't exist
  2984. input.select();
  2985. }
  2986. }
  2987. module.exports = L.Class.extend({
  2988. includes: L.Mixin.Events,
  2989. options: {
  2990. createGeocoder: function(i, nWps, options) {
  2991. var container = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-routing-geocoder'),
  2992. input = L.DomUtil.create('input', '', container),
  2993. remove = options.addWaypoints ? L.DomUtil.create('span', 'leaflet-routing-remove-waypoint', container) : undefined;
  2994. input.disabled = !options.addWaypoints;
  2995. return {
  2996. container: container,
  2997. input: input,
  2998. closeButton: remove
  2999. };
  3000. },
  3001. geocoderPlaceholder: function(i, numberWaypoints, geocoderElement) {
  3002. var l = new Localization(geocoderElement.options.language).localize('ui');
  3003. return i === 0 ?
  3004. l.startPlaceholder :
  3005. (i < numberWaypoints - 1 ?
  3006. L.Util.template(l.viaPlaceholder, {viaNumber: i}) :
  3007. l.endPlaceholder);
  3008. },
  3009. geocoderClass: function() {
  3010. return '';
  3011. },
  3012. waypointNameFallback: function(latLng) {
  3013. var ns = latLng.lat < 0 ? 'S' : 'N',
  3014. ew = latLng.lng < 0 ? 'W' : 'E',
  3015. lat = (Math.round(Math.abs(latLng.lat) * 10000) / 10000).toString(),
  3016. lng = (Math.round(Math.abs(latLng.lng) * 10000) / 10000).toString();
  3017. return ns + lat + ', ' + ew + lng;
  3018. },
  3019. maxGeocoderTolerance: 200,
  3020. autocompleteOptions: {},
  3021. language: 'en',
  3022. },
  3023. initialize: function(wp, i, nWps, options) {
  3024. L.setOptions(this, options);
  3025. var g = this.options.createGeocoder(i, nWps, this.options),
  3026. closeButton = g.closeButton,
  3027. geocoderInput = g.input;
  3028. geocoderInput.setAttribute('placeholder', this.options.geocoderPlaceholder(i, nWps, this));
  3029. geocoderInput.className = this.options.geocoderClass(i, nWps);
  3030. this._element = g;
  3031. this._waypoint = wp;
  3032. this.update();
  3033. // This has to be here, or geocoder's value will not be properly
  3034. // initialized.
  3035. // TODO: look into why and make _updateWaypointName fix this.
  3036. geocoderInput.value = wp.name;
  3037. L.DomEvent.addListener(geocoderInput, 'click', function() {
  3038. selectInputText(this);
  3039. }, geocoderInput);
  3040. if (closeButton) {
  3041. L.DomEvent.addListener(closeButton, 'click', function() {
  3042. this.fire('delete', { waypoint: this._waypoint });
  3043. }, this);
  3044. }
  3045. new Autocomplete(geocoderInput, function(r) {
  3046. geocoderInput.value = r.name;
  3047. wp.name = r.name;
  3048. wp.latLng = r.center;
  3049. this.fire('geocoded', { waypoint: wp, value: r });
  3050. }, this, L.extend({
  3051. resultFn: this.options.geocoder.geocode,
  3052. resultContext: this.options.geocoder,
  3053. autocompleteFn: this.options.geocoder.suggest,
  3054. autocompleteContext: this.options.geocoder
  3055. }, this.options.autocompleteOptions));
  3056. },
  3057. getContainer: function() {
  3058. return this._element.container;
  3059. },
  3060. setValue: function(v) {
  3061. this._element.input.value = v;
  3062. },
  3063. update: function(force) {
  3064. var wp = this._waypoint,
  3065. wpCoords;
  3066. wp.name = wp.name || '';
  3067. if (wp.latLng && (force || !wp.name)) {
  3068. wpCoords = this.options.waypointNameFallback(wp.latLng);
  3069. if (this.options.geocoder && this.options.geocoder.reverse) {
  3070. this.options.geocoder.reverse(wp.latLng, 67108864 /* zoom 18 */, function(rs) {
  3071. if (rs.length > 0 && rs[0].center.distanceTo(wp.latLng) < this.options.maxGeocoderTolerance) {
  3072. wp.name = rs[0].name;
  3073. } else {
  3074. wp.name = wpCoords;
  3075. }
  3076. this._update();
  3077. }, this);
  3078. } else {
  3079. wp.name = wpCoords;
  3080. this._update();
  3081. }
  3082. }
  3083. },
  3084. focus: function() {
  3085. var input = this._element.input;
  3086. input.focus();
  3087. selectInputText(input);
  3088. },
  3089. _update: function() {
  3090. var wp = this._waypoint,
  3091. value = wp && wp.name ? wp.name : '';
  3092. this.setValue(value);
  3093. this.fire('reversegeocoded', {waypoint: wp, value: value});
  3094. }
  3095. });
  3096. })();
  3097. }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
  3098. },{"./autocomplete":10,"./localization":19}],15:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  3099. (function (global){
  3100. var L = (typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.L : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global.L : null),
  3101. Control = _dereq_('./control'),
  3102. Itinerary = _dereq_('./itinerary'),
  3103. Line = _dereq_('./line'),
  3104. OSRMv1 = _dereq_('./osrm-v1'),
  3105. Plan = _dereq_('./plan'),
  3106. Waypoint = _dereq_('./waypoint'),
  3107. Autocomplete = _dereq_('./autocomplete'),
  3108. Formatter = _dereq_('./formatter'),
  3109. GeocoderElement = _dereq_('./geocoder-element'),
  3110. Localization = _dereq_('./localization'),
  3111. ItineraryBuilder = _dereq_('./itinerary-builder'),
  3112. Mapbox = _dereq_('./mapbox'),
  3113. ErrorControl = _dereq_('./error-control');
  3114. L.routing = {
  3115. control: function(options) { return new Control(options); },
  3116. itinerary: function(options) {
  3117. return Itinerary(options);
  3118. },
  3119. line: function(route, options) {
  3120. return new Line(route, options);
  3121. },
  3122. plan: function(waypoints, options) {
  3123. return new Plan(waypoints, options);
  3124. },
  3125. waypoint: function(latLng, name, options) {
  3126. return new Waypoint(latLng, name, options);
  3127. },
  3128. osrmv1: function(options) {
  3129. return new OSRMv1(options);
  3130. },
  3131. localization: function(options) {
  3132. return new Localization(options);
  3133. },
  3134. formatter: function(options) {
  3135. return new Formatter(options);
  3136. },
  3137. geocoderElement: function(wp, i, nWps, plan) {
  3138. return new L.Routing.GeocoderElement(wp, i, nWps, plan);
  3139. },
  3140. itineraryBuilder: function(options) {
  3141. return new ItineraryBuilder(options);
  3142. },
  3143. mapbox: function(accessToken, options) {
  3144. return new Mapbox(accessToken, options);
  3145. },
  3146. errorControl: function(routingControl, options) {
  3147. return new ErrorControl(routingControl, options);
  3148. },
  3149. autocomplete: function(elem, callback, context, options) {
  3150. return new Autocomplete(elem, callback, context, options);
  3151. }
  3152. };
  3153. module.exports = L.Routing = {
  3154. Control: Control,
  3155. Itinerary: Itinerary,
  3156. Line: Line,
  3157. OSRMv1: OSRMv1,
  3158. Plan: Plan,
  3159. Waypoint: Waypoint,
  3160. Autocomplete: Autocomplete,
  3161. Formatter: Formatter,
  3162. GeocoderElement: GeocoderElement,
  3163. Localization: Localization,
  3164. Formatter: Formatter,
  3165. ItineraryBuilder: ItineraryBuilder,
  3166. // Legacy; remove these in next major release
  3167. control: L.routing.control,
  3168. itinerary: L.routing.itinerary,
  3169. line: L.routing.line,
  3170. plan: L.routing.plan,
  3171. waypoint: L.routing.waypoint,
  3172. osrmv1: L.routing.osrmv1,
  3173. geocoderElement: L.routing.geocoderElement,
  3174. mapbox: L.routing.mapbox,
  3175. errorControl: L.routing.errorControl,
  3176. };
  3177. }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
  3178. },{"./autocomplete":10,"./control":11,"./error-control":12,"./formatter":13,"./geocoder-element":14,"./itinerary":17,"./itinerary-builder":16,"./line":18,"./localization":19,"./mapbox":20,"./osrm-v1":21,"./plan":22,"./waypoint":23}],16:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  3179. (function (global){
  3180. (function() {
  3181. 'use strict';
  3182. var L = (typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.L : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global.L : null);
  3183. module.exports = L.Class.extend({
  3184. options: {
  3185. containerClassName: ''
  3186. },
  3187. initialize: function(options) {
  3188. L.setOptions(this, options);
  3189. },
  3190. createContainer: function(className) {
  3191. var table = L.DomUtil.create('table', className || ''),
  3192. colgroup = L.DomUtil.create('colgroup', '', table);
  3193. L.DomUtil.create('col', 'leaflet-routing-instruction-icon', colgroup);
  3194. L.DomUtil.create('col', 'leaflet-routing-instruction-text', colgroup);
  3195. L.DomUtil.create('col', 'leaflet-routing-instruction-distance', colgroup);
  3196. return table;
  3197. },
  3198. createStepsContainer: function() {
  3199. return L.DomUtil.create('tbody', '');
  3200. },
  3201. createStep: function(text, distance, icon, steps) {
  3202. var row = L.DomUtil.create('tr', '', steps),
  3203. span,
  3204. td;
  3205. td = L.DomUtil.create('td', '', row);
  3206. span = L.DomUtil.create('span', 'leaflet-routing-icon leaflet-routing-icon-'+icon, td);
  3207. td.appendChild(span);
  3208. td = L.DomUtil.create('td', '', row);
  3209. td.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
  3210. td = L.DomUtil.create('td', '', row);
  3211. td.appendChild(document.createTextNode(distance));
  3212. return row;
  3213. }
  3214. });
  3215. })();
  3216. }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
  3217. },{}],17:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  3218. (function (global){
  3219. (function() {
  3220. 'use strict';
  3221. var L = (typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.L : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global.L : null);
  3222. var Formatter = _dereq_('./formatter');
  3223. var ItineraryBuilder = _dereq_('./itinerary-builder');
  3224. module.exports = L.Control.extend({
  3225. includes: L.Mixin.Events,
  3226. options: {
  3227. pointMarkerStyle: {
  3228. radius: 5,
  3229. color: '#03f',
  3230. fillColor: 'white',
  3231. opacity: 1,
  3232. fillOpacity: 0.7
  3233. },
  3234. summaryTemplate: '<h2>{name}</h2><h3>{distance}, {time}</h3>',
  3235. timeTemplate: '{time}',
  3236. containerClassName: '',
  3237. alternativeClassName: '',
  3238. minimizedClassName: '',
  3239. itineraryClassName: '',
  3240. totalDistanceRoundingSensitivity: -1,
  3241. show: true,
  3242. collapsible: undefined,
  3243. collapseBtn: function(itinerary) {
  3244. var collapseBtn = L.DomUtil.create('span', itinerary.options.collapseBtnClass);
  3245. L.DomEvent.on(collapseBtn, 'click', itinerary._toggle, itinerary);
  3246. itinerary._container.insertBefore(collapseBtn, itinerary._container.firstChild);
  3247. },
  3248. collapseBtnClass: 'leaflet-routing-collapse-btn'
  3249. },
  3250. initialize: function(options) {
  3251. L.setOptions(this, options);
  3252. this._formatter = this.options.formatter || new Formatter(this.options);
  3253. this._itineraryBuilder = this.options.itineraryBuilder || new ItineraryBuilder({
  3254. containerClassName: this.options.itineraryClassName
  3255. });
  3256. },
  3257. onAdd: function(map) {
  3258. var collapsible = this.options.collapsible;
  3259. collapsible = collapsible || (collapsible === undefined && map.getSize().x <= 640);
  3260. this._container = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-routing-container leaflet-bar ' +
  3261. (!this.options.show ? 'leaflet-routing-container-hide ' : '') +
  3262. (collapsible ? 'leaflet-routing-collapsible ' : '') +
  3263. this.options.containerClassName);
  3264. this._altContainer = this.createAlternativesContainer();
  3265. this._container.appendChild(this._altContainer);
  3266. L.DomEvent.disableClickPropagation(this._container);
  3267. L.DomEvent.addListener(this._container, 'mousewheel', function(e) {
  3268. L.DomEvent.stopPropagation(e);
  3269. });
  3270. if (collapsible) {
  3271. this.options.collapseBtn(this);
  3272. }
  3273. return this._container;
  3274. },
  3275. onRemove: function() {
  3276. },
  3277. createAlternativesContainer: function() {
  3278. return L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-routing-alternatives-container');
  3279. },
  3280. setAlternatives: function(routes) {
  3281. var i,
  3282. alt,
  3283. altDiv;
  3284. this._clearAlts();
  3285. this._routes = routes;
  3286. for (i = 0; i < this._routes.length; i++) {
  3287. alt = this._routes[i];
  3288. altDiv = this._createAlternative(alt, i);
  3289. this._altContainer.appendChild(altDiv);
  3290. this._altElements.push(altDiv);
  3291. }
  3292. this._selectRoute({route: this._routes[0], alternatives: this._routes.slice(1)});
  3293. return this;
  3294. },
  3295. show: function() {
  3296. L.DomUtil.removeClass(this._container, 'leaflet-routing-container-hide');
  3297. },
  3298. hide: function() {
  3299. L.DomUtil.addClass(this._container, 'leaflet-routing-container-hide');
  3300. },
  3301. _toggle: function() {
  3302. var collapsed = L.DomUtil.hasClass(this._container, 'leaflet-routing-container-hide');
  3303. this[collapsed ? 'show' : 'hide']();
  3304. },
  3305. _createAlternative: function(alt, i) {
  3306. var altDiv = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-routing-alt ' +
  3307. this.options.alternativeClassName +
  3308. (i > 0 ? ' leaflet-routing-alt-minimized ' + this.options.minimizedClassName : '')),
  3309. template = this.options.summaryTemplate,
  3310. data = L.extend({
  3311. name: alt.name,
  3312. distance: this._formatter.formatDistance(alt.summary.totalDistance, this.options.totalDistanceRoundingSensitivity),
  3313. time: this._formatter.formatTime(alt.summary.totalTime)
  3314. }, alt);
  3315. altDiv.innerHTML = typeof(template) === 'function' ? template(data) : L.Util.template(template, data);
  3316. L.DomEvent.addListener(altDiv, 'click', this._onAltClicked, this);
  3317. this.on('routeselected', this._selectAlt, this);
  3318. altDiv.appendChild(this._createItineraryContainer(alt));
  3319. return altDiv;
  3320. },
  3321. _clearAlts: function() {
  3322. var el = this._altContainer;
  3323. while (el && el.firstChild) {
  3324. el.removeChild(el.firstChild);
  3325. }
  3326. this._altElements = [];
  3327. },
  3328. _createItineraryContainer: function(r) {
  3329. var container = this._itineraryBuilder.createContainer(),
  3330. steps = this._itineraryBuilder.createStepsContainer(),
  3331. i,
  3332. instr,
  3333. step,
  3334. distance,
  3335. text,
  3336. icon;
  3337. container.appendChild(steps);
  3338. for (i = 0; i < r.instructions.length; i++) {
  3339. instr = r.instructions[i];
  3340. text = this._formatter.formatInstruction(instr, i);
  3341. distance = this._formatter.formatDistance(instr.distance);
  3342. icon = this._formatter.getIconName(instr, i);
  3343. step = this._itineraryBuilder.createStep(text, distance, icon, steps);
  3344. this._addRowListeners(step, r.coordinates[instr.index]);
  3345. }
  3346. return container;
  3347. },
  3348. _addRowListeners: function(row, coordinate) {
  3349. L.DomEvent.addListener(row, 'mouseover', function() {
  3350. this._marker = L.circleMarker(coordinate,
  3351. this.options.pointMarkerStyle).addTo(this._map);
  3352. }, this);
  3353. L.DomEvent.addListener(row, 'mouseout', function() {
  3354. if (this._marker) {
  3355. this._map.removeLayer(this._marker);
  3356. delete this._marker;
  3357. }
  3358. }, this);
  3359. L.DomEvent.addListener(row, 'click', function(e) {
  3360. this._map.panTo(coordinate);
  3361. L.DomEvent.stopPropagation(e);
  3362. }, this);
  3363. },
  3364. _onAltClicked: function(e) {
  3365. var altElem = e.target || window.event.srcElement;
  3366. while (!L.DomUtil.hasClass(altElem, 'leaflet-routing-alt')) {
  3367. altElem = altElem.parentElement;
  3368. }
  3369. var j = this._altElements.indexOf(altElem);
  3370. var alts = this._routes.slice();
  3371. var route = alts.splice(j, 1)[0];
  3372. this.fire('routeselected', {
  3373. route: route,
  3374. alternatives: alts
  3375. });
  3376. },
  3377. _selectAlt: function(e) {
  3378. var altElem,
  3379. j,
  3380. n,
  3381. classFn;
  3382. altElem = this._altElements[e.route.routesIndex];
  3383. if (L.DomUtil.hasClass(altElem, 'leaflet-routing-alt-minimized')) {
  3384. for (j = 0; j < this._altElements.length; j++) {
  3385. n = this._altElements[j];
  3386. classFn = j === e.route.routesIndex ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass';
  3387. L.DomUtil[classFn](n, 'leaflet-routing-alt-minimized');
  3388. if (this.options.minimizedClassName) {
  3389. L.DomUtil[classFn](n, this.options.minimizedClassName);
  3390. }
  3391. if (j !== e.route.routesIndex) n.scrollTop = 0;
  3392. }
  3393. }
  3394. L.DomEvent.stop(e);
  3395. },
  3396. _selectRoute: function(routes) {
  3397. if (this._marker) {
  3398. this._map.removeLayer(this._marker);
  3399. delete this._marker;
  3400. }
  3401. this.fire('routeselected', routes);
  3402. }
  3403. });
  3404. })();
  3405. }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
  3406. },{"./formatter":13,"./itinerary-builder":16}],18:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  3407. (function (global){
  3408. (function() {
  3409. 'use strict';
  3410. var L = (typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.L : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global.L : null);
  3411. module.exports = L.LayerGroup.extend({
  3412. includes: L.Mixin.Events,
  3413. options: {
  3414. styles: [
  3415. {color: 'black', opacity: 0.15, weight: 9},
  3416. {color: 'white', opacity: 0.8, weight: 6},
  3417. {color: 'red', opacity: 1, weight: 2}
  3418. ],
  3419. missingRouteStyles: [
  3420. {color: 'black', opacity: 0.15, weight: 7},
  3421. {color: 'white', opacity: 0.6, weight: 4},
  3422. {color: 'gray', opacity: 0.8, weight: 2, dashArray: '7,12'}
  3423. ],
  3424. addWaypoints: true,
  3425. extendToWaypoints: true,
  3426. missingRouteTolerance: 10
  3427. },
  3428. initialize: function(route, options) {
  3429. L.setOptions(this, options);
  3430. L.LayerGroup.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
  3431. this._route = route;
  3432. if (this.options.extendToWaypoints) {
  3433. this._extendToWaypoints();
  3434. }
  3435. this._addSegment(
  3436. route.coordinates,
  3437. this.options.styles,
  3438. this.options.addWaypoints);
  3439. },
  3440. getBounds: function() {
  3441. return L.latLngBounds(this._route.coordinates);
  3442. },
  3443. _findWaypointIndices: function() {
  3444. var wps = this._route.inputWaypoints,
  3445. indices = [],
  3446. i;
  3447. for (i = 0; i < wps.length; i++) {
  3448. indices.push(this._findClosestRoutePoint(wps[i].latLng));
  3449. }
  3450. return indices;
  3451. },
  3452. _findClosestRoutePoint: function(latlng) {
  3453. var minDist = Number.MAX_VALUE,
  3454. minIndex,
  3455. i,
  3456. d;
  3457. for (i = this._route.coordinates.length - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
  3458. // TODO: maybe do this in pixel space instead?
  3459. d = latlng.distanceTo(this._route.coordinates[i]);
  3460. if (d < minDist) {
  3461. minIndex = i;
  3462. minDist = d;
  3463. }
  3464. }
  3465. return minIndex;
  3466. },
  3467. _extendToWaypoints: function() {
  3468. var wps = this._route.inputWaypoints,
  3469. wpIndices = this._getWaypointIndices(),
  3470. i,
  3471. wpLatLng,
  3472. routeCoord;
  3473. for (i = 0; i < wps.length; i++) {
  3474. wpLatLng = wps[i].latLng;
  3475. routeCoord = L.latLng(this._route.coordinates[wpIndices[i]]);
  3476. if (wpLatLng.distanceTo(routeCoord) >
  3477. this.options.missingRouteTolerance) {
  3478. this._addSegment([wpLatLng, routeCoord],
  3479. this.options.missingRouteStyles);
  3480. }
  3481. }
  3482. },
  3483. _addSegment: function(coords, styles, mouselistener) {
  3484. var i,
  3485. pl;
  3486. for (i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
  3487. pl = L.polyline(coords, styles[i]);
  3488. this.addLayer(pl);
  3489. if (mouselistener) {
  3490. pl.on('mousedown', this._onLineTouched, this);
  3491. }
  3492. }
  3493. },
  3494. _findNearestWpBefore: function(i) {
  3495. var wpIndices = this._getWaypointIndices(),
  3496. j = wpIndices.length - 1;
  3497. while (j >= 0 && wpIndices[j] > i) {
  3498. j--;
  3499. }
  3500. return j;
  3501. },
  3502. _onLineTouched: function(e) {
  3503. var afterIndex = this._findNearestWpBefore(this._findClosestRoutePoint(e.latlng));
  3504. this.fire('linetouched', {
  3505. afterIndex: afterIndex,
  3506. latlng: e.latlng
  3507. });
  3508. },
  3509. _getWaypointIndices: function() {
  3510. if (!this._wpIndices) {
  3511. this._wpIndices = this._route.waypointIndices || this._findWaypointIndices();
  3512. }
  3513. return this._wpIndices;
  3514. }
  3515. });
  3516. })();
  3517. }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
  3518. },{}],19:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  3519. (function() {
  3520. 'use strict';
  3521. var spanish = {
  3522. directions: {
  3523. N: 'norte',
  3524. NE: 'noreste',
  3525. E: 'este',
  3526. SE: 'sureste',
  3527. S: 'sur',
  3528. SW: 'suroeste',
  3529. W: 'oeste',
  3530. NW: 'noroeste',
  3531. SlightRight: 'leve giro a la derecha',
  3532. Right: 'derecha',
  3533. SharpRight: 'giro pronunciado a la derecha',
  3534. SlightLeft: 'leve giro a la izquierda',
  3535. Left: 'izquierda',
  3536. SharpLeft: 'giro pronunciado a la izquierda',
  3537. Uturn: 'media vuelta'
  3538. },
  3539. instructions: {
  3540. // instruction, postfix if the road is named
  3541. 'Head':
  3542. ['Derecho {dir}', ' sobre {road}'],
  3543. 'Continue':
  3544. ['Continuar {dir}', ' en {road}'],
  3545. 'TurnAround':
  3546. ['Dar vuelta'],
  3547. 'WaypointReached':
  3548. ['Llegó a un punto del camino'],
  3549. 'Roundabout':
  3550. ['Tomar {exitStr} salida en la rotonda', ' en {road}'],
  3551. 'DestinationReached':
  3552. ['Llegada a destino'],
  3553. 'Fork': ['En el cruce gira a {modifier}', ' hacia {road}'],
  3554. 'Merge': ['Incorpórate {modifier}', ' hacia {road}'],
  3555. 'OnRamp': ['Gira {modifier} en la salida', ' hacia {road}'],
  3556. 'OffRamp': ['Toma la salida {modifier}', ' hacia {road}'],
  3557. 'EndOfRoad': ['Gira {modifier} al final de la carretera', ' hacia {road}'],
  3558. 'Onto': 'hacia {road}'
  3559. },
  3560. formatOrder: function(n) {
  3561. return n + 'º';
  3562. },
  3563. ui: {
  3564. startPlaceholder: 'Inicio',
  3565. viaPlaceholder: 'Via {viaNumber}',
  3566. endPlaceholder: 'Destino'
  3567. },
  3568. units: {
  3569. meters: 'm',
  3570. kilometers: 'km',
  3571. yards: 'yd',
  3572. miles: 'mi',
  3573. hours: 'h',
  3574. minutes: 'min',
  3575. seconds: 's'
  3576. }
  3577. };
  3578. L.Routing = L.Routing || {};
  3579. var Localization = L.Class.extend({
  3580. initialize: function(langs) {
  3581. this._langs = L.Util.isArray(langs) ? langs : [langs, 'en'];
  3582. for (var i = 0, l = this._langs.length; i < l; i++) {
  3583. if (!Localization[this._langs[i]]) {
  3584. throw new Error('No localization for language "' + this._langs[i] + '".');
  3585. }
  3586. }
  3587. },
  3588. localize: function(keys) {
  3589. var dict,
  3590. key,
  3591. value;
  3592. keys = L.Util.isArray(keys) ? keys : [keys];
  3593. for (var i = 0, l = this._langs.length; i < l; i++) {
  3594. dict = Localization[this._langs[i]];
  3595. for (var j = 0, nKeys = keys.length; dict && j < nKeys; j++) {
  3596. key = keys[j];
  3597. value = dict[key];
  3598. dict = value;
  3599. }
  3600. if (value) {
  3601. return value;
  3602. }
  3603. }
  3604. }
  3605. });
  3606. module.exports = L.extend(Localization, {
  3607. 'en': {
  3608. directions: {
  3609. N: 'north',
  3610. NE: 'northeast',
  3611. E: 'east',
  3612. SE: 'southeast',
  3613. S: 'south',
  3614. SW: 'southwest',
  3615. W: 'west',
  3616. NW: 'northwest',
  3617. SlightRight: 'slight right',
  3618. Right: 'right',
  3619. SharpRight: 'sharp right',
  3620. SlightLeft: 'slight left',
  3621. Left: 'left',
  3622. SharpLeft: 'sharp left',
  3623. Uturn: 'Turn around'
  3624. },
  3625. instructions: {
  3626. // instruction, postfix if the road is named
  3627. 'Head':
  3628. ['Head {dir}', ' on {road}'],
  3629. 'Continue':
  3630. ['Continue {dir}'],
  3631. 'TurnAround':
  3632. ['Turn around'],
  3633. 'WaypointReached':
  3634. ['Waypoint reached'],
  3635. 'Roundabout':
  3636. ['Take the {exitStr} exit in the roundabout', ' onto {road}'],
  3637. 'DestinationReached':
  3638. ['Destination reached'],
  3639. 'Fork': ['At the fork, turn {modifier}', ' onto {road}'],
  3640. 'Merge': ['Merge {modifier}', ' onto {road}'],
  3641. 'OnRamp': ['Turn {modifier} on the ramp', ' onto {road}'],
  3642. 'OffRamp': ['Take the ramp on the {modifier}', ' onto {road}'],
  3643. 'EndOfRoad': ['Turn {modifier} at the end of the road', ' onto {road}'],
  3644. 'Onto': 'onto {road}'
  3645. },
  3646. formatOrder: function(n) {
  3647. var i = n % 10 - 1,
  3648. suffix = ['st', 'nd', 'rd'];
  3649. return suffix[i] ? n + suffix[i] : n + 'th';
  3650. },
  3651. ui: {
  3652. startPlaceholder: 'Start',
  3653. viaPlaceholder: 'Via {viaNumber}',
  3654. endPlaceholder: 'End'
  3655. },
  3656. units: {
  3657. meters: 'm',
  3658. kilometers: 'km',
  3659. yards: 'yd',
  3660. miles: 'mi',
  3661. hours: 'h',
  3662. minutes: 'min',
  3663. seconds: 's'
  3664. }
  3665. },
  3666. 'de': {
  3667. directions: {
  3668. N: 'Norden',
  3669. NE: 'Nordosten',
  3670. E: 'Osten',
  3671. SE: 'Südosten',
  3672. S: 'Süden',
  3673. SW: 'Südwesten',
  3674. W: 'Westen',
  3675. NW: 'Nordwesten',
  3676. SlightRight: 'leicht rechts',
  3677. Right: 'rechts',
  3678. SharpRight: 'scharf rechts',
  3679. SlightLeft: 'leicht links',
  3680. Left: 'links',
  3681. SharpLeft: 'scharf links',
  3682. Uturn: 'Wenden'
  3683. },
  3684. instructions: {
  3685. // instruction, postfix if the road is named
  3686. 'Head':
  3687. ['Richtung {dir}', ' auf {road}'],
  3688. 'Continue':
  3689. ['Geradeaus Richtung {dir}', ' auf {road}'],
  3690. 'SlightRight':
  3691. ['Leicht rechts abbiegen', ' auf {road}'],
  3692. 'Right':
  3693. ['Rechts abbiegen', ' auf {road}'],
  3694. 'SharpRight':
  3695. ['Scharf rechts abbiegen', ' auf {road}'],
  3696. 'TurnAround':
  3697. ['Wenden'],
  3698. 'SharpLeft':
  3699. ['Scharf links abbiegen', ' auf {road}'],
  3700. 'Left':
  3701. ['Links abbiegen', ' auf {road}'],
  3702. 'SlightLeft':
  3703. ['Leicht links abbiegen', ' auf {road}'],
  3704. 'WaypointReached':
  3705. ['Zwischenhalt erreicht'],
  3706. 'Roundabout':
  3707. ['Nehmen Sie die {exitStr} Ausfahrt im Kreisverkehr', ' auf {road}'],
  3708. 'DestinationReached':
  3709. ['Sie haben ihr Ziel erreicht'],
  3710. 'Fork': ['An der Kreuzung {modifier}', ' auf {road}'],
  3711. 'Merge': ['Fahren Sie {modifier} weiter', ' auf {road}'],
  3712. 'OnRamp': ['Fahren Sie {modifier} auf die Auffahrt', ' auf {road}'],
  3713. 'OffRamp': ['Nehmen Sie die Ausfahrt {modifier}', ' auf {road}'],
  3714. 'EndOfRoad': ['Fahren Sie {modifier} am Ende der Straße', ' auf {road}'],
  3715. 'Onto': 'auf {road}'
  3716. },
  3717. formatOrder: function(n) {
  3718. return n + '.';
  3719. },
  3720. ui: {
  3721. startPlaceholder: 'Start',
  3722. viaPlaceholder: 'Via {viaNumber}',
  3723. endPlaceholder: 'Ziel'
  3724. }
  3725. },
  3726. 'sv': {
  3727. directions: {
  3728. N: 'norr',
  3729. NE: 'nordost',
  3730. E: 'öst',
  3731. SE: 'sydost',
  3732. S: 'syd',
  3733. SW: 'sydväst',
  3734. W: 'väst',
  3735. NW: 'nordväst',
  3736. SlightRight: 'svagt höger',
  3737. Right: 'höger',
  3738. SharpRight: 'skarpt höger',
  3739. SlightLeft: 'svagt vänster',
  3740. Left: 'vänster',
  3741. SharpLeft: 'skarpt vänster',
  3742. Uturn: 'Vänd'
  3743. },
  3744. instructions: {
  3745. // instruction, postfix if the road is named
  3746. 'Head':
  3747. ['Åk åt {dir}', ' till {road}'],
  3748. 'Continue':
  3749. ['Fortsätt {dir}'],
  3750. 'SlightRight':
  3751. ['Svagt höger', ' till {road}'],
  3752. 'Right':
  3753. ['Sväng höger', ' till {road}'],
  3754. 'SharpRight':
  3755. ['Skarpt höger', ' till {road}'],
  3756. 'TurnAround':
  3757. ['Vänd'],
  3758. 'SharpLeft':
  3759. ['Skarpt vänster', ' till {road}'],
  3760. 'Left':
  3761. ['Sväng vänster', ' till {road}'],
  3762. 'SlightLeft':
  3763. ['Svagt vänster', ' till {road}'],
  3764. 'WaypointReached':
  3765. ['Viapunkt nådd'],
  3766. 'Roundabout':
  3767. ['Tag {exitStr} avfarten i rondellen', ' till {road}'],
  3768. 'DestinationReached':
  3769. ['Framme vid resans mål'],
  3770. 'Fork': ['Tag av {modifier}', ' till {road}'],
  3771. 'Merge': ['Anslut {modifier} ', ' till {road}'],
  3772. 'OnRamp': ['Tag påfarten {modifier}', ' till {road}'],
  3773. 'OffRamp': ['Tag avfarten {modifier}', ' till {road}'],
  3774. 'EndOfRoad': ['Sväng {modifier} vid vägens slut', ' till {road}'],
  3775. 'Onto': 'till {road}'
  3776. },
  3777. formatOrder: function(n) {
  3778. return ['första', 'andra', 'tredje', 'fjärde', 'femte',
  3779. 'sjätte', 'sjunde', 'åttonde', 'nionde', 'tionde'
  3780. /* Can't possibly be more than ten exits, can there? */][n - 1];
  3781. },
  3782. ui: {
  3783. startPlaceholder: 'Från',
  3784. viaPlaceholder: 'Via {viaNumber}',
  3785. endPlaceholder: 'Till'
  3786. }
  3787. },
  3788. 'es': spanish,
  3789. 'sp': spanish,
  3790. 'nl': {
  3791. directions: {
  3792. N: 'noordelijke',
  3793. NE: 'noordoostelijke',
  3794. E: 'oostelijke',
  3795. SE: 'zuidoostelijke',
  3796. S: 'zuidelijke',
  3797. SW: 'zuidewestelijke',
  3798. W: 'westelijke',
  3799. NW: 'noordwestelijke'
  3800. },
  3801. instructions: {
  3802. // instruction, postfix if the road is named
  3803. 'Head':
  3804. ['Vertrek in {dir} richting', ' de {road} op'],
  3805. 'Continue':
  3806. ['Ga in {dir} richting', ' de {road} op'],
  3807. 'SlightRight':
  3808. ['Volg de weg naar rechts', ' de {road} op'],
  3809. 'Right':
  3810. ['Ga rechtsaf', ' de {road} op'],
  3811. 'SharpRight':
  3812. ['Ga scherpe bocht naar rechts', ' de {road} op'],
  3813. 'TurnAround':
  3814. ['Keer om'],
  3815. 'SharpLeft':
  3816. ['Ga scherpe bocht naar links', ' de {road} op'],
  3817. 'Left':
  3818. ['Ga linksaf', ' de {road} op'],
  3819. 'SlightLeft':
  3820. ['Volg de weg naar links', ' de {road} op'],
  3821. 'WaypointReached':
  3822. ['Aangekomen bij tussenpunt'],
  3823. 'Roundabout':
  3824. ['Neem de {exitStr} afslag op de rotonde', ' de {road} op'],
  3825. 'DestinationReached':
  3826. ['Aangekomen op eindpunt'],
  3827. },
  3828. formatOrder: function(n) {
  3829. if (n === 1 || n >= 20) {
  3830. return n + 'ste';
  3831. } else {
  3832. return n + 'de';
  3833. }
  3834. },
  3835. ui: {
  3836. startPlaceholder: 'Vertrekpunt',
  3837. viaPlaceholder: 'Via {viaNumber}',
  3838. endPlaceholder: 'Bestemming'
  3839. }
  3840. },
  3841. 'fr': {
  3842. directions: {
  3843. N: 'nord',
  3844. NE: 'nord-est',
  3845. E: 'est',
  3846. SE: 'sud-est',
  3847. S: 'sud',
  3848. SW: 'sud-ouest',
  3849. W: 'ouest',
  3850. NW: 'nord-ouest'
  3851. },
  3852. instructions: {
  3853. // instruction, postfix if the road is named
  3854. 'Head':
  3855. ['Tout droit au {dir}', ' sur {road}'],
  3856. 'Continue':
  3857. ['Continuer au {dir}', ' sur {road}'],
  3858. 'SlightRight':
  3859. ['Légèrement à droite', ' sur {road}'],
  3860. 'Right':
  3861. ['A droite', ' sur {road}'],
  3862. 'SharpRight':
  3863. ['Complètement à droite', ' sur {road}'],
  3864. 'TurnAround':
  3865. ['Faire demi-tour'],
  3866. 'SharpLeft':
  3867. ['Complètement à gauche', ' sur {road}'],
  3868. 'Left':
  3869. ['A gauche', ' sur {road}'],
  3870. 'SlightLeft':
  3871. ['Légèrement à gauche', ' sur {road}'],
  3872. 'WaypointReached':
  3873. ['Point d\'étape atteint'],
  3874. 'Roundabout':
  3875. ['Au rond-point, prenez la {exitStr} sortie', ' sur {road}'],
  3876. 'DestinationReached':
  3877. ['Destination atteinte'],
  3878. },
  3879. formatOrder: function(n) {
  3880. return n + 'º';
  3881. },
  3882. ui: {
  3883. startPlaceholder: 'Départ',
  3884. viaPlaceholder: 'Intermédiaire {viaNumber}',
  3885. endPlaceholder: 'Arrivée'
  3886. }
  3887. },
  3888. 'it': {
  3889. directions: {
  3890. N: 'nord',
  3891. NE: 'nord-est',
  3892. E: 'est',
  3893. SE: 'sud-est',
  3894. S: 'sud',
  3895. SW: 'sud-ovest',
  3896. W: 'ovest',
  3897. NW: 'nord-ovest'
  3898. },
  3899. instructions: {
  3900. // instruction, postfix if the road is named
  3901. 'Head':
  3902. ['Dritto verso {dir}', ' su {road}'],
  3903. 'Continue':
  3904. ['Continuare verso {dir}', ' su {road}'],
  3905. 'SlightRight':
  3906. ['Mantenere la destra', ' su {road}'],
  3907. 'Right':
  3908. ['A destra', ' su {road}'],
  3909. 'SharpRight':
  3910. ['Strettamente a destra', ' su {road}'],
  3911. 'TurnAround':
  3912. ['Fare inversione di marcia'],
  3913. 'SharpLeft':
  3914. ['Strettamente a sinistra', ' su {road}'],
  3915. 'Left':
  3916. ['A sinistra', ' sur {road}'],
  3917. 'SlightLeft':
  3918. ['Mantenere la sinistra', ' su {road}'],
  3919. 'WaypointReached':
  3920. ['Punto di passaggio raggiunto'],
  3921. 'Roundabout':
  3922. ['Alla rotonda, prendere la {exitStr} uscita'],
  3923. 'DestinationReached':
  3924. ['Destinazione raggiunta'],
  3925. },
  3926. formatOrder: function(n) {
  3927. return n + 'º';
  3928. },
  3929. ui: {
  3930. startPlaceholder: 'Partenza',
  3931. viaPlaceholder: 'Intermedia {viaNumber}',
  3932. endPlaceholder: 'Destinazione'
  3933. }
  3934. },
  3935. 'pt': {
  3936. directions: {
  3937. N: 'norte',
  3938. NE: 'nordeste',
  3939. E: 'leste',
  3940. SE: 'sudeste',
  3941. S: 'sul',
  3942. SW: 'sudoeste',
  3943. W: 'oeste',
  3944. NW: 'noroeste',
  3945. SlightRight: 'curva ligeira a direita',
  3946. Right: 'direita',
  3947. SharpRight: 'curva fechada a direita',
  3948. SlightLeft: 'ligeira a esquerda',
  3949. Left: 'esquerda',
  3950. SharpLeft: 'curva fechada a esquerda',
  3951. Uturn: 'Meia volta'
  3952. },
  3953. instructions: {
  3954. // instruction, postfix if the road is named
  3955. 'Head':
  3956. ['Siga {dir}', ' na {road}'],
  3957. 'Continue':
  3958. ['Continue {dir}', ' na {road}'],
  3959. 'SlightRight':
  3960. ['Curva ligeira a direita', ' na {road}'],
  3961. 'Right':
  3962. ['Curva a direita', ' na {road}'],
  3963. 'SharpRight':
  3964. ['Curva fechada a direita', ' na {road}'],
  3965. 'TurnAround':
  3966. ['Retorne'],
  3967. 'SharpLeft':
  3968. ['Curva fechada a esquerda', ' na {road}'],
  3969. 'Left':
  3970. ['Curva a esquerda', ' na {road}'],
  3971. 'SlightLeft':
  3972. ['Curva ligueira a esquerda', ' na {road}'],
  3973. 'WaypointReached':
  3974. ['Ponto de interesse atingido'],
  3975. 'Roundabout':
  3976. ['Pegue a {exitStr} saída na rotatória', ' na {road}'],
  3977. 'DestinationReached':
  3978. ['Destino atingido'],
  3979. 'Fork': ['Na encruzilhada, vire a {modifier}', ' na {road}'],
  3980. 'Merge': ['Entre à {modifier}', ' na {road}'],
  3981. 'OnRamp': ['Vire {modifier} na rampa', ' na {road}'],
  3982. 'OffRamp': ['Entre na rampa na {modifier}', ' na {road}'],
  3983. 'EndOfRoad': ['Vire {modifier} no fim da rua', ' na {road}'],
  3984. 'Onto': 'na {road}'
  3985. },
  3986. formatOrder: function(n) {
  3987. return n + 'º';
  3988. },
  3989. ui: {
  3990. startPlaceholder: 'Origem',
  3991. viaPlaceholder: 'Intermédio {viaNumber}',
  3992. endPlaceholder: 'Destino'
  3993. }
  3994. },
  3995. 'sk': {
  3996. directions: {
  3997. N: 'sever',
  3998. NE: 'serverovýchod',
  3999. E: 'východ',
  4000. SE: 'juhovýchod',
  4001. S: 'juh',
  4002. SW: 'juhozápad',
  4003. W: 'západ',
  4004. NW: 'serverozápad'
  4005. },
  4006. instructions: {
  4007. // instruction, postfix if the road is named
  4008. 'Head':
  4009. ['Mierte na {dir}', ' na {road}'],
  4010. 'Continue':
  4011. ['Pokračujte na {dir}', ' na {road}'],
  4012. 'SlightRight':
  4013. ['Mierne doprava', ' na {road}'],
  4014. 'Right':
  4015. ['Doprava', ' na {road}'],
  4016. 'SharpRight':
  4017. ['Prudko doprava', ' na {road}'],
  4018. 'TurnAround':
  4019. ['Otočte sa'],
  4020. 'SharpLeft':
  4021. ['Prudko doľava', ' na {road}'],
  4022. 'Left':
  4023. ['Doľava', ' na {road}'],
  4024. 'SlightLeft':
  4025. ['Mierne doľava', ' na {road}'],
  4026. 'WaypointReached':
  4027. ['Ste v prejazdovom bode.'],
  4028. 'Roundabout':
  4029. ['Odbočte na {exitStr} výjazde', ' na {road}'],
  4030. 'DestinationReached':
  4031. ['Prišli ste do cieľa.'],
  4032. },
  4033. formatOrder: function(n) {
  4034. var i = n % 10 - 1,
  4035. suffix = ['.', '.', '.'];
  4036. return suffix[i] ? n + suffix[i] : n + '.';
  4037. },
  4038. ui: {
  4039. startPlaceholder: 'Začiatok',
  4040. viaPlaceholder: 'Cez {viaNumber}',
  4041. endPlaceholder: 'Koniec'
  4042. }
  4043. },
  4044. 'el': {
  4045. directions: {
  4046. N: 'βόρεια',
  4047. NE: 'βορειοανατολικά',
  4048. E: 'ανατολικά',
  4049. SE: 'νοτιοανατολικά',
  4050. S: 'νότια',
  4051. SW: 'νοτιοδυτικά',
  4052. W: 'δυτικά',
  4053. NW: 'βορειοδυτικά'
  4054. },
  4055. instructions: {
  4056. // instruction, postfix if the road is named
  4057. 'Head':
  4058. ['Κατευθυνθείτε {dir}', ' στην {road}'],
  4059. 'Continue':
  4060. ['Συνεχίστε {dir}', ' στην {road}'],
  4061. 'SlightRight':
  4062. ['Ελαφρώς δεξιά', ' στην {road}'],
  4063. 'Right':
  4064. ['Δεξιά', ' στην {road}'],
  4065. 'SharpRight':
  4066. ['Απότομη δεξιά στροφή', ' στην {road}'],
  4067. 'TurnAround':
  4068. ['Κάντε αναστροφή'],
  4069. 'SharpLeft':
  4070. ['Απότομη αριστερή στροφή', ' στην {road}'],
  4071. 'Left':
  4072. ['Αριστερά', ' στην {road}'],
  4073. 'SlightLeft':
  4074. ['Ελαφρώς αριστερά', ' στην {road}'],
  4075. 'WaypointReached':
  4076. ['Φτάσατε στο σημείο αναφοράς'],
  4077. 'Roundabout':
  4078. ['Ακολουθήστε την {exitStr} έξοδο στο κυκλικό κόμβο', ' στην {road}'],
  4079. 'DestinationReached':
  4080. ['Φτάσατε στον προορισμό σας'],
  4081. },
  4082. formatOrder: function(n) {
  4083. return n + 'º';
  4084. },
  4085. ui: {
  4086. startPlaceholder: 'Αφετηρία',
  4087. viaPlaceholder: 'μέσω {viaNumber}',
  4088. endPlaceholder: 'Προορισμός'
  4089. }
  4090. },
  4091. 'ca': {
  4092. directions: {
  4093. N: 'nord',
  4094. NE: 'nord-est',
  4095. E: 'est',
  4096. SE: 'sud-est',
  4097. S: 'sud',
  4098. SW: 'sud-oest',
  4099. W: 'oest',
  4100. NW: 'nord-oest',
  4101. SlightRight: 'lleu gir a la dreta',
  4102. Right: 'dreta',
  4103. SharpRight: 'gir pronunciat a la dreta',
  4104. SlightLeft: 'gir pronunciat a l\'esquerra',
  4105. Left: 'esquerra',
  4106. SharpLeft: 'lleu gir a l\'esquerra',
  4107. Uturn: 'mitja volta'
  4108. },
  4109. instructions: {
  4110. 'Head':
  4111. ['Recte {dir}', ' sobre {road}'],
  4112. 'Continue':
  4113. ['Continuar {dir}'],
  4114. 'TurnAround':
  4115. ['Donar la volta'],
  4116. 'WaypointReached':
  4117. ['Ha arribat a un punt del camí'],
  4118. 'Roundabout':
  4119. ['Agafar {exitStr} sortida a la rotonda', ' a {road}'],
  4120. 'DestinationReached':
  4121. ['Arribada al destí'],
  4122. 'Fork': ['A la cruïlla gira a la {modifier}', ' cap a {road}'],
  4123. 'Merge': ['Incorpora\'t {modifier}', ' a {road}'],
  4124. 'OnRamp': ['Gira {modifier} a la sortida', ' cap a {road}'],
  4125. 'OffRamp': ['Pren la sortida {modifier}', ' cap a {road}'],
  4126. 'EndOfRoad': ['Gira {modifier} al final de la carretera', ' cap a {road}'],
  4127. 'Onto': 'cap a {road}'
  4128. },
  4129. formatOrder: function(n) {
  4130. return n + 'º';
  4131. },
  4132. ui: {
  4133. startPlaceholder: 'Origen',
  4134. viaPlaceholder: 'Via {viaNumber}',
  4135. endPlaceholder: 'Destí'
  4136. },
  4137. units: {
  4138. meters: 'm',
  4139. kilometers: 'km',
  4140. yards: 'yd',
  4141. miles: 'mi',
  4142. hours: 'h',
  4143. minutes: 'min',
  4144. seconds: 's'
  4145. }
  4146. },
  4147. 'ru': {
  4148. directions: {
  4149. N: 'север',
  4150. NE: 'северовосток',
  4151. E: 'восток',
  4152. SE: 'юговосток',
  4153. S: 'юг',
  4154. SW: 'югозапад',
  4155. W: 'запад',
  4156. NW: 'северозапад',
  4157. SlightRight: 'плавно направо',
  4158. Right: 'направо',
  4159. SharpRight: 'резко направо',
  4160. SlightLeft: 'плавно налево',
  4161. Left: 'налево',
  4162. SharpLeft: 'резко налево',
  4163. Uturn: 'развернуться'
  4164. },
  4165. instructions: {
  4166. 'Head':
  4167. ['Начать движение на {dir}', ' по {road}'],
  4168. 'Continue':
  4169. ['Продолжать движение на {dir}', ' по {road}'],
  4170. 'SlightRight':
  4171. ['Плавный поворот направо', ' на {road}'],
  4172. 'Right':
  4173. ['Направо', ' на {road}'],
  4174. 'SharpRight':
  4175. ['Резкий поворот направо', ' на {road}'],
  4176. 'TurnAround':
  4177. ['Развернуться'],
  4178. 'SharpLeft':
  4179. ['Резкий поворот налево', ' на {road}'],
  4180. 'Left':
  4181. ['Поворот налево', ' на {road}'],
  4182. 'SlightLeft':
  4183. ['Плавный поворот налево', ' на {road}'],
  4184. 'WaypointReached':
  4185. ['Точка достигнута'],
  4186. 'Roundabout':
  4187. ['{exitStr} съезд с кольца', ' на {road}'],
  4188. 'DestinationReached':
  4189. ['Окончание маршрута'],
  4190. 'Fork': ['На развилке поверните {modifier}', ' на {road}'],
  4191. 'Merge': ['Перестройтесь {modifier}', ' на {road}'],
  4192. 'OnRamp': ['Поверните {modifier} на съезд', ' на {road}'],
  4193. 'OffRamp': ['Съезжайте на {modifier}', ' на {road}'],
  4194. 'EndOfRoad': ['Поверните {modifier} в конце дороги', ' на {road}'],
  4195. 'Onto': 'на {road}'
  4196. },
  4197. formatOrder: function(n) {
  4198. return n + '-й';
  4199. },
  4200. ui: {
  4201. startPlaceholder: 'Начало',
  4202. viaPlaceholder: 'Через {viaNumber}',
  4203. endPlaceholder: 'Конец'
  4204. },
  4205. units: {
  4206. meters: 'м',
  4207. kilometers: 'км',
  4208. yards: 'ярд',
  4209. miles: 'ми',
  4210. hours: 'ч',
  4211. minutes: 'м',
  4212. seconds: 'с'
  4213. }
  4214. }
  4215. });
  4216. })();
  4217. },{}],20:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  4218. (function (global){
  4219. (function() {
  4220. 'use strict';
  4221. var L = (typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.L : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global.L : null);
  4222. var OSRMv1 = _dereq_('./osrm-v1');
  4223. /**
  4224. * Works against OSRM's new API in version 5.0; this has
  4225. * the API version v1.
  4226. */
  4227. module.exports = OSRMv1.extend({
  4228. options: {
  4229. serviceUrl: 'https://api.mapbox.com/directions/v5',
  4230. profile: 'mapbox/driving',
  4231. useHints: false
  4232. },
  4233. initialize: function(accessToken, options) {
  4234. L.Routing.OSRMv1.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
  4235. this.options.requestParameters = this.options.requestParameters || {};
  4236. /* jshint camelcase: false */
  4237. this.options.requestParameters.access_token = accessToken;
  4238. /* jshint camelcase: true */
  4239. }
  4240. });
  4241. })();
  4242. }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
  4243. },{"./osrm-v1":21}],21:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  4244. (function (global){
  4245. (function() {
  4246. 'use strict';
  4247. var L = (typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.L : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global.L : null),
  4248. corslite = _dereq_('corslite'),
  4249. polyline = _dereq_('polyline'),
  4250. osrmTextInstructions = _dereq_('osrm-text-instructions');
  4251. // Ignore camelcase naming for this file, since OSRM's API uses
  4252. // underscores.
  4253. /* jshint camelcase: false */
  4254. var Waypoint = _dereq_('./waypoint');
  4255. /**
  4256. * Works against OSRM's new API in version 5.0; this has
  4257. * the API version v1.
  4258. */
  4259. module.exports = L.Class.extend({
  4260. options: {
  4261. serviceUrl: '',
  4262. profile: 'driving',
  4263. timeout: 30 * 1000,
  4264. routingOptions: {
  4265. alternatives: true,
  4266. steps: true
  4267. },
  4268. polylinePrecision: 5,
  4269. useHints: true,
  4270. suppressDemoServerWarning: false,
  4271. language: 'en'
  4272. },
  4273. initialize: function(options) {
  4274. L.Util.setOptions(this, options);
  4275. this._hints = {
  4276. locations: {}
  4277. };
  4278. if (!this.options.suppressDemoServerWarning &&
  4279. this.options.serviceUrl.indexOf('//router.project-osrm.org') >= 0) {
  4280. console.warn('You are using OSRM\'s demo server. ' +
  4281. 'Please note that it is **NOT SUITABLE FOR PRODUCTION USE**.\n' +
  4282. 'Refer to the demo server\'s usage policy: ' +
  4283. 'https://github.com/Project-OSRM/osrm-backend/wiki/Api-usage-policy\n\n' +
  4284. 'To change, set the serviceUrl option.\n\n' +
  4285. 'Please do not report issues with this server to neither ' +
  4286. 'Leaflet Routing Machine or OSRM - it\'s for\n' +
  4287. 'demo only, and will sometimes not be available, or work in ' +
  4288. 'unexpected ways.\n\n' +
  4289. 'Please set up your own OSRM server, or use a paid service ' +
  4290. 'provider for production.');
  4291. }
  4292. },
  4293. route: function(waypoints, callback, context, options) {
  4294. var timedOut = false,
  4295. wps = [],
  4296. url,
  4297. timer,
  4298. wp,
  4299. i,
  4300. xhr;
  4301. options = L.extend({}, this.options.routingOptions, options);
  4302. url = this.buildRouteUrl(waypoints, options);
  4303. if (this.options.requestParameters) {
  4304. url += L.Util.getParamString(this.options.requestParameters, url);
  4305. }
  4306. timer = setTimeout(function() {
  4307. timedOut = true;
  4308. callback.call(context || callback, {
  4309. status: -1,
  4310. message: 'OSRM request timed out.'
  4311. });
  4312. }, this.options.timeout);
  4313. // Create a copy of the waypoints, since they
  4314. // might otherwise be asynchronously modified while
  4315. // the request is being processed.
  4316. for (i = 0; i < waypoints.length; i++) {
  4317. wp = waypoints[i];
  4318. wps.push(new Waypoint(wp.latLng, wp.name, wp.options));
  4319. }
  4320. return xhr = corslite(url, L.bind(function(err, resp) {
  4321. var data,
  4322. error = {};
  4323. clearTimeout(timer);
  4324. if (!timedOut) {
  4325. if (!err) {
  4326. try {
  4327. data = JSON.parse(resp.responseText);
  4328. try {
  4329. return this._routeDone(data, wps, options, callback, context);
  4330. } catch (ex) {
  4331. error.status = -3;
  4332. error.message = ex.toString();
  4333. }
  4334. } catch (ex) {
  4335. error.status = -2;
  4336. error.message = 'Error parsing OSRM response: ' + ex.toString();
  4337. }
  4338. } else {
  4339. error.message = 'HTTP request failed: ' + err.type +
  4340. (err.target && err.target.status ? ' HTTP ' + err.target.status + ': ' + err.target.statusText : '');
  4341. error.url = url;
  4342. error.status = -1;
  4343. error.target = err;
  4344. }
  4345. callback.call(context || callback, error);
  4346. } else {
  4347. xhr.abort();
  4348. }
  4349. }, this));
  4350. },
  4351. requiresMoreDetail: function(route, zoom, bounds) {
  4352. if (!route.properties.isSimplified) {
  4353. return false;
  4354. }
  4355. var waypoints = route.inputWaypoints,
  4356. i;
  4357. for (i = 0; i < waypoints.length; ++i) {
  4358. if (!bounds.contains(waypoints[i].latLng)) {
  4359. return true;
  4360. }
  4361. }
  4362. return false;
  4363. },
  4364. _routeDone: function(response, inputWaypoints, options, callback, context) {
  4365. var alts = [],
  4366. actualWaypoints,
  4367. i,
  4368. route;
  4369. context = context || callback;
  4370. if (response.code !== 'Ok') {
  4371. callback.call(context, {
  4372. status: response.code
  4373. });
  4374. return;
  4375. }
  4376. actualWaypoints = this._toWaypoints(inputWaypoints, response.waypoints);
  4377. for (i = 0; i < response.routes.length; i++) {
  4378. route = this._convertRoute(response.routes[i]);
  4379. route.inputWaypoints = inputWaypoints;
  4380. route.waypoints = actualWaypoints;
  4381. route.properties = {isSimplified: !options || !options.geometryOnly || options.simplifyGeometry};
  4382. alts.push(route);
  4383. }
  4384. this._saveHintData(response.waypoints, inputWaypoints);
  4385. callback.call(context, null, alts);
  4386. },
  4387. _convertRoute: function(responseRoute) {
  4388. var result = {
  4389. name: '',
  4390. coordinates: [],
  4391. instructions: [],
  4392. summary: {
  4393. totalDistance: responseRoute.distance,
  4394. totalTime: responseRoute.duration
  4395. }
  4396. },
  4397. legNames = [],
  4398. waypointIndices = [],
  4399. index = 0,
  4400. legCount = responseRoute.legs.length,
  4401. hasSteps = responseRoute.legs[0].steps.length > 0,
  4402. i,
  4403. j,
  4404. leg,
  4405. step,
  4406. geometry,
  4407. type,
  4408. modifier,
  4409. text,
  4410. stepToText;
  4411. if (this.options.stepToText) {
  4412. stepToText = this.options.stepToText;
  4413. } else {
  4414. var textInstructions = osrmTextInstructions('v5', this.options.language);
  4415. stepToText = textInstructions.compile.bind(textInstructions);
  4416. }
  4417. for (i = 0; i < legCount; i++) {
  4418. leg = responseRoute.legs[i];
  4419. legNames.push(leg.summary && leg.summary.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + leg.summary.substring(1));
  4420. for (j = 0; j < leg.steps.length; j++) {
  4421. step = leg.steps[j];
  4422. geometry = this._decodePolyline(step.geometry);
  4423. result.coordinates.push.apply(result.coordinates, geometry);
  4424. type = this._maneuverToInstructionType(step.maneuver, i === legCount - 1);
  4425. modifier = this._maneuverToModifier(step.maneuver);
  4426. text = stepToText(step);
  4427. if (type) {
  4428. if ((i == 0 && step.maneuver.type == 'depart') || step.maneuver.type == 'arrive') {
  4429. waypointIndices.push(index);
  4430. }
  4431. result.instructions.push({
  4432. type: type,
  4433. distance: step.distance,
  4434. time: step.duration,
  4435. road: step.name,
  4436. direction: this._bearingToDirection(step.maneuver.bearing_after),
  4437. exit: step.maneuver.exit,
  4438. index: index,
  4439. mode: step.mode,
  4440. modifier: modifier,
  4441. text: text
  4442. });
  4443. }
  4444. index += geometry.length;
  4445. }
  4446. }
  4447. result.name = legNames.join(', ');
  4448. if (!hasSteps) {
  4449. result.coordinates = this._decodePolyline(responseRoute.geometry);
  4450. } else {
  4451. result.waypointIndices = waypointIndices;
  4452. }
  4453. return result;
  4454. },
  4455. _bearingToDirection: function(bearing) {
  4456. var oct = Math.round(bearing / 45) % 8;
  4457. return ['N', 'NE', 'E', 'SE', 'S', 'SW', 'W', 'NW'][oct];
  4458. },
  4459. _maneuverToInstructionType: function(maneuver, lastLeg) {
  4460. switch (maneuver.type) {
  4461. case 'new name':
  4462. return 'Continue';
  4463. case 'depart':
  4464. return 'Head';
  4465. case 'arrive':
  4466. return lastLeg ? 'DestinationReached' : 'WaypointReached';
  4467. case 'roundabout':
  4468. case 'rotary':
  4469. return 'Roundabout';
  4470. case 'merge':
  4471. case 'fork':
  4472. case 'on ramp':
  4473. case 'off ramp':
  4474. case 'end of road':
  4475. return this._camelCase(maneuver.type);
  4476. // These are all reduced to the same instruction in the current model
  4477. //case 'turn':
  4478. //case 'ramp': // deprecated in v5.1
  4479. default:
  4480. return this._camelCase(maneuver.modifier);
  4481. }
  4482. },
  4483. _maneuverToModifier: function(maneuver) {
  4484. var modifier = maneuver.modifier;
  4485. switch (maneuver.type) {
  4486. case 'merge':
  4487. case 'fork':
  4488. case 'on ramp':
  4489. case 'off ramp':
  4490. case 'end of road':
  4491. modifier = this._leftOrRight(modifier);
  4492. }
  4493. return modifier && this._camelCase(modifier);
  4494. },
  4495. _camelCase: function(s) {
  4496. var words = s.split(' '),
  4497. result = '';
  4498. for (var i = 0, l = words.length; i < l; i++) {
  4499. result += words[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + words[i].substring(1);
  4500. }
  4501. return result;
  4502. },
  4503. _leftOrRight: function(d) {
  4504. return d.indexOf('left') >= 0 ? 'Left' : 'Right';
  4505. },
  4506. _decodePolyline: function(routeGeometry) {
  4507. var cs = polyline.decode(routeGeometry, this.options.polylinePrecision),
  4508. result = new Array(cs.length),
  4509. i;
  4510. for (i = cs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  4511. result[i] = L.latLng(cs[i]);
  4512. }
  4513. return result;
  4514. },
  4515. _toWaypoints: function(inputWaypoints, vias) {
  4516. var wps = [],
  4517. i,
  4518. viaLoc;
  4519. for (i = 0; i < vias.length; i++) {
  4520. viaLoc = vias[i].location;
  4521. wps.push(new Waypoint(L.latLng(viaLoc[1], viaLoc[0]),
  4522. inputWaypoints[i].name,
  4523. inputWaypoints[i].options));
  4524. }
  4525. return wps;
  4526. },
  4527. buildRouteUrl: function(waypoints, options) {
  4528. var locs = [],
  4529. hints = [],
  4530. wp,
  4531. latLng,
  4532. computeInstructions,
  4533. computeAlternative = true;
  4534. for (var i = 0; i < waypoints.length; i++) {
  4535. wp = waypoints[i];
  4536. latLng = wp.latLng;
  4537. locs.push(latLng.lng + ',' + latLng.lat);
  4538. hints.push(this._hints.locations[this._locationKey(latLng)] || '');
  4539. }
  4540. computeInstructions =
  4541. true;
  4542. return this.options.serviceUrl + '/' + this.options.profile + '/' +
  4543. locs.join(';') + '?' +
  4544. (options.geometryOnly ? (options.simplifyGeometry ? '' : 'overview=full') : 'overview=false') +
  4545. '&alternatives=' + computeAlternative.toString() +
  4546. '&steps=' + computeInstructions.toString() +
  4547. (this.options.useHints ? '&hints=' + hints.join(';') : '') +
  4548. (options.allowUTurns ? '&continue_straight=' + !options.allowUTurns : '');
  4549. },
  4550. _locationKey: function(location) {
  4551. return location.lat + ',' + location.lng;
  4552. },
  4553. _saveHintData: function(actualWaypoints, waypoints) {
  4554. var loc;
  4555. this._hints = {
  4556. locations: {}
  4557. };
  4558. for (var i = actualWaypoints.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  4559. loc = waypoints[i].latLng;
  4560. this._hints.locations[this._locationKey(loc)] = actualWaypoints[i].hint;
  4561. }
  4562. },
  4563. });
  4564. })();
  4565. }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
  4566. },{"./waypoint":23,"corslite":1,"osrm-text-instructions":2,"polyline":9}],22:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  4567. (function (global){
  4568. (function() {
  4569. 'use strict';
  4570. var L = (typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.L : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global.L : null);
  4571. var GeocoderElement = _dereq_('./geocoder-element');
  4572. var Waypoint = _dereq_('./waypoint');
  4573. module.exports = (L.Layer || L.Class).extend({
  4574. includes: L.Mixin.Events,
  4575. options: {
  4576. dragStyles: [
  4577. {color: 'black', opacity: 0.15, weight: 9},
  4578. {color: 'white', opacity: 0.8, weight: 6},
  4579. {color: 'red', opacity: 1, weight: 2, dashArray: '7,12'}
  4580. ],
  4581. draggableWaypoints: true,
  4582. routeWhileDragging: false,
  4583. addWaypoints: true,
  4584. reverseWaypoints: false,
  4585. addButtonClassName: '',
  4586. language: 'en',
  4587. createGeocoderElement: function(wp, i, nWps, plan) {
  4588. return new GeocoderElement(wp, i, nWps, plan);
  4589. },
  4590. createMarker: function(i, wp) {
  4591. var options = {
  4592. draggable: this.draggableWaypoints
  4593. },
  4594. marker = L.marker(wp.latLng, options);
  4595. return marker;
  4596. },
  4597. geocodersClassName: ''
  4598. },
  4599. initialize: function(waypoints, options) {
  4600. L.Util.setOptions(this, options);
  4601. this._waypoints = [];
  4602. this.setWaypoints(waypoints);
  4603. },
  4604. isReady: function() {
  4605. var i;
  4606. for (i = 0; i < this._waypoints.length; i++) {
  4607. if (!this._waypoints[i].latLng) {
  4608. return false;
  4609. }
  4610. }
  4611. return true;
  4612. },
  4613. getWaypoints: function() {
  4614. var i,
  4615. wps = [];
  4616. for (i = 0; i < this._waypoints.length; i++) {
  4617. wps.push(this._waypoints[i]);
  4618. }
  4619. return wps;
  4620. },
  4621. setWaypoints: function(waypoints) {
  4622. var args = [0, this._waypoints.length].concat(waypoints);
  4623. this.spliceWaypoints.apply(this, args);
  4624. return this;
  4625. },
  4626. spliceWaypoints: function() {
  4627. var args = [arguments[0], arguments[1]],
  4628. i;
  4629. for (i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
  4630. args.push(arguments[i] && arguments[i].hasOwnProperty('latLng') ? arguments[i] : new Waypoint(arguments[i]));
  4631. }
  4632. [].splice.apply(this._waypoints, args);
  4633. // Make sure there's always at least two waypoints
  4634. while (this._waypoints.length < 2) {
  4635. this.spliceWaypoints(this._waypoints.length, 0, null);
  4636. }
  4637. this._updateMarkers();
  4638. this._fireChanged.apply(this, args);
  4639. },
  4640. onAdd: function(map) {
  4641. this._map = map;
  4642. this._updateMarkers();
  4643. },
  4644. onRemove: function() {
  4645. var i;
  4646. this._removeMarkers();
  4647. if (this._newWp) {
  4648. for (i = 0; i < this._newWp.lines.length; i++) {
  4649. this._map.removeLayer(this._newWp.lines[i]);
  4650. }
  4651. }
  4652. delete this._map;
  4653. },
  4654. createGeocoders: function() {
  4655. var container = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-routing-geocoders ' + this.options.geocodersClassName),
  4656. waypoints = this._waypoints,
  4657. addWpBtn,
  4658. reverseBtn;
  4659. this._geocoderContainer = container;
  4660. this._geocoderElems = [];
  4661. if (this.options.addWaypoints) {
  4662. addWpBtn = L.DomUtil.create('button', 'leaflet-routing-add-waypoint ' + this.options.addButtonClassName, container);
  4663. addWpBtn.setAttribute('type', 'button');
  4664. L.DomEvent.addListener(addWpBtn, 'click', function() {
  4665. this.spliceWaypoints(waypoints.length, 0, null);
  4666. }, this);
  4667. }
  4668. if (this.options.reverseWaypoints) {
  4669. reverseBtn = L.DomUtil.create('button', 'leaflet-routing-reverse-waypoints', container);
  4670. reverseBtn.setAttribute('type', 'button');
  4671. L.DomEvent.addListener(reverseBtn, 'click', function() {
  4672. this._waypoints.reverse();
  4673. this.setWaypoints(this._waypoints);
  4674. }, this);
  4675. }
  4676. this._updateGeocoders();
  4677. this.on('waypointsspliced', this._updateGeocoders);
  4678. return container;
  4679. },
  4680. _createGeocoder: function(i) {
  4681. var geocoder = this.options.createGeocoderElement(this._waypoints[i], i, this._waypoints.length, this.options);
  4682. geocoder
  4683. .on('delete', function() {
  4684. if (i > 0 || this._waypoints.length > 2) {
  4685. this.spliceWaypoints(i, 1);
  4686. } else {
  4687. this.spliceWaypoints(i, 1, new Waypoint());
  4688. }
  4689. }, this)
  4690. .on('geocoded', function(e) {
  4691. this._updateMarkers();
  4692. this._fireChanged();
  4693. this._focusGeocoder(i + 1);
  4694. this.fire('waypointgeocoded', {
  4695. waypointIndex: i,
  4696. waypoint: e.waypoint
  4697. });
  4698. }, this)
  4699. .on('reversegeocoded', function(e) {
  4700. this.fire('waypointgeocoded', {
  4701. waypointIndex: i,
  4702. waypoint: e.waypoint
  4703. });
  4704. }, this);
  4705. return geocoder;
  4706. },
  4707. _updateGeocoders: function() {
  4708. var elems = [],
  4709. i,
  4710. geocoderElem;
  4711. for (i = 0; i < this._geocoderElems.length; i++) {
  4712. this._geocoderContainer.removeChild(this._geocoderElems[i].getContainer());
  4713. }
  4714. for (i = this._waypoints.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  4715. geocoderElem = this._createGeocoder(i);
  4716. this._geocoderContainer.insertBefore(geocoderElem.getContainer(), this._geocoderContainer.firstChild);
  4717. elems.push(geocoderElem);
  4718. }
  4719. this._geocoderElems = elems.reverse();
  4720. },
  4721. _removeMarkers: function() {
  4722. var i;
  4723. if (this._markers) {
  4724. for (i = 0; i < this._markers.length; i++) {
  4725. if (this._markers[i]) {
  4726. this._map.removeLayer(this._markers[i]);
  4727. }
  4728. }
  4729. }
  4730. this._markers = [];
  4731. },
  4732. _updateMarkers: function() {
  4733. var i,
  4734. m;
  4735. if (!this._map) {
  4736. return;
  4737. }
  4738. this._removeMarkers();
  4739. for (i = 0; i < this._waypoints.length; i++) {
  4740. if (this._waypoints[i].latLng) {
  4741. m = this.options.createMarker(i, this._waypoints[i], this._waypoints.length);
  4742. if (m) {
  4743. m.addTo(this._map);
  4744. if (this.options.draggableWaypoints) {
  4745. this._hookWaypointEvents(m, i);
  4746. }
  4747. }
  4748. } else {
  4749. m = null;
  4750. }
  4751. this._markers.push(m);
  4752. }
  4753. },
  4754. _fireChanged: function() {
  4755. this.fire('waypointschanged', {waypoints: this.getWaypoints()});
  4756. if (arguments.length >= 2) {
  4757. this.fire('waypointsspliced', {
  4758. index: Array.prototype.shift.call(arguments),
  4759. nRemoved: Array.prototype.shift.call(arguments),
  4760. added: arguments
  4761. });
  4762. }
  4763. },
  4764. _hookWaypointEvents: function(m, i, trackMouseMove) {
  4765. var eventLatLng = function(e) {
  4766. return trackMouseMove ? e.latlng : e.target.getLatLng();
  4767. },
  4768. dragStart = L.bind(function(e) {
  4769. this.fire('waypointdragstart', {index: i, latlng: eventLatLng(e)});
  4770. }, this),
  4771. drag = L.bind(function(e) {
  4772. this._waypoints[i].latLng = eventLatLng(e);
  4773. this.fire('waypointdrag', {index: i, latlng: eventLatLng(e)});
  4774. }, this),
  4775. dragEnd = L.bind(function(e) {
  4776. this._waypoints[i].latLng = eventLatLng(e);
  4777. this._waypoints[i].name = '';
  4778. if (this._geocoderElems) {
  4779. this._geocoderElems[i].update(true);
  4780. }
  4781. this.fire('waypointdragend', {index: i, latlng: eventLatLng(e)});
  4782. this._fireChanged();
  4783. }, this),
  4784. mouseMove,
  4785. mouseUp;
  4786. if (trackMouseMove) {
  4787. mouseMove = L.bind(function(e) {
  4788. this._markers[i].setLatLng(e.latlng);
  4789. drag(e);
  4790. }, this);
  4791. mouseUp = L.bind(function(e) {
  4792. this._map.dragging.enable();
  4793. this._map.off('mouseup', mouseUp);
  4794. this._map.off('mousemove', mouseMove);
  4795. dragEnd(e);
  4796. }, this);
  4797. this._map.dragging.disable();
  4798. this._map.on('mousemove', mouseMove);
  4799. this._map.on('mouseup', mouseUp);
  4800. dragStart({latlng: this._waypoints[i].latLng});
  4801. } else {
  4802. m.on('dragstart', dragStart);
  4803. m.on('drag', drag);
  4804. m.on('dragend', dragEnd);
  4805. }
  4806. },
  4807. dragNewWaypoint: function(e) {
  4808. var newWpIndex = e.afterIndex + 1;
  4809. if (this.options.routeWhileDragging) {
  4810. this.spliceWaypoints(newWpIndex, 0, e.latlng);
  4811. this._hookWaypointEvents(this._markers[newWpIndex], newWpIndex, true);
  4812. } else {
  4813. this._dragNewWaypoint(newWpIndex, e.latlng);
  4814. }
  4815. },
  4816. _dragNewWaypoint: function(newWpIndex, initialLatLng) {
  4817. var wp = new Waypoint(initialLatLng),
  4818. prevWp = this._waypoints[newWpIndex - 1],
  4819. nextWp = this._waypoints[newWpIndex],
  4820. marker = this.options.createMarker(newWpIndex, wp, this._waypoints.length + 1),
  4821. lines = [],
  4822. draggingEnabled = this._map.dragging.enabled(),
  4823. mouseMove = L.bind(function(e) {
  4824. var i,
  4825. latLngs;
  4826. if (marker) {
  4827. marker.setLatLng(e.latlng);
  4828. }
  4829. for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
  4830. latLngs = lines[i].getLatLngs();
  4831. latLngs.splice(1, 1, e.latlng);
  4832. lines[i].setLatLngs(latLngs);
  4833. }
  4834. L.DomEvent.stop(e);
  4835. }, this),
  4836. mouseUp = L.bind(function(e) {
  4837. var i;
  4838. if (marker) {
  4839. this._map.removeLayer(marker);
  4840. }
  4841. for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
  4842. this._map.removeLayer(lines[i]);
  4843. }
  4844. this._map.off('mousemove', mouseMove);
  4845. this._map.off('mouseup', mouseUp);
  4846. this.spliceWaypoints(newWpIndex, 0, e.latlng);
  4847. if (draggingEnabled) {
  4848. this._map.dragging.enable();
  4849. }
  4850. }, this),
  4851. i;
  4852. if (marker) {
  4853. marker.addTo(this._map);
  4854. }
  4855. for (i = 0; i < this.options.dragStyles.length; i++) {
  4856. lines.push(L.polyline([prevWp.latLng, initialLatLng, nextWp.latLng],
  4857. this.options.dragStyles[i]).addTo(this._map));
  4858. }
  4859. if (draggingEnabled) {
  4860. this._map.dragging.disable();
  4861. }
  4862. this._map.on('mousemove', mouseMove);
  4863. this._map.on('mouseup', mouseUp);
  4864. },
  4865. _focusGeocoder: function(i) {
  4866. if (this._geocoderElems[i]) {
  4867. this._geocoderElems[i].focus();
  4868. } else {
  4869. document.activeElement.blur();
  4870. }
  4871. }
  4872. });
  4873. })();
  4874. }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
  4875. },{"./geocoder-element":14,"./waypoint":23}],23:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
  4876. (function (global){
  4877. (function() {
  4878. 'use strict';
  4879. var L = (typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.L : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global.L : null);
  4880. module.exports = L.Class.extend({
  4881. options: {
  4882. allowUTurn: false,
  4883. },
  4884. initialize: function(latLng, name, options) {
  4885. L.Util.setOptions(this, options);
  4886. this.latLng = L.latLng(latLng);
  4887. this.name = name;
  4888. }
  4889. });
  4890. })();
  4891. }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
  4892. },{}]},{},[15]);